Just Give Up


Zayn's POV

I stayed inside the dining hall for another ten minutes. I watched as Francis and a group of Maids came in to take away the food we didn't get to eat. It was such a waste. But it saved me from Renee and having an awkward meal, if that counted as a plus. I shook my head whilst watching them leave. The table was now completely empty beside the large centerpiece in the middle.

Thinking back on my conversation with Mr. Colton, it was really hard not to feel like an idiot. I should have fought more with him. I shouldn't have ignored Renee. But most of all, I should have made my point clear that I did not want be labelled as a couple with Renee.

Even if I did like our kiss..

I pulled out my phone from my pocket. I was going to have to do it sooner or later.. But how? I couldn't just straight out admit to the media that I left the band for my so-called girlfriend. That would possibly end up causing a World War III. I cautiously typed in my email and password into the twitter app. It felt weird doing this. I was just so used to having it already logged on.

341 New Messages

I guess that's what you get for not being on in almost two months. I didn't bother to update any of my social networks after my abrupt 'departure.' There wasn't anything left for me to say. Sorry for leaving? Although I was, it wasn't as if it were my decision to leave. Thanking them for their support? They only supported me for being in the band. But I wasn't anymore.

I reread my last tweet, cringing. It was about the great time I had when I went out with Perrie. Coincidentally, the same night when my father randomly decided to show up and take me away. From my life. My happiness. I continued to scroll down. I was tagged in a few tweets as well. And they were not the best kind either.

@amazaynlyinloveee Who the fuck is that slut you're with, @zaynmalik? You could do so much better..like me! xoxo

It was a photo of me carrying Renee out of the mall. It was quite blurry, but it was obvious that It was me, judging from the hairstyle.

But others were like this, more reasonable and polite.

@ella_is_1Dinfected Aweeee! Is that your girlfriend Zayn? She looks a bit tired there..LOL!

It had the same photo.

I had to get back on track. I clicked on my own profile, then onto new tweet. It took me awhile to think up a good tweet, but I had to make it sound perfectly normal and not planned. I breathed in, hoping for the best and hit the tweet button.

Trying to spend time with that special someone in public is harder than I thought.. maybe next time again, xoxo. you know who you are ;)

I read it over five, six, seven times. It still didn't sound right to me. But hopefully it was good enough. Tucking my phone away back inside my pocket, it was finally time to go find Renee. And tell her about us.

I peeked through the doorway, checking to see if anyone was there. No one was, so I continued my way down the hall. After about five minutes of turning corners, I had no idea where I was. I had been following Renee on the way there, but she was no where in sight. I cursed under my breath. This is not what I wanted to happen.

"Francis?" I yelled out, my voice echoed down the hallway. It faded quick, so I yelled out his name once more.

He appeared by my side moments later. I sighed in relief at the sight of him. "Can you show me where Renee's room is? I'm lost."

He nodded his head, I could tell by the look on his face that he wanted to burst out laughing. And frankly, he was doing a bad time of hiding it. "Of course," He murmured, then at a fast pace, began walking in the opposite direction he came from.

I struggled to keep up with him. But I made sure not to stray too far behind him, making sure he was in my vision at all times. Within another minute or two, we were finally in front of Renee's door. Not surprising, it was closed & locked. I thanked Francis as he left, knocking on her door.


"Leave me alone, Zayn." I heard a muffled voice from the opposite side of the door.

"Open the door, Renee. I can't do my job properly, being here on the opposite side of you.."

"You're not being funny."

"I wasn't trying to be. Come on, Open the door. We need to talk!"

"No. We don't need to talk, go screw yourself." She shouted back.

I rolled my eyes. "Renee, open the door. if you don't, I'll kick your door down."

"Do it. I dare you."

"Just open the door, Renee."

"Why? Are you afraid that I'll get my dad to charge you for breaking my door?"

Where did this girl even get those ideas from? "No! Just open your door."

"Answer my question first. What article were you talking about? Huh? Why didn't I know about it until then? Why didn't you bother to tell me that someone saw us at mall that day?"

"If you open the door, I'll explain everything to you." I waited for a reply. "I promise."

Within moments, I hear the lock click open, and the door swing open. She had one of her death glares on again, but I paid no attention to it. Instead, I plop myself down on the floor. She's still standing by the door, glaring.

"What are you waiting for? Take a seat." I pat the space right next to me.

"Just tell me what the hell is going on." She grumbled, sitting herself in front of me.

And I did. I couldn't look her in the eye while I did this, but I tried to stick to the truth as much as I could, leaving almost no details out. I did leave the detail about my father calling. She didn't have to hear him scold me. She would only get amused by it, and I had no intentions of encouraging her on.

"Wow." She said at last.

"And now...We're supposed to be dating." I sheepishly added.

"Dating?" She scoffed. "I hope you don't mean actual date, dating."

I shook my head. "I mean it."

She raised her eyebrows, crossing her arms. "So, besides supposedly protecting me from the outside world, you double as my fake boyfriend?"

I frowned at her choice of words. "I prefer the word pretend boyfriend better than fake boyfriend."

Renee rolls her eyes, but I can see a smirk forming at the tips of her mouth. "So..Do your fans know about us?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I did tweet about us. Kind of.. But I haven't checked since I posted it."

"What did you say?"

I didn't want to read out the tweet for my fear of embarrassment. Instead, I hand her my phone instead to read.

Trying to spend time with that special someone in public is harder than I thought.. maybe next time again, xoxo. you know who you are ;)

She gagged after reading this, tossing my phone back at me. "Hey! Watch it! This thing's expensive!" I scold her, barely catching it.

She's too busy laughing to reply. Renee was practically rolling on the ground, "HA HA HA HA HA!"

"Quit it," I scowled, fake-kicking her.

"That's the best you could do?" She continues to laugh, but not as hard.

I watch her roll around the floor. Her red hair a mess behind her, locks of it all spread out in different directions. Renee does this for at least a minute or two.. And after what feels like an hour, she picks herself back up, and outstretches her hand in my direction. "Give me your phone."

I feel self-conscious all of sudden, the heat beginning to crawl up my skin and spread across my face. Her green eyes shone in the light with a mischievous sparkle in them.

"What are you going to do?" I asked, the grip on my phone growing tighter.

"I'm going to write a PROPER tweet." She grinned, "Now pass it."

"Just tell me what you want to write, and I'll type it myself."

"No, that won't be fun! Just give it to me, Zayn."

I give to her, feeling defeated. She grabs for it, but my hand lingers on it. I felt hesitant to let go.

"No worries, baby Zayn-y." She gave me one of her seductive smiles. "I won't break it. And If I did, you can always afford another one. Am I right?" She laughed as I frowned.

I sat there, watching her fingers flicking across the screen with ease. Her green eyes darted back and fourth. From keyboard to screen. Before I know it, my phone was tossed back at me, hitting me square on the forehead.

"Stop looking at me like that."

That was the second time I zoned out that day. All thanks to Renee.

"Sorry." I muttered, looking down at my phone.

Renee was here, i love you babeeeeeeeeee <3 ;)

"Renee!" I yelled in shock.

How could such a simple, seven word, tweet turn my life upside-down?
♠ ♠ ♠
Renee, you bad child! ;)