The Battle of Earth

Humanity has failed the planet we call Earth. They claim to be trying to help the economy and the environment, but all they are doing is destroying what is not "ours".

Scientists have discovered a new plant life, something that couldn't have possibly have been created on this planet. They are on the verge of discovering its origin, when all technology fails. Nobody knows what has happened. Nothing works.

Two weeks after the "failed technology", Humans begin to think something else is at play. They don't know how close they are to total destruction of their precious planet.

The "Aliens" as the Homo Sapiens are calling them, have been banished from their planet some 500 billion light years away from Earth. They have discovered Earth on their search for a new home. They are hoping for full domination.

Will the "Aliens" dominate or will the humans take back the planet they have come to love and Cherish?