Ordinary Girl


There was a girl. I'm ashamed to say she was no special girl, ordinary, dark haired and green eyed. She was just a girl.

She had any ordinary lower middle class lifestyle, with almost ordinary older brothers and a cheerleader like ordinary younger sister.

Her life was seemingly, ordinary.

She lived in a snow globe of emotions. One day, it was snowing, then the next it was beautiful and the once shaken snow rested like a cloud on the ground. She wrote ordinary quotes and ordinary poems, and people read them and looked at her like she was something extraordinary, but she wasn't. She was just a girl.

She always had thoughts of something better on her mind. Something that will make her breath catch in her throat and happiness sweep up into her soul and make her screech of love and adoration. But it never came.

She was just an ordinary girl with unorthodox problems.
But this girl, the girl with the plain green eyes and the poorly dyed hair, she was strong. She believed that she could take care of herself if a time ever came that she was thrown out into the harsh and cruel reality called Life.

This girl had been around the block a few times, she knew how to search for happiness but average, ordinary girls don't just stumble upon a life time of happiness. They work for it. They work hard.

This normal, almost plain, boring girl had packed up, picked up, pined and left, many times before. Leaving behind the bizarre and curious people she had met in each town. Smiling faintly, sitting in her mother car as they drove away.

Hello, New Day.

This girl tried out places like a shopping girl tried on clothes, too small, too big, too odd, too standard. Until she was shoved into a place that was too conventional. A place to inconceivable that this girl thought she would never, ever, return to. The place where she started.

It wasn't anything special. Just a small little town in Northern Illinois. A place she swore would never make her happy. Until she found herself swept up in the new. The brand new idea of high school. This little, familiar town was where she had come to every Christmas to spend time with her aunt and her cousins. People who had never made it out of this simple little town.

This place wasn't really generic. Just humble and mediocre in the girl's eyes. A place where there was never anything new. Well, except for the slide at the swimming pool, that was new. This was a town where in the summer you would see young girls in bikini's riding their bikes down Old River Road, and boys shooting hoops in their driveway, sweating under the heat of the summer sun. Where when you'd drive past downtown you'd see bikes littering the green grass and children running and screaming at the village park. It was a unnoteworthy little place. But it was modest in most cases.

The girl had been in a big city most of her life. With big businesses, and lots of people dwelling in the streets, waiting for busses, and cabs, or just walking to get something to eat or to meet a friend at a downtown bistro.

It was dirty and loud, but it was special. It was like nothing else. The people were so interesting. The roads too busy, it was comforting to blend in, to notice everyone else for a change, to be able to stand in your backyard and listen to your favorite baseball team as they played right down the street. To hear the announcer and know that just a five minute walk away, there were people playing games and ordering food and laughing and having a good old time. It was comforting to know there was some fun to be had at Mallard Stadium.

But the ordinary girl was torn between her extraordinary problems.

Where would she go next? Maybe back to the big city and all the people? Maybe to the Water Park Capitol of the world? Or maybe there was something worthwhile about staying in the unremarkable, little town that she had been born around, the little town with the usual people and some with narrow minds. Maybe it was beneficial for her to stay in the farming town, the small usual town she had come to remember as child, and every holiday in between.

Most likely it was the fact that one of her older brother, the knucklehead was raising his own son in the plain, stereotypical little town. Maybe this girl, once seen as plain and ugly, had realized that you can't find happiness, but you have to make it. Make happiness, you ask? Yes, finding something that has never been found is a tough and brutal job, searching for something that isn't meant to be stolen or mooched off of is treacherous and time consuming. And to put it simply, it's hard.

She liked to believe that she hadn't given up or ever had to leave the petite, cliche town to find happiness, that maybe it was moving's fault and she had merely been subject to heart break and child memories being ripped away. But she knew that was a lie.

In the beginning her mother set off in search of something better, away from the looming past that had held many mistakes and temptations. To find something worthwhile out there in the big world so she could teach her young daughters right from wrong in a town that held a fresh start, and was ready to be filled with fresh, new memories that when looked back on would cover the bad memories of that little town.

And for awhile they did. They were happy there.

1. The quality or state of being happy.
2. Good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy.

And then somethings happened and they left. It's that simple really. After awhile, a journey, they ended back up in that small town. For the longest time, the ordinary girl was sure that nothing here would help her reach her goals in life. Until she fell in love with that little baby boy, her nephew, and she didn't want to leave. Not as he was growing because after awhile he would surely forget all about her. Baby's memories run out eventually.

So they decided, they would stay. Just for another year, her freshman year. Then they would come back to this same place in life, a year later and decide. Stay or go?

Right now, in the end of this story, this ordinary girl ended up being not so completely ordinary after all. She became something here in this plain town. Something that they had never seen before. She wasn't just another ordinary city girl with dreams too big to reach.

She became that girl, the one with the style and her own ways. And her extraordinary problems were placed on hold momentarily. She became a wonderful, bright, intelligent girl that was always stuck on the outside, wishing and hoping to be let in.

She wasn't so regular, plain, or normal. She was a beautiful girl who took chances so young in life and learned a few lessons along the way. She became the phenomenal girl in an ordinary world, in an ordinary little town, filled with ordinary little people, and her extraordinary dreams.

She knew someday she leave again, but this time, she'd be leaving for her own reasons. She'd be out to make the world her own. To conquer anything that stood in her way. She'd be that once, normal little girl to make something of herself in a world that always seemed to be falling apart in front of her eyes.

For now, she'd live with the slight flicker of hope and happiness that the young, beautiful baby brought months after he was born, but in just a few years she'd pack and pick, and pine, and whine about leaving everything she'd known behind. She'd be off to the country, the continent, the world. And she would make herself happy while doing it.

She is the girl who realized that hope someday reflects back as happiness in a time of hardship and confusion.