Status: On The Go. Comment and shit please :)

And Though You Try To Save Me

The Garden and A Trans Am

Gerard groans as he wakes up. He looks around the room and nearly has a heart attack not realising where he was. He then hears a soft snore beside him, and he then realises where he was. In Franks room. Gerards breathing slows, and he lies back down, after he had sat upright in his attack of nerves. He hears a soft whimper beside him and he frowns. Frank was breathing heavily in his sleep, and he was crying as well. Gerard wanted to wake him, but he didn't wanna cause anything bad to happen. The sadness of the picture got to Gerard and Gerard gently shook Frank awake. Frank screamed slightly, and Gerard nearly fell off of the bed, his body still weak from the day before.
"What the hell?!" Frank yelled out and then bit his lip when he saw Gerard.
"You.. were having a nightmare, I am sorry." Gerard rushed out, worried that Frank hated him now. Frank bit his lip even harder, and started to pick at his hands.
"I-I um, well... I just... am not used to, p-people being i-in here. I am sorry f-for fre-freaking out." Gerard smiled a little and crawled back over to his previous spot, cringing at the pain. Frank licked his lips a little bit and frowned as he watched Gerard. Gerard finally reached the spot he wanted, and he felt a tear slip down his cheek.
"Frank. Would, you um, would you want come spend the night at my place? I mean, I just met you yesterday, and... I want to get to know you. And... I mean. I kind of think your cute so..." Frank smiles a little, and blushes. As Gerard says this, he remembers he didn't even tell his mom where he was last night. Gerard never went out so this worried him, and he pulled out his phone and called her.

"Hey mom. It is Gerard."

"Where were you? I was worried sick."

"I am at a friends. Long story. His name is Frank." Gerard’s mom squealed.

"Oh baby! That is great!"
"Yeah it is. Can he come over tonight?" Gerard’s mom giggled and said,

"Sure baby. I am so happy you got a friend."
"I know mom. Love you. "
"Love you too Hun, see you soon."

Gerard hung up, and looked over at Frank.
He didn't know what to think.
a) he has a new friend
b) his new friend likes him, and he likes him back
Frank smiled a small smile at Gerard, and Gerard blushed a little. He didn’t know if he could do this. He hasn’t had anyone in his room before, and he hasn’t really had a “sleepover” ever. Well… maybe he did last night. But the whole being at his own house with a boy he was kissing last night thing freaked the living shit out of him.
“Um, I am going to go pack up a pair of, err pyjamas and stuff, I guess… so um, yah. I will be right back.” Gerard smiled and nearly giggled as Frank stumbled out of the bed. Gerard thought it was the cutest thing in the entire world, then again, to Gerard; Frank was the cutest thing in the entire world. His big hazel eyes and his short stature, and his bed head hair.
“Alright, I am going to make a effort to get out of this bed, after all… I am not in the best conditions. You’re lucky I thought you were cute…” Gerard says the end of the sentence without thinking. Frank turned and smiled a little, blushing a deep red. Gerard slapped a hand over his mouth, embarrassed of his affection. Frank walked over, and put a knee on the bed and leaned. He kissed Gerard on the cheek gently, and pulled away smiling.
“I am.” Frank said, his eyes searching Gerard’s for an answer. Gerard knew that this was going to be something. It wasn’t going to be just anything though; it is going to be great. And Gerard never really thinks anything is just great it takes him a long time to actually get used to something and think positive, but when he was laying there with Frank, the movie on in the background while he was watching the smaller boy sleep was just… amazing. It brought so many different emotions for him.
Frank got up and went to his closet. He grabbed a bag and stuffed it with pyjamas, and he left the room for a little bit, Gerard assumed for toothpaste and a toothbrush. Gerard got out of the bed slowly, and grabbed his crutches. Gerard was noticing the pain was getting worse as the time went by, but he truly hated doctors and needles and anything medical, really. He got up, and that only lasted for a short while. He crashed to the ground, his legs weak and he grabbed his crutches. He put them both under one of his arms, and he used the other arm to lift himself up off the ground. He placed one hand on the bed to balance himself, and he grabbed the crutches. He positioned them to be able to walk, and he crutched his way to the door. Frank was there smiling, but Gerard couldn’t smile back. No matter how much Franks hazel beauties were shining, the pain was just too much.
“Are you… um, are you going to be, ok?” Frank stuttered out, his voice cracking at how quiet he was being. Gerard nodded, well aware that he was lying to himself, and to Frank.
“Don- Don’t lie to… me. I want to know, b-because I can always… um grab my, err dads car and I c-can drive y-you…” Frank was scratching the back of his head out of nerves. Gerard nodded and said quietly,
“It hurts… yeah. Can you get his car? Would you get in trouble? I don’t want that.” Frank shook his head no and went to what must be downstairs. He came back, looking as small as ever with a set of keys in hand. He pressed a button and Gerard heard a car roar to life. Frank was shaking; Gerard thought he was just scared to be driving.
“You don’t have to do this Frank.” Gerard said his voice low.
“I er, I have my lea-learners…” Gerard raised his brow, not knowing how old he was. Gerard made a “o” shape with his mouth and nodded. He crutched his way down the stairs, slowly and carefully. Frank kept his hand on the middle of Gerard’s back, as if it was to help Gerard. When they reached downstairs, and were at the door, Frank opened the door and allowed Gerard to go first. When Gerard saw the Trans Am he couldn’t help but grin like an idiot. He was very, very happy to be disabled at the moment. It was one of those things with Gerard, like his painting he loved cars and music videos. His favourite music video had a Trans Am and he just adored it. It was the best thing ever to him.
“That, that is my, err fathers c-car.” Frank managed to push out of his lungs. Gerard smiled a little, at the fact that Frank was talking even when not asked a question, and also the fact he said it quite proud. Gerard crutched his way to the passenger door, the wind blowing in his long black hair. He hopped in and Frank followed shortly after.
When they arrived at Gerard’s place, after many giggles and eye rolls while Gerard gave instructions to his house, after all they both didn’t go out very much, Frank smiled at Gerard and took the key out of ignition.
“Home sweet not so much home.” Gerard says, dripping with sarcasm. Frank giggled a little bit and got out, and went to Gerard’s door. He helped Gerard out, which made Gerard blush, yet he managed to keep it hidden. Gerard got on his crutches and went to the front door. Frank slammed the door to the car for some reason, and Gerard planned on asking why in his room later.
“Mom! I am here!” Gerard yelled out, the window open, he added,
“I am going to show Frank the back, then come in!” Frank raised his brows, and Gerard nodded. Frank was obviously avoiding eye contact, and he was also hiding his anger. Gerard knew there is something up that he isn’t saying, but he decided to keep quiet. They went to the back, and Frank stayed right by Gerard’s side. The backyard was absolutely gorgeous. There were flowers everywhere, and the sun was glowing about the garden beautifully. That was what it was. Beautiful.
“Wow.” Frank said, loud and clear. Gerard crutched over to a bench, and smiled as Frank followed. Gerard sat down, and when he had a hand free, he grabbed Frank’s gloved one. Gerard had just noticed that Frank had a very unique style, and it amazed him. He was always wearing either red, black or white, and he wore gloves, cut off at the fingers and he had the weirdest hair ever.
Gerard loved it with all of his heart, it made Frank, Frank. He knew that he would be a different kid without it.
Gerard brought Frank down beside him, and Frank immediately curled into Gerard’s side. Frank grabbed a bunch of Gerard’s shirt, and released it and then bunched it again. Gerard felt it tickle, and he giggled a little. Frank looked up at Gerard and gave him a small smile.
“Hi.” Gerard said,
“Hey.” Frank said back, and Gerard lifted Franks chin, and brought it up to him. Gerard laid a simple small kiss, and Frank smiled as they pulled away. Gerard knew that everytime this would happen, he would get a different surge of energy course through him.
It was so cut off and private back here, the vines covering the bench area, and Gerard loved it.
“I like you… a lot Gerard.” Frank says quietly. Gerard nods,
“Me too. I like you a lot too.” Gerard replied.
♠ ♠ ♠
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