Just Give Up


Zayn's POV

The mall trip goes by so fast, I don't even notice it. I watch as Renee connects with the boys along with Eleanor and Danielle. With Danielle around, I feel more comfortable knowing that Renee won't be able to hang out as much with Liam like the day before.

What surprised me even more was that besides her differences in personality with everyone else, she really fit in. She'd talk with the girls all about fashion, something I never expected. With the guys, she'd join along in their jokes, sometimes yelling out That's what she said!.

The paps continued to try numerous times to chase us away. They'd even attempt to pull Renee and I apart, but I held a strong grip on her. Not as in a tight hold, but in a good grip that she wouldn't be able to let go or get lost in a crowd. We gave up running away after the fifth time, and instead, ended up posing for one photo. Just one. As soon as the shutter turned off, we were on the move again.

By four o'clock, we declared a pilgrimage to the food court on the second floor.

"Hopefully they got a Nando's around here." I heard Niall say in a hopeful voice.

"Niall, do you really think there'd be a Nando's around here?" Renee said with a laugh, shaking her head.

"Anything is possible." Niall grinned back at her.

"Well..I want sushi." Renee declared out loud.

I look at her with a small smile. "I'll buy you some." I said, realizing that the only thing she had brought with her was her keys and phone.

"Yes!" She punched the air with her free hand, and everyone laughs.

We all split up into pairs, lining up at the restaurant we want to buy food from. I followed Renee as she made her way to one of the Sushi places. She pulled my arm, pointing at one of the posters that showed a plate with ten rolls of California rolls.

"Is that what you want?" I asked her, pulling my wallet out.

I pay for her food, then grabbing the tray of food, walking to the table where everyone else was sitting. We spend thirty minutes eating, and another two and a half walking around until we get tired and decide to go home.

Renee falls asleep on the ride home and I let her rest her head on my shoulders for the small amount of time we have left together.


The week passes by fast, and before I know it, it's time to say goodbye. I hug the guys one last time before they go through the terminal.

"Take care, don't stress yourself out on the job." Liam warns me, patting me on the back.

"We need to keep in touch, Dj Malik. Skype, call, tweet us more!" Niall says, punching my arm lightly with a sad smile on his face.

"You know, she's not as bad as I thought she was," Louis says, pulling me back. "She's a keeper, Zayn."

I grin, not knowing what to say back. But the last comment hits me like a sucker punch in the stomach.

"Take care dude, and don't forget. You got less than six weeks left before the end of your job." Harry exclaims before heading to the terminal.

I want to yell at him and ask what he meant. Did he not like Renee? Did he not like Renee and I dating? I want to pull him back for an explanation, but I'm too at a loss for words to do anything. I couldn't move. It felt as if my feet were stuck to the ground. Almost like I had stepped in wet cement and it turned solid there.

I feel my phone vibrate in my hand, it's a text from Renee.

How are the boys? Have they left yet? Where are you? Did you tell them I said bye?

PS. I got a surprise for you! : ) xox

I tuck my phone away, not bothering to reply. I wasn't in the mood anymore thanks to Harry's comment.

I receive another text later on while I'm driving.

Zayn? Is everything alright?

I toss my phone onto the passenger seat.

You got less than six weeks left before the end of your job.

You got less than six weeks left before the end of your job.

You got less than six weeks left before the end of your job.

You got less than six weeks left before the end of your job.

You got less than six weeks left before the end of your job.

You got less than six weeks left before the end of your job.

I couldn't ignore Renee any longer. After a third text, I found myself sitting in my car, parked outside of her house in my normal spot. But I don't make a move to get out.

Harry was right. I did have less than six weeks left. This was my job. And what the hell was I doing, falling in love with the person I'm supposed to protect? Renee. What if I continued to love her, then the situation comes up where one of us has to sacrifice our life for the other? What happens next? Or even worse, what if I'm not around to save her when she needs me the most?

I felt the broken, invisible wall that protected my heart begin to build itself back together. What took Renee only Less than Four days to break, took only a minute to be put up again.

I'm not supposed to love her. It wasn't a part of my job.

You bastard, even with that so-called wall around your heart, your feelings for Renee will never go away. Just because it's not a part of your job to love her, doesn't mean you can't.

I scratched my head in confusion. There was only one person that could help me out in a situation like this. My mother.

I dialed my mother's number, having it memorized by heart. She picked up on the second ring. I sighed in relief as the sound of her familiar voice echoed inside my ear.

"Hey baby, what's up?"

"Hi mum..I need your help." I reply sheepishly.

"With what?"

After only hearing her say six words, she had managed to penetrate through the wall, making me spill out all my thoughts, memories, ideas, events I had in the last twelve days. From the day I met Renee, to seeing the boys off at the Airport, to Renee's worrisome texts.

"Awe.. honey," She cooes after a long pause. "You know I hate speaking on the phone when it comes to these situations. Why didn't you just stop by here? It's easier to talk in person."

I answered with telling her that I was parked right outside Renee's house, just sitting in my car.

"I see.." There's a long pause before she begins to talk again.

"Zayn, I know things aren't as clear and proper as you want them to be, with your vision and thoughts clouded because of what Harry said, but you may be over thinking. It doestn't necessarily mean he dislikes Renee. Maybe he was just hinting you that something might happen at the end of your six weeks." Leave it up to my mom to be the optimist.

"I think you should ask Harry himself. Try calling him tomorrow after his flight lands. I can't really give you advice on a situation I've never felt first-hand."

"But what do you think I should do?" I complained.

I didn't call her to be nagged for over thinking. I didn't call to hear what I already knew. I wanted assurance. I wanted guidance.

I heard my mom sigh over the phone. "Do you want my honest opinion?"

Even though she couldn't exactly see me, I nodded my head up and down. "Yes please."

"Zayn, Don't fall in love on the job. It'll be hard to let go once it's done."

I felt my heart breaking into a million pieces. Okay, maybe not. But I did feel something hurting inside of me. And it wasn't my gut. But what made her think that I wasn't already in love with Renee?

"I know you like Renee, and I know you don't want to either. I understand that you can't exactly stop yourself from feeling what you feel, but.." She continued.

"You may think you're in love right now because of the circumstances you're in. But if you take away the fact that you're her body guard, and the part where you have to fake a relationship with her, do you know anything else about her that makes you like her?"

I couldn't answer that.

"Be careful with your feelings. Don't stop them, but don't run away from them either. Get to know her first. I have to go honey, Your sister has a play in a while, and I have to help her get ready. If you need to talk, I'll be here, okay? I love you!"

She hung up before I could even reply. Love you too, mum.

And in all honesty, I was left feeling even more confused than before.
♠ ♠ ♠
That was such a depressing chapter..
So to lighten up the mood, here's a random gif of Yours truly, dancing ;)
Disclaimer; gif is not mine. hehehe. But I wish the person in it is!