Pain in the Head!

The Bus Stop on the Way Home

Finished with another day of this hell hole that they call a school.

As the last bell of the day rang, I was one of the last to exit the classroom. I was in no rush. I had gathered my belongings and had walked out into the hallway .I walked to my locker and took my time putting away all of my books, all of the except for one.

I had spent the better part of all my afternoon classes reading the book that I had taken from the library, “Unlocking your Brain”. It was an entertaining read for the time being.

I put the book in my bag before closing my locker. I turned around to face only to come face to face with Erik. I jumped back, my back hitting the locker.

“Jesus Christ Erik, you scared the living hell out of me!”

“Sorry,” he apologized. “Just thought I'd walk you to the bus stop, if you don’t mind.”

“No, c’mon,” I said after thinking about it.

Erik and I walked outside. It was still raining and I mentally cursed myself for not bringing an umbrella. I walked at a more vigorous pace than usual. My head was pounding. It felt as if something in my skull was trying to push its way out. All I wanted to do was get home, swallow some aspirin and sleep the damn thing off.

nearly there now... all I have to do is get pass the bus stop safely then I’m home free

The bus stop was the last obstacle to be navigated before I would be officially free from school. A few people from my class were assembled there, waiting for the bus to arrive. Among them were Nancy and her followers. I could see them standing close to a boy whom I didn’t recognize. Nancy was giggling at something he’d just said was probably trying to flirt with him.

Looking at the ground, I tried to make myself as unnoticeable and quiet as possible as I walked past. It failed. Almost instinctively, Nancy turned around and fixed me with a mocking glare.

“You don't creep by that easily kitty cat Katharine,” she said maliciously. “Slinking back into your cardboard box? You must be! We all know you’re too poor to own a house.”

Ignore her, don’t let it get under your skin

“Oh, so is this the girl you told me about?” asked the boy. “She’s a lot uglier in person... you never said she was fat as well.”

“Fat? No, the dog faced bitch is fucking obese. And a slut to, but she’s too gross,” Nancy laughed. “She has to pay the men to screw her. Not the other way around.”

A few people at the bus stop laughed. My hands balled into fists, squeezing so tightly that my nails cut neat bloody half moons into the palms of my hands. Erik must’ve taken notice of this.

“C’mon Nancy, leave her alone!” he said stepping up to Nancy.

“Oh come off it Erik,” said Nancy. “Since when do you care about this piece of trash anyway?”

“Stop it Nancy. She’s cool.”

“Whatever,” she said before turning to me. “Hey Kat? Did you wonder why Erik here was being so nice to you? Well let me tell you a little secret. Erik is my boyfriend, and the only reason he was nice to is because when he got you to trust him enough, he was going to find some way to embarrass you in front of the whole school.

Don't’ say a word... Don’t sink to their level. Whatever you do, don’t sink.

The pain in my head started to build again. It hurt so much that my eyes began to water. The edges of my vision had blurred a little.

“Awww look, she’s crying again,” said Nancy in a mockingly childish voice. “Poor baby, how many times is that today... four? Five?”

Nancy’s followers laughed and I snapped.

I heard someone shouting. “Shut up! Shut up! Just shut the hell up!” I didn’t realize until afterwards that it had been me. It felt surreal, as if I no longer had control over my body, becoming just another stunned observer.

“I can’t take this anymore!” Fat hot tears had begun to slide down my cheeks. “Stop it already! I never did anything to you!”

The crowd at the bus stop broke into a chorus of screeching laughter.


The white hot energy building up in my brain decided to make its presence known once again. I yelled out in pain. Refusing to be contained any longer, power spilled out to act upon the first target it came in contact with. Smashing into the pexiglass of the bus stop shelter window, the force of the impact had shattered it into a thousand pieces. Silence overcame the crowd.
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One chapter left (and maybe an epilogue)! I'm gonna miss this story. Last part should be out latter today or tomorrow! Don't miss the exciting conclusion of "Pain in the Head!"