Status: On like donky kong

With All His Foolish Hope

This has to be a dream

There's so much blood.

Where is it coming from? It's everywhere, thick, crimson blood soaking into their dark blue sheets staining them black.

Naruto blinks in the pale morning light, 'I must be dreaming, I'm obviously still asleep.'

He doesnt wake up, he's already wide awake.

Fascinated he runs his fingers through the pooling liquid, its warm but its already starting to dry, not fresh then.

Naruto balks at a sound from the corner of his bedroom still cast in the shadows.


The porcelin skin of his face is suddenly bathed in light making him look otherworldly as he slowly stalks towards Naruto, still sitting up in their bed.

A tiny smile crept onto the blondes lips before shattering as the rest of Sasukes body hit the sunlight.

There's so much blood. Burgandy on alabaster. Each elegant finger dipped in it, his wrists and arms and the entire front of his white shirt, soaked in the stuff, its dripping on their carpet leaving ruby puddles.

Naruto's on his feet in a flash, tanned hands searching Sasukes body for the cause, smoothing over flawless skin, pushing the thin cotton of his shirt over his head, disheviling raven hair.


Not a scratch or a scrape, just a fading bruise on a collar bone that Naruto had sucked onto Sasuke's skin himself.

Naruto lets out a sigh of relief, his boyfriends unharmed, still in one piece.

The fear that grips his heart afterwards is mind numbing.

If Sasukes fine then... who's blood is that?

Horrified blue meets black and Naruto's stomach churns sickingly.

There's no trace of Sasuke in his eyes, just two swirling pools of insanity. It had been locked up tight but it was out now, free to rein where before it had been chained up beneath the surface. Trapped in Sasukes cool, hard, unfeeling exterior.

He was feeling now.

It was terrifying.

It was like the blood had even stained his eyes, they almost looked red in the weak morning light. Naruto wanted to run but he couldnt find his feet.

A deranged smile cracks Sasukes blank face sending shivers down Naruto's spine.

"Morning sweetheart," his voice is as silky as ever as he trails his bloody knuckles across Narutos cheekbones, smearing the golden skin with blood. Naruto holds back the need to gag. "I have a present for you."

Naruto has no idea what the present is but he has a very strong feeling he really doesnt want to find out.

Theres no choice though, as slick bloody fingers wind around his wrist, repainting his tattoo, and drag him from their bedroom, he stumbles and almost trips but Sasuke catches him, cuddles him to his sticky chest, they finally reach the living room and this time Naruto really does throw up, would have dropped to his knees but Sasukes still holding him close, cading long fingers through gloden tresses.

Naruto can feel the wide stretch of lips, curving into a smile against his bare neck and the bile rushes up his throat again, spilling onto their once cream carpet.

"Ahh Naru baby, whats wrong, do you not like my gift?" Sasuke almost sings, spinning Naruto in his arms so they're face to face.

Sasuke looks genuienly worried for his well being, all soft and warm and compassionate but theres evil in his eyes, Naruto can see it all. How did he never see it before?

Hidden to everyone AND him.

He starts to shake, a cold sweat breaking out on his forehead as he crumbles to the floor taking Sasuke with him. Sasuke who's holding him like a child, rocking them and whispering sweet nothings into his blonde hair.

"All for you baby, this is for you, my perfect love, you're so beautiful, you never have to be scared again, i fixed everything see, i love you. There's no one to hurt you any more, just me and you forever."

Naruto cant meet his eyes, cant look away from the three dead bodies littering their living room.

He knows them all. Knows their names. Their milky eyes recognize him, he just knows it, there's so much blood.

The one nearest to him is Mr Watanabe, the owner of the orphanage Naruto escaped and it makes sence, he understands why Sasuke would target him, but it doesnt make it right, doesnt justinfy the grusome slitting of the mans muscled throat.

The second body, carelessly draped over the coffee table, is a girl from collage, her bubblegum pink hair matted to her pretty face with the blood from a deep gash in her forhead. Sakura Haruno, Naruto always thought she had the most beautiful green eyes, had tried to make friends with her hundreds of times but she was a bitch, made fun of his hand-me-down clothing, turned her nose up at his orphange upbringing.

It wasnt a good enough reason for her death. She was pre-med, good with children, kind to everyone but Naruto.

The third and last body was also probably the worst, the worst because Naruto was friends with him, had been for a few years, Kiba Inuzuka. Naruto counted him as his best mate, they'd had the same classes for three years, they went out for drinks and bowling and to the cinema. Naruto had met his girlfriend and been to their house for dinner.

He knows why his bodys amoung the others.

They'd been involved in a bar fight two weeks pryer, Kiba had accidentally hit Naruto and given him a nasty black eye and stitches in his lip. Naruto had laughed it off, it was stupid, a total accident.

Sasuke had been furious.

Naruto obviously hadnt noticed just how much.

Theres a knife still poking out of his chest.

Naruto gags but theres nothing left in his stomach.

This has to be a nightmare there's no way this is happening.
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this is by far the darkest thing i have ever written! but i sortof enjoyed it! let me know whatcha think x