Just Give Up


Renee's POV

After Zayn left that night, I had the most terrible time trying to go back to sleep. It was as if my brain was off the whole day. So when the moon finally came out, the ideas, memories, and thoughts that were hidden inside me decided to come out and party. I kicked the covers off in defeat. If there's one thing I learned, it was that you couldn't force sleepiness to come.

I thought back to the day I met Zayn. It was the same day I got a concussion when I tried to meet up with my two best friends. That was about three weeks ago, and three weeks since Sofia and Mercedes talked to me. I had been so caught up with Zayn that I didn't notice them not trying to contact me at all. Usually they would text me first but ever since the accident, I had received no further word from them.

What the hell did I do that made them stop talking to me? In fact, they were supposed to be worrying about me! Why was I here, sitting in bed, worrying about them?

Without thinking, I grabbed my phone, composing a text to Sofia. I bit my lip, reading it over. It didn't sound too bitchy, and it didn't sound all too bad. But I was worried, what if they misunderstood it's meaning?

Oh well.

To: Sophia Montero
Sent At: 1:23 AM, 05/05/12

Hey, what's up? No long time no talk, are you guys in jail or what? lol I miss you. txt me back soon! :(

Hesitating, I hit the send button. I leaned against my bed's headboard, waiting in anticipation. Would she text back? Would she even bother to look at her phone? Did she change her number?

My answer arrived after another minute, She was calling me instead of texting.

"Hello?" I picked up on the first ring.

"HEY! We missed you too, why don't you come down to Club Venom? It's still pretty packed in here, but Mercedes left early with.." I didn't hear the end of her sentence, already zoning out at the words of Club Venom.

Club Venom was a pretty common place to us. Us as in the girls and I. We had pretty much spent 5/7 nights there. Staying there up until the late morning, or just somewhere to meet up.

"Hello? Rey, are you still there?" I heard Sophia say, causing me to loose my train of thought.

"Sorry," I apologized. "I zoned out, I'll be there in half an hour." Oh shit, did I really say that?

"Perfect, girly! Can't wait to see you then!" And with that, she hung up.

I looked around my room in the darkness, stunned. I had agreed to meet up with Sofia. That thought wasn't bad, since it left out the bigger, important details.

I agreed to meet up with Sophia, at a Club. In the morning, pass One. Without Zayn, my body guard.

I got up from bed, fixing the sheets before walking into my closet. What the hell was I supposed to wear? I hadn't been shopping in so long. The last time I went was with Zayn, and without my wallet. I scoured the countless racks for a decent outfit. I shook my head in dismay, What the hell was I thinking of meeting with Sofia at a time like this in the first place?

In the end, I settled for black pants, a loose fitting tee and a matching black leather jacket. Brushing a comb through my hair a few times, adding some mascara and foundation, I was set. I was in no mood to go over dressy, especially at a late and uncalled for time.

Grabbing my keys, phone and wallet, I shoved it inside a small hand bag. Creaking my door open a few inches, I peeked outside. Nobody was there. I sighed in relief, taking the first step. I had a pair of flats in the other hand. Knowing the marble floors, I had a feeling I'd make a squeaky escape with them on.

I jogged down the hall, sweating just a tad. I was not up for this, but I couldn't back down. I'm sorry, Zayn.

* - *

I drove down the empty back streets of London, recalling the memory of Zayn's words.

We were arguing about who was to drive on the way out.

"You're not driving," He called behind me.

"Yes I am." I argued, my voice wavering from a calm tone to a much more aggressive, harsher tone.

"Your father told me that you are in no position to drive," He jogged to catch up to me, and within seconds, was right in front of our entrance doors, leaning casually against it. Practically blocking my way. All of it. "Therefor, I will drive."

I shook my head, smiling at the memory. Not paying attention, I heard a honk from in front of me. Turned out, I was running a red, and a car was right at my side, barely touching.

"Watch it!" The man behind the wheel yelled at me in anger and shock.

I raised a hand, waving for an apology before driving on. I felt like a complete idiot. What am I still doing, going on like this?

Another five minutes passed and I finally reached my destination. Sofia was right, the front was filled with various parked cars. I scrolled my window down, hoping that Hunter, the entrance guard would see me and remember me, giving me one of the VIP spots. I wave a hand, and he gives me a look of confusion. I think I've seen her before I read off his face.

I gave him one of my seductive smiles before he finally remembered. He waved me in the direction of the VIP spots, mouthing Parking spot A6. Blowing a kiss, I thanked him and parked.

Self-consciously, I walked to the front. Where the line was moments ago, disappeared. Instead Hunter was standing alone with a grin on his face as he saw me coming forward.

"Haven't seen you in a while, Ms. Colton." He winked at me, letting me by.

"Been a bit busy, s'all." I smiled before going inside.

As soon as I got in, the loud sound of music filled my ears, along with the smell of alcohol, food and the smell of sweat. I crinkled my nose as they all hit me at once. Normally, I wouldn't have noticed, being there so often but now it was beginning to annoy me. I looked around for a familiar blonde-head. Where the hell is She?

Where them girls at, girls at?
Where them girls at, girls at?
Where them girls at, girls at?
So go get them, we can all be friends

My head was beginning to spin as I my eyes circled the room, looking in every direction. I didn't even have a drink yet, and I was already starting to get dizzy. I needed to get out of here.

Before I can turn around and leave, a pair of arms wrap around me from behind. I don't yell out or scream in surprise, too scared to move and turn around. Who the fuck is holding me?

"You're finally here!" a voice finally squealed before I was forcibly turned around to face her.

I sighed in relief as I saw her familiar face come into view, returning the hug. She was obviously drunk by the smell of her mouth but I don't mention a thing about it.

"Where's your mini skirt? Or that cute red dress you always wore with those heels that were what-3 or 4 inches tall?" Sophia asked, turning me around for a look over.

I blushed, not knowing what to say. "Sorry," I apologized. "Didn't know what to wear tonight."

"Didn't know what to wear tonight?" She repeated in a baffled voice.

"Oh my god, what has happened to you in the past three weeks? Have you been staying sober for the past three weeks? When was the last time you had a drink? Don't tell me it was the last time we came here, Oh for god's sake Renee!" She grabbed me by the arm, heading straight for the bar's direction.

Five shots later..and my heads starting to spin.

I'm on the dance floor, breaking a sweat. I haven't had so much energy pass through me like that in the past twenty-one days. Sophia and I lock hands, swinging each other around, laughing like old time's. Was I doing this by my own decisions or was it because of the alcohol? I couldn't tell.

My phone was vibrating in my pocket, but I don't make a move to answer it.

What time was it anyway? I didn't have a watch on.

A drink or two later, and my head is starting to hurt. My vision is starting to blur at the edges. It's time to leave.

I can't remember exactly what happened next, but all I know was that I had been too drunk that night to drive myself home. For heaven's sake, I didn't even remember who brought me home at all. Sophia was as drunk as me, so she couldn't have been behind the wheel. The last thing I could see, and remember, before collapsing was Zayn's face of pure rage as I hit the floor.

"Dammit, Renee! I told you not to go anywhere without me." I heard Zayn's voice say before falling into complete darkness.


I wake up in someone's lap. I can tell because I don't feel the usual texture of the pillowcase. But then again, how? My head was throbbing at the same time. I blinked a couple of times, getting used to the light in the room.

"Turn off the lights!" I moaned, covering my face with my arm.

"I can't, it's the sun." Zayn replies in an annoyed voice.

Wait, what? Zayn?

I sat straight up at the realization, but I'm forced back down to lie again. Next, I feel the cold temperature of the ice pack as it's lowered onto my forehead. It eases the pain of the headache temporarily, before the cold shocks me. I gulped, not knowing what to say. What to do. Frankly, I can't even move.

"Why did you do it?" Zayn finally asked after a long silence.

"Do what?" I asked, playing dumb.

"Go out, get drunk-wasted, my bad; last night after I left? If you wanted to do something fun, you should had told me to stay the night here!" His voice raised to a shout.

I winced at his words, flinching. Waiting for a hit that doesn't come.

"I-I don't know." I replied honestly.

"How do you not know why you do things? For god damn sake, Renee?" He lifted the ice pack off my forehead so he could have a better view of my face.

It doesn't matter since I turn away.

"Just own up to your actions sometimes, Renee. Why can't you tell me why you did that? Why can't you just be honest? You wanted to party, I could have gone with you? You send me away and leave alone!"

"It's too early in the morning for this! I don't want to talk about my partying habits, alright? If all you're going to do is scold me, then leave! I don't need you!" I sat up, getting up from his lap, glowering.

I don't need this.

I don't need him.

What are you talking about? Of course you do.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the late update, everyone! It's getting closer to the end of the school year, so I've decided to slow the updates down. I'll probably be busy with more projects so I don't want to rush writing. Which means it won't end by June. :D
Less updates - Longer Chapters - Better written (I hope.)
Thanks again, everyone!
We've reached six stars :)
Like Always, the gif does not belong to me.