Just Give Up


I had been locked up in my room for the past twenty-four hours, after being caught sneaking into the house at four in the morning the night before. It was so predictable of my father, Wade Colton, to do such a thing. He had done this on numerous occasions beforehand, so it wasn't surprising. Everything would go back to normal in no time. I hoped.

But today, something seemed a bit off. Just a bit. And for some reason, I felt more unsure of myself that things wouldn't be as easily solved like all the other times. I admit to feeling a bit squiffy but I always did after having two or three beers. Nothing so serious.

The large mahogany doors of my room creaked opened as my father marched in, his footsteps echoed on the marble tiles. He had that same cold stare on his face, an expression I got used to seeing almost every time we saw each other. Before I had the chance to explain myself, he launched himself into one of his very famous speeches.

"Just what in the world were you thinking, Renee?" He yelled, his eyes pierced through me like a dagger.

"I wasn't." I replied coolly, not even bothering to try and calm him down.

"Like all the other times!" He continued with his speech about morals, my stupidity, and my neglectfulness towards my non-existent responsibilities.

"Do you know how embarrassing it is to have a daughter whom acts like an escort on the streets?!"

I looked up from the ground. That was a first. He never called me an escort before. Never. And I thought he would never say that either.

"I'm not an escort. I haven't fucked with anybody. What do you think I am? A slut? Your own flesh and blood, accusing them of being an escort?" My voice was rising by the minute.

"I never called you an escort, dear. I said you were acting like one. Keyword, acting like."

"Does that even make the slightest difference?" I shouted back at him, getting up from sitting on my bed.

"Look Renee, I am not going to have this arg-" Just at that moment, his annoying phone started to play his fucked up ringtone. "Hold on." Were his last words before leaving the room.

I slumped back down onto my bed. I could already start to feel hot tears swelling at the edges of my eyes. My mascara would be ruined by the end of today. My makeup would be ruined, in general. I hated him. I hated mom for marrying him. I hated my grandparents for having sex and creating him.

He came back a moment after, with someone trailing behind him.

"Renee, I would like you to meet Zayn, your bodyguard from now on." My father had not an annoyed expression but a look of amusement on his face.

This someone then walked up from behind my father. And I have to admit, this someone was hot.

We stared at each other with blank expressions. His eyes were a delicious chocolate brown, with a sparkle in his eye that made them even more beautiful. His jet black hair was spiked up neatly, the gel wasn't crusty at all, and instead, made his hair look even more shiny than it should have been.

"I don't need a bodyguard," I snapped, waking myself up from a dream.

"You don't need one?" My father chuckled darkly. "Don't defy me, Renee. You're lucky to be allowed to step out of the house, for one thing. If it were you grandfather, he'd lock you up in an underground cellar. With Zayn, you're free to go wherever you please, as long as he's with you."

That did sound quite sexy, having a hot bodyguard follow you around, protect you from danger and from getting in trouble, but I had no intentions of showing my father defeat. That I was okay with it.

"I can take care of myself." I refuse to give up.

"No you don't. If coming home drunk every other night is your way of being able to take care of yourself, then you are extremely wrong. Zayn has already signed the contract to at least two months of labor."

What? Just two months? That's not fair.

I glanced back from my father to Zayn, he still had the same blank expression on his face.

"Sir-" Zayn began, but was cut off by my father.

"I'll leave you two alone for a bit, get to know each other. Bodyguard to irresponsible young lady." He had an evil smirk on his face.

I scowled at my father, picking up the nearest thing in my reach-a magazine, and clumsily threw it in his direction. Just when I thought it was going to be a direct hit to his back, Zayn's hand shot up, blocking the magazine's way. My eyes widened in confusion and anger. But before I could say a thing, the door swung & shut closed behind my father.

"What the fuck?" I yelled at him.

Handsome he was, but I was already to begin to think otherwise.

"You're supposed to be protecting me, not that asshole!"

Zayn looked at me with a painful expression on his face. "If you didn't treat your father the way you did, I wouldn't have to be here."

And with that, he walked out of my room, his footsteps echoing behind him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Squiffy - to feel a little bit drunk, or to feel something has gone wrong.

Hey guys, this is my attempt in writing a fanfiction. :)

Hope you like it, comments wanted!