The Photograph


There sat on the bedside table a picture. Not just any picture. It’s a picture of Joe && a girl, the girl of his dreams. The funny thing about this picture is not the fact that they’re hugging each other while she has her head on his chest && his head resting comfortably on her head all the while smiling, no it’s the fact that this was the first && only time Joe has seen this girl. Why does he have a picture he’s only encountered once you may ask? Keep reading to find out.

Today Joe’s in Charlotte, North Carolina at the Fillmore. For a moment he couldn’t remember where the hell he was. He’s been on the road for a while, so he’s at the point now where he remember he’s at or where he’s gonna be tomorrow. That the life of rockstar for you. He couldn’t ask for a better life. He loves what he does but most importantly he loves his. They are everything to him. He knows that without them he wouldn’t be able to do what he loves to do most in this world; entertain people.

Before the concert starts Joe does his routine of doing a meet && greet before the show. Other than getting to perform for his fans he loves meeting them.

As Joe’s eyes scanned the room to take in how many people where there they stopped on something; well more like someone. She was a short woman that was big boned and she had jet black hair with purple && green streaks. What stood out the most to Joe was her breathtaking smile && her amazing hazel eyes. He was mesmerized by this woman. He
couldn’t wait till she reached him.

What seemed like an eternity to Joe was only about fifteen minutes in real time until the mesmerizing woman read him. Joe couldn’t hold back the huge smile that graced his beautiful face.

“Hi, I’m Joe”

The woman smiled.

“I’m Katherine. It’s nice to meet you. I do have to say I’m glad that you went solo. As much as I love you with your brothers, I enjoy you solo just as much.”

Joe’s smiled widened if that’s possible.

“It’s great that I can still dazzle you with my own songs.”

“Would it be alright if I got a hug?”

Joe was not gonna pass up the chance to see what it would be like to hold this beautiful woman so he told her yes.

Before Katherine could pull away Joe told her to look at the camera. She did. Katherine was the only person to get a photo like that. Not to mention Joe’s smile wasn’t as big as it was with Katherine. As she was leaving she smiled at Joe.

“Thank you Joe for living up to my expecting && being so much better.”

Joe blushed.

“Thank you for coming. Oh! Leave your name and a way we can send you the picture.”

Katherine nodded and with that she walked back out to wait for the concert to start.

Throughout the concert Joe looked for the woman with the breath taking smile && mesmerizing hazel eyes. He finally spotted her. She was second row you say. It elated him that she sang back to every song he sang.

Before he started the next song from his album he started talking.

“This has been an amazing journey && I am so thankful that I get to share it with you guys. This wouldn’t be possible with you guys. Now before I sing my next song I need a beautiful woman from the audience to come up && sit on this stool.”

Joe then pointed the stool that had been placed in the middle of the stage. He scanned the crowed even though he knew exactly who he wanted up on stage with him. He then walked closer to the edge of the stage && held his hand out for Katherine to take. He pulled her up onto the stage with him with little to no effort. You could see the shock written clear across her face. Katherine was by no means a skinny woman but she wasn’t obese either. He smiled at her && she returned it.

Joe smirked at Katherine before speaking into his microphone.

“So what’s your name beautiful?”

Katherine couldn’t help the blush that rose on her cheeks.


“Well Katherine would mind if I sang a song to you?”

Katherine smiled && shook her head no. Joe then took her hand in his && lead her to the stool. As the music began Joe winked at her.

Once again Katherine blushed, even more so when she realized that Joe would be serenading her to “Make You Mine.”

The crowd went wild once Joe started singing. The entire time Joe was in some form touching Katherine, whether it be holding her hand, caressing her cheek, or anything like that. His eyes wouldn’t, more like couldn’t, stray from hers either.

When the song finished Joe couldn’t tear his eyes away from Katherine’s. After he helped her off the stool he kissed her right next to her lips, all the while forgetting that there was a crowd of people there to watch him perform. A body guard helped Katherine get off the stage.

“Alright guys I have one more song. I hate that our fun is coming to end. You guys have been an amazing audience. Thank you guys, I love you.”

People shouted their love for Joe as he started his last song. Joe looked out just taking in the crowd before belting out his first single “See No More.”

After the song ended Joe said his thank yous and his goodbyes. He looked out into the crowd one last time hoping to see Katherine before he had to leave. Unfortunately Katherine was already gone.

When it was time to send out the meet && greet pictures Joe wanted to get in touch with Katherine. The company wouldn’t give out her information. But they did give him a copy of the picture. Joe thanked the man && left with the picture in his hand.

Now you may be wondering if Joe && Katherine ever crossed paths again. You could say… Or you could say that it was fate that they bumped into each other again…

5 Months Later[

Joe was on his way to his friend Rob’s house. He had just gotten home && he wanted to pick up his English Bull dog, Winston, or Winny to his fans.

He was texting Rob letting him know he was about to get on the elevator when he bumped into someone. He looked down && was shocked to see who he had bumped into.

“Katherine… I am so sorry! I shouldn’t text && walk at the same time.”

Katherine laughed.

“It’s alright Joe, no harm done. Well other than a small bruise on my pride but other than that no fatal injuries.”

“So what are you doing here?”

Joe mentally slapped himself for that stupid question. Katherine laughed.

“I live here. I was just on my way to the vets to pick up my puppy, Lyric. What are you doing here?”

“Picking up my dog, Winston, from a friend. Aw, is you’re puppy okay?”

“Oh, so you’re Winny’s owner! I just love that little guy. Yeah, I just had a little scare with her. I
had found a lump on her tummy && I thought that it may have been cancerous. Thankfully it isn’t. Lyric had to stay overnight just so they could be sure.”

Joe smiled at the good news && the fact that she loved his dog.

“I’m glad everything’s okay. What kind of dog is she?”

“She a Husky, I just love her to death. Well I guess I better get going.”

Joe nodded his head. They hugged before going their separate ways.

“Hey, Katherine?”

Katherine turned around.


“Can I maybe get your number?”

Katherine smiled hugely.

“I was hoping you would ask.”

This cause Joe to smile.

So they exchanged numbers.

As time passed they become close. Soon they began a relationship. Joe finally replaced the meet && greet picture with a picture of them at the park. They’re both smiling && Katherine is on Joe’s back. Winston && Lyric are in the picture as well, more like playing in the background. I guess you could they lived happily ever after but then that would mean this was a fairytale. This was far from a fairytale but your typical story of boy meets girl.
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I hope y'all this :)
I would really appreciate some feedback for this one-shot so please leave me some!
