Status: Still typing :)))

Yours, Mine


And here I am waiting for him to call me... wait, of course he won't call me. I just told him that I won't wait for him forever, that's like saying, 'Don't call me anymore" or some things like that. But why does it feel like there's large hole in my heart right now? I miss him.

A few days passed and I still haven't heard from him. Stefan and Rebekah were here a couple of days ago to visit me. The three of us had a great time sight seeing and hanging out like old friends. For the first time in my life, my mind wasn't filled with Klaus-related thoughts. Whenever Stefan would sleep the entire day, Rebekah and I would go shopping and talk about what happened while she was with Stefan in California. Apparently, the two of them have gotten really close since I last saw them. Surprisingly, I think they look good together too.

"You seem happy." I sat next to Stefan, who was busy staring at a distance. He sat on the rose-colored couch while drinking his wine. Rebekah just got in to the shower and I took the opportunity to interrogate my good old friend and mentor.
There goes the signature smile of the Salvatores. He chuckled and said, "I guess you could say that. She's been there for me all the time. No matter how much I brood over my love for Elena, Rebekah manages to pull me out my misery."

Pull him out his misery, huh? Well, this is one lucky man. "Good for you then. By the way, have you heard from him?" I told him.
He sighed and said, "Unfortunately, I haven't. Rebekah and I are always together and whenever he calls, he'll just ask us how we're doing and that's it but he stopped checking on us a week ago."

My chest feels very tight. I have a feeling that something is wrong this time. He won't stop calling us, not without reason and I have to find it out.

My thoughts were kind of interrupted when my phone rang. Inside my head, I was fighting against myself if I should answer it or not. But to no avail, I did answer it. "Caroline, it's Tyler. Come back to Mystic Falls."

Tyler? He wants me to come back after all of the things he said to me... what's he up to?
"Look, if you want to get back together--"

"Just book a flight for tomorrow. We have some great news for you. I'll see you. Bye."

Before I could even answer him, he hung up. Now, all I have to do is fly back to Mystic Falls and see what he's up to.
"Tyler wants me to come back home. It seems urgent though." I told Stefan. Rebekah came out of the bathroom in her nighties and sat next to Stefan. He, on the other hand, placed his hand on her waist, making her lean on his shoulder. "What does he want with you now? That boy needs to straighten his priorities." Rebekah said as she drank from Stefan's wine glass.

For some reason, I feel envious. I envy Rebekah for having such a good relationship with Stefan even after all of the drama that came between them. I envy Stefan for having enough courage to move on and be with someone different. I envy their happiness because I can't find mine.

"Well, it seems like the three of us are going back to Mystic Falls after all." I heard Stefan. I looked at him and he had this big smile slapped on his face. "Oh no... no no! I can't drag you guys into this. You two are in Paris... the city of love and lights and I'm not gonna drag you back to Mystic Falls." I told them. But they didn't budge at all.

"We'll come with you. Besides, I wanna see Damon and I have a few things that I forgot there." Stefan said. I sighed and rested my head on my palm but after a few seconds, I was on my phone booking three tickets to Mystic Falls.


Crap! Now, there's no backing out. The plane ride was so dull and I keep on having these dreams about Klaus in a coffin, and that he had no blood in his system... like Mikael. What does that mean? I don't know. But if that has something to do with Tyler calling me back to Mystic Falls then I have to find it out.

Rebekah and I went to the Mikaelson Mansion while Stefan went to check on Damon and Elena. It's bothering me as well... the fact that Elena chose Damon even though Klaus and I kept on telling her that Stefan is always the best option but, I always thought that Stefan isn't just an option at all. He's more than that and she doesn't deserve him. He deserves someone who can prioritize him... someone like Rebekah even though she's done some pretty evil things before.

"So, did the sire boy called you yet?" Rebekah asked. I shook my head and said, "Not yet. Why don't we go to the Boarding house for a while?" I offered.

So, we went to the boarding house and it felt so odd. There was something wrong in the air. Rebekah could sense it too. When we went inside, we found Tyler holding the white oak stake that went missing after we killed Alaric. Stefan was talking him out of it.

"Stefan, what's going on?" Rebekah immediately rammed and pinned Tyler against the wall. I took the liberty and took the stake from his hand. "What're you doing with this, Tyler?" I asked him. Trying to regain my ground, I glared at him and he laughed, "Caroline, you can come home now. Klaus is in our house and he's done for. We desiccated him. Damon thought it was a great idea. Elena thought that it might make you come home if he's gone. And---"

I didn't want to hear it... so, without any second thought, I stabbed him with the white oak stake and watched him turn into ashes.

When I suddenly realized what I had done, I gasped and dropped the stake. I felt Stefan and Rebekah's arms around me. I killed Tyler... the man I once loved. He died in my own hands. I heard Rebekah's voice trying to soothe me, telling me that everything is alright. I felt Stefan detach himself from me.

He called Damon and Elena... even Jeremy... everyone that was involved in playing a role in this twisted 'Kill the Original Hybrid' play. Klaus just wanted to have someone who will care for him but they didn't give him a chance.

I hate them... all of them.
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Late update. Had a lot of things going on at school. : )