Status: On The Go. Comment and shit please :)

And Though You Try To Save Me

And When You Touch Me, I Go Insane.

Gerard ran his hand through Franks hair, loving the softness of it. Frank had went through Gerards cd's and put on a random Fiona Apple CD. He had no idea why Frank picked it, and how he even owned the CD, but at the moment, he couldn't care less. Fiona Apple had her own way of being extemely depressing, yet making it beautiful.

"Gee?" Frank asked against Gerard's side.Gerards heart sped up at the nickname, and said quietly,

"Yeah" Frank looked up and smiled, only for a moment and frowned,

"Um, well. I was wondering.... um, like. If, well. Would you, um. Can I kiss you? I... Don't really just want to just kiss you, um." Frank said, blushing. Gerard nodded and smiled. He leaned down, and grabbed Franks cheeks gently.

"Hi." Frank says quietly,

"Hey." Gerard answers back. He leans into kiss him, and just gently pecks his lips. Frank pulls away, and smirks. Gerard smiled back, and Frank went back for another one. Gerard rolled Frank on top of him, and Frank giggled into the kiss. Frank wrapped his hands in Gerards hair, adn Gerard placed his hands on his hips and licked Franks lip ring. Frank moaned lightly, and Gerard smirked into the kiss. Frank gripped onto Gerards hair, nearly pulling it out. Frank pulled away, and smiled at Gerard. Gerard giggled and kissed his cheek. Frank giggled, and covered his mouth. Gerard smirked at how cute the giggle was.

"Oh Frankie! Don't be embarressed!" Frank blushed horribly and Gerard kissed his cheek again. He winced at how much it hurt to move like that, and Frank got that same pissed off look he got. His lip was bit into his mouth, and his eyebrows were narrowed, just above the amazingly pissed off eyes.

"Frank you have been making that face all day. I wanna know why. Please." Frank frowned a bit, and looked down. His bangs hung in his face, and he looked ashamed. Gerard looked at him, head on. He didn't wanna let this go, he wanted to know.

"Well... um. Well. I don- I don't k-know. I just... you were protecting me, and um. Well they hurt you, and if um. And if you seen it yourself, you... you would be the same way. I hate... seeing you in um pain." Frank looked up blushing, and Gerard smiled. Gerard grabbed his hand, and Frank smiled. He knew what was Franks problem, and it kind of upset him, yet he knew that he could understand.

"Frank. I, I did it for you. I did. I honestly, I thought you were a really fucking cute kid. And. Yeah. I guess, um. Yeah. That is kind of why." Gerard scratched the back of his head, and blushed.

"Wanna play something?" Frank rushed out, and smiled. Gerard nodded, and Frank got up. Fiona Apple and her awful lyrics were playing in the background,

I'm gonna do another detour
Unpave my path
Gerard smirked as they played, and Frank suddenly cute butt swayed as he walked over to Gerards game shelf. Frank turned and caught Gerard in the act, and smirked.

[A couple hours later, after playing a MW3 marathon]

"Little fucker!" Gerard says as Frank jumps onto him and kisses his neck. Gerard let out a small moan and Frank got up and smirked.

"Hi." Frank whispered, and Gerard smiled.

"Hey." Gerard said back, Frank blushed.

"H-Hi," Franks breathing hitched, as he started the conversation over again.

Frank leaned down and kissed Gerards neck, and Gerard moaned again. Gerard felt his member harden. Frank gasped a little and smirked. He started to suck on Gerards neck and Gerard panicks.

"K! Frank stop! No!" Gerard yelled out, nearly screaming. Frank whined a little and Gerard shoved him off.

Frank had a ashamed look on his face, and he looked as if he were about to cry. Gerard bit his lip as his heart started to slow. He didn't know what came over him, but he knew it was nothing good. Frank let a tear slip down his cheek, and sniffled.

"Frank don't cry, alright?" Frank looked up at Gerard as Gerard said this. Gerard knew that he hurt the kids feelings. He knows how much courage that took for Frankie. Frankie was so shy, Gerard felt bad. Gerard scooted over to Frank on the bed, and Frank broke into sobs. Gerard grabbed him by the back of the neck and brought him into his chest. Frank cried into his chest and Gerard pet the back of his head.

"I'm sorry G-gee." Gerard heard Frank mumble into him. Gerard pulled back and smiled at Frank.

"You didn't do anything Frankie. Just... lets go to bed? I mean, it is nearly 10pm. Time went by fast." Gerard said quietly, not wanting to let Frank know why he was scared of him kissing him like that. He knew why, but everyone has their secrets.
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Please comment guys :D I am so hurt by the fact my amount of readers went down on my recent chapters D: