Status: Still typing :)))

Yours, Mine


She sighed as her eyes kept on staring at the white ceiling. Caroline tried to take her mind off of Klaus and focus on school but it seems to be too difficult for her. She shifted her attention towards the new sewing machine in her room. Klaus sent her 'friends' to look after her and materials for her first show not too long ago but did he really have to send her a sewing machine? She knows that it'll help her because of the industry that she ventured in but it was too much.

To add up to her stress and confusion was the letter telling her to use it well and blah blah blah. Of course, she wasn't allowed to return it... not that she wanted to.

"You know... staring at the ceiling for such a long period of time isn't really gonna make the problem go away, Care." Caroline's eyes traveled and found Jessica standing in her bedroom doorway. She was holding four food containers. Actually, it became their weekly routine. Jessica was an excellent cook and she'd cook for Caroline and their other friends to meet up at the Salvatore's house and eat their heart out. Of course, Caroline still fed on blood with Damon sending her tons of Type B every three months.
"I know that, Jess but the Daddy Hybrid is taking the whole mile this time. I mean, I can use it if I have to work late but I could borrow or rent something. He doesn't really have to do all these things for me." Caroline said.

"Did you just say 'Daddy Hybrid'? That's new. Well, considering the fact that Luke and I are in between, I think we're the 'kids' who are suffering from the divorce that 'our parents' got." Jessica said as she went to the kitchen to prepare the food. Caroline followed her, "It's not funny, Jess. And we're not going through a divorce. Klaus and I are just trying to be part of each other's lives even if he doesn't let me in his... Urgh! This is so frustrating." she added as she opened the food container with fried chicken in it and began to eat it. "Don't worry too much, Caroline. He'll come around and I'm not saying this because I'm sired to him. It's because you're my friend." Jessica said as she smiled at the blonde vampire who was eating all of the chicken.


"Bonjour, Chef Pierre! Deux muffins d'airelle, s'il vous plaît." Caroline said as she paid at the counter for her order. She loved their freshly baked pastries that she won't go a day without eating a muffin or two. "Dites merci!"

When she got out of the restaurant, she headed to her part-time job at the small dress shop a couple of blocks away. She thought that working here can be a nice past-time since she doesn't have classes yet.

She happily munched on the muffins as she got to her destination. "Bonjour, Mme. Jacqueline." she greeted her boss. Mrs. Jacqueline Russo was a beautiful woman around the age of 50. Her husband died of cancer and her daughter and two sons have already married. The woman reminded Caroline of what she can't have anymore, to grow old and have a family. Of course, if Klaus was here, he'd tell her that she shouldn't bother with such trivial things. "Bonjour, Caroline. Have you spoken to him yet?" Mrs. Jacqueline asked her. The blonde vampire stared at the woman with a confused look on her face, "What are you talking about?"

Jacqueline said, "Oh s'il vous plaît, Caroline! I'm talking about your petit ami." The woman wasn't a stranger to the American's love life. They often talked about it whenever she couldn't finish a dress in time because she's frustrated about Klaus or Tyler. Caroline feigned innocence, "I don't have a boyfriend, Mrs. Jacqueline."
"Nonsense! You say that you don't have a boyfriend yet when you stop and sigh during making a dress, it shows that you have a problem with someone very special to your heart. Don't act like you can fool me, mon cher." The woman said as she drank from her coffee cup, she kept on eyeing Caroline who was fidgeting at the moment. "I... We haven't spoken since he called me months ago. I'm getting frustrated with the way our relationship is going... if there is one." Caroline blurted out. It's been months since he called her and told her that she shouldn't follow him. She doesn't even know if they are in a relationship let alone have something special. All she knows is that when Klaus sends her gifts or when he tries to be charming, her heart would flutter and she'd smile when she thinks about it.

"Don't worry, mon cher. When the right time comes, he'll come to his senses. But you don't have to wait forever, you know. Sometimes, waiting can cause heartbreak especially when you have nothing to wait for anymore."

Jacqueline's words struck her. The woman was right. Waiting for Klaus to commit to her was like waiting for rain in the desert.


Caroline stared at her phone and slowly searched for Klaus' phone number on her phone. When she finally found it, her thumb flexed for the call button and she placed her phone near her ear. It rang endlessly but he finally answered, "Caroline, love."
She smiled when she heard him say her name, "Hey... bonté de remerciement."
"Vous vous améliorez au fait de parler le français, l'amour. What's wrong?" he asked. When he spoke French, her heart just melted.
"I just thought that you won't speak like last time..." she said then leaned against the window pane.
Klaus chuckled and said, "Don't worry... I won't hang up like I did last time."
It made her smile that he was reassuring her. "Paris... feels empty without you."

"Empty? No, it's not. You have friends there now and Rebekah, and Stefan will go there, right?" He said.
Caroline scoffed, "I'm pretty sure I know what I'm saying when I said it feels empty without you here. I mean, weren't you the one who said that you'll take me anywhere and that you'll show me the world and its genuine beauty? But you're not here, Klaus!"

"Caroline, come on. Don't be angry." He told her. Of course, Caroline just grunted and sighed on the other side. "Empty is empty, Klaus. I'm not gonna wait forever for you." She said.
"Of course, you won't. Goodbye for now, mon amour." He hung up before Caroline could even say anything. She angrily threw her phone on her bed and sat on the floor.

"Why do you always make things so difficult!?"
♠ ♠ ♠
*Bonjour, Chef Pierre! Deux muffins d'airelle, s'il vous plaît. - "Good Morning, Chef Pierre! Two blueberry muffins, please."
*Dites merci! - "Thank you!"
*Bonjour, Mme. Jacqueline. - "Good Morning, Mrs. Jacqueline."
*Oh s'il vous plaît - "Oh please"; *petit ami - "boyfriend/sweetheart"
*mon cher - "my dear/dear"
*bonté de remerciement - "thank goodness"
*Vous vous améliorez au fait de parler le français, l'amour. - "You're getting good at speaking French, love."
*Mon Amour - "My love"

--Ah French! So romantic. : )