Just Give Up


Zayn's POV

I wake up to the vibrations of my phone in my pocket. Before moving, I peek at the beautiful girl in my arm. She's still fast asleep, and I can feel the hot air she breaths out of her nostrils on my skin. Carefully, I slip my hand into my pocket, pulling out my phone. Surprisingly, this is proven to be a more difficult task to do than I thought. Especially when you can't arch your back, but I manage.

It's a text message from the boys.

Vas happening lately? I saw a new tag trending about you. ;) Working on the new album is great, wished u were here tho.. are you still awake? let's skype!

missing you guys too! things are ok with Renee now :)
I'm actually @ her house right now. I'll wake her up & get skype running up in a bit!

Woah..Woah..what? Did you say wake her up? Did something happen that I am not aware of Dj Malik? ;)

Not anything like that you perv! She took a nap.. In my arms.

oh hahaha I see..then hurry up! Niall might fall asleep!

Not being able to think of any other way to wake her up, I brush her hair out of her face with my fingers. I kissed her forehead, the cool touch of my lips on her skin sends shivers down my back. Her eyes flutter open a moment later.

"What are you doing?" She said sleepily, rubbing her eye with one hand.

"Waking you up. The boys want to chat on skype." I informed her, pulling her shunned macbook out of the corner, turning it on again.

"Oh, I see." She murmurs, rolling away from me, giving herself space to stretch.

I sit up, resting the laptop on my lap instead. Typing was easier now. After it finished loading, I clicked on Skype, logging in. Renee crawls over, leaning against my shoulder, peering down at the screen.

"What does he want to talk about?" She asked.

I accepted the call invite as soon as it opened. Within a moment or two, Harry, along with Liam and Zayn pop up on the screen.

"Hi!" They say while waving in unison.

I can't help but laugh, waving back. "Hi man, where's Niall?" I asked, noticing that he wasn't around.

On the screen, I watched as the boys shared a knowing look before replying.

"Passed out right before you logged on." Louis announced.

"Sorry." Harry frowned.

"Niall was awake awhile ago, but we should have texted you earlier, he was sleepy by the time we ended up texting." Liam explained.

I shrugged it off, "It's fine guys."

Changing the topic, I ask them, "How's the new album going so far?"

They all give me a thumbs up. "They've got some unique lyrics." Louis grinned.

"He's only saying that 'cause he's got more parts now that you've left!" Liam joked, but I felt my grin fall smaller.

Harry laughs in agreement. "The style of music is mostly the same, I can tell you that one for sure! Plus-"

"Want to give us a sample?" Renee asks, cutting Harry off.

The boys looked at me with confused expressions. I could only laugh. After hearing her voice, they all leaned in.

"Renee's there too? I didn't see you!" Niall exclaimed, waving his hand.
"Well you should now!" Renee giggled, waving her hand.

Harry shakes his head, disagreeing. "It's too dark in there, Zayn. Stop being suck vampires and turn a light on."

I was about to reach over to turn the lampshade on when Renee leaned in and did it for me.

"Better now?" I asked, and they nodded.

"So will you sing a sample for us?" Renee asked.

Us? Was she referring to the both of us now? I looked at her, baffled at her choice of words. She looked back at me a second after, confirming my suspicions.

"I don't think we're allowed." Harry smirks evilly.

"Why not? I was a part of the band too!" I complained.

"Yeah, was!" Louis mocked me with a smirk.

"We'll just send you a sample." Harry suggested before changing the topic. "Anyways, have you been on twitter?"

I opened my mouth to reply, but Renee beats me to it. "Spent the whole afternoon reading tweets."

"So you must have seen the trend?"

We nodded our heads.

"Management is quite annoyed by it. They keep getting calls from paps who still think you're under their care, or that they can hint on 'how long you have been seeing each other for' or other details such as Renee's last name, where she lives, her background and so on. I heard one of them arguing over the phone." Liam shook his head.

"You both are the top at gossip." Louis tsk-tsk'd at us, jokingly shaking his finger.

"Jealous much, Louis?" Renee joked, sticking her tongue out.

"Very." He nodded his head up and down.

"What about you, Liam?" I asked. "Vas happenin' between you and Dannie?"

His eyes give off a mysterious twinkle and he just shrugs. "I'd like to keep my private life, private, thank you very much."

Our skype call ends moments after that. The boys are told to go to sleep, and we say goodbyes, promising another call sometime soon!

"I guess I should get going." I mumbled, using my fingers as a brush to comb through my hair.

I lift her laptop off my lap, setting it aside. I get up, stretching my back and look down at Renee. She's rubbing at her eyes again, a yawn escaping her mouth. I offer her my hand to help her get up, and she takes it. We continue to hold hands all the way to the front, where we carefully pried the door open.

I let go of her hand and instead wrap them around her waist, pulling her closer to me again. I lean in, giving her a goodbye kiss and she kisses back softly. A few seconds later, we pull away.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked, making my way down the steps.

"No shit, sherlock!" She smiled, leaning on the door frame casually.

"Noon?" I walked down the driveway backwards, never letting Renee out of my sight.

She nods her head in reply. I finally reach the end of the driveway, where the gate is closed. I turn around, ready to unlock the gate. But I feel like I'm forgetting something. I still haven't heard Renee close the door, so I race up the driveway, and the steps as fast as I could without her noticing. She has her back facing my way but I surprise her with one last hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Goodnight!" I whispered in her ear before running down the driveway like a madman with a goofy smile on my face.

I heard her delayed reaction as I finally reached my car.

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Disclaimer; Gifs are never mine );

Can you believe it's already been almost 3 Weeks of Zayn's Duty as a Body Guard?