Just Give Up


It took me two years to build up what I had. Fame. Popularity. Love. Friendship. Happiness. Everything I could ever dream of. I was in a famous boy band in Europe, called One Direction. I made four new best friends-Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, and Harry Styles. But now, after two months, in just two montha, I had managed to lose all that, thanks to my fucking father.

Why because of my father?

He made me give it up, blackmailed me into it, actually, and instead, made me into a stupid 'bodyguard' for his stupid company.

MPP: Malik Protection Program

One month in an intense training camp, and another for final examination plus the process of finding me someone to 'protect'. And fortunately for me, I managed to luck out and protect her.

Her as in some chick I never knew before-hand, someone I never thought could ever exist.

But she did.

* - *

You want my honest, honest, honest opinion?

I didn't like her at first. Renee, I mean. She was a total bitch to Mr. Colton, and she reeked the smell of cheap beer that anyone could buy at the local bar. I mean, if you want to get wasted, do it right, you know? I was shocked to see her red hair, I was informed before-hand that she'd been rebelling against Mr. Colton, but I never knew how badly it was until then.

She swore, she cut him off, she fought back, she was a hot and sexy, dirty mess.

After being introduced to one another, we both stared in silence. Studying each other's faces, our expressions. Our features. She had a blank expression, or it was either a face I couldn't decipher at the moment. Then again, it could have been her intense green eyes, that caught me off guard. I didn't know what to think except How the fuck am I supposed to protect her? The only person she needed protection from was herself.

"I don't need a bodyguard." She snapped, causing me to snap back into reality.

"You don't need one?" Mr. Colton laughed in a dark tone. "Don't defy me, Renee. You're lucky to be allowed to step out of the house, for one thing. If it were you grandfather, he'd lock you up in an underground cellar. With Zayn, you're free to go wherever you please, as long as he's with you."

I hoped he was kidding. I hoped he was joking about the part where I'd have to follow her everywhere.

"I can take care of myself." She continued, not giving up the fight.

I liked that about her. Her stubbornness, persistence. A girl who knew how to fought back. She was right, she didn't need my protection. She could fight with words. And if that wasn't enough, she could go enroll in a karate class than waste my time trailing behind her like a lost puppy.

"No you don't. If coming home drunk every other night is your way of being able to take care of yourself, then you are extremely wrong. Zayn has already signed the contract to at least two months of labor."

Wait a second. My father only told me six weeks. What was Mr. Colton talking about? I was only supposed to be a temporary bodyguard until Wilson, one of the best Body guards at MPP finished his contract with another clientele.

For a quick second, Renee's eyes flickered between her father and myself, actually bothering to listen for once.

I had to settle this mistake. "Sir," I tried to say, my pussy attempt to try and cut him off.

But he didn't listen.

"I'll leave you two alone for a bit, get to know each other. Bodyguard to irresponsible young lady."

He turned around, giving me a slight nod as he turned to open the door. His cellphone was still out, as if he were expecting for someone to call. I frowned, then I looked back at Renee. She looked even more furious, her cheeks tinted in a very bright pink. I looked at her face, then down at her hands. She was reaching for the magazine. Uh Oh.

Like an instinct, my hand shot up, deflecting the magazine that could have almost hit Mr. Colton in the back. The old man was oblivious to all this, shutting the door behind him like normal. I looked down, watching the magazine in slow motion falling to the ground, ignoring the sound of the door as it slammed shut.

"What the fuck?" She yelled at me, I snapped my head back up.

"You're supposed to be protecting me, not that asshole!" She continued.

I didn't know what to say at that point. And If I did say anything, It would probably come out rude and obnoxious. And that was not a great way to start this duty of mine as her body guard. But finally, at the last minute, my thoughts finally formed themselves into a proper and polite sentence.

I hope she won't slap me for saying this. The truth.

I looked at her with as much sincerity I could muster from the time being, biting my lip too. "If you didn't treat your father the way you did, I wouldn't have to be here." I said calmly.

And this is where I run out of the room like a shy bastard. I didn't want to see her reaction. I didn't want to hear it either.

* - *

I followed her father's actions, opening the door and leaving. I didn't know where I was going, but I had to go somewhere else, rather than being locked up in a room full of intense shit and one crazy bitch who I honestly felt, hated my guts. Even though we had only met less than an hour ago.

I walked down one of the Colton Mansion's hallways with caution. I winced at the sound of every one of my footsteps echoing. It was seriously freaking the shit out of me. You all must be thinking,

Pfft. Why the fuck is Zayn afraid of hearing his foot steps? You'll be fighting off big guys in future chapters, that's who you're supposed to be afraid of!"

Before I could turn the corner at the end of the hallway, I heard Renee's door open behind me.

Shit shit shit.

"Where do you think you're going?" She asked in a menacing tone, I had a feeling her arms were crossed. Even if I wasn't facing her direction.

I turned on my heel to face her, the cold, menacing, furious expression mask she had on moments ago was replaced with a softer expression. A questioning face. Her eyebrows were arched in perfect half-circles. Her lips were pinched together, eyes watching my every move.

"No where," I replied in a some-what cool voice.

You got this bro, you got this! I could hear the boys cheering me on in my head.

I missed them already.

"Huh. It seemed like you had plans on leaving on day one of the job," She crossed her arms, even her tone of voice changed.

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms. "I wasn't leaving," I repeated, staring straight back at her.

"Good, We're going to the mall. And you're going to meet Sofia & Mercedes." I could see the corners of her mouth turning upward in a secretive smile.

Hot mess, alright.

"I'm going to have to stop by HQ and get a few things then," I muttered to myself, feeling unprepared for the job.

I had came to the Colton Residence empty-handed, only expecting an interview, and an awkward meeting. I got the complete opposite.

"Zayn, this is my daughter Renee Colton. She will be the one you must follow around town 24/7, making sure she doesn't get wasted, or max out all her cards. You also must make sure she won't sleep with anyone twice her age. And if you do, expect your head to be cut off. I hope I made that clear to you."

Instead, I had managed to experience one of the many, and apparently, usual arguments the two have.

"What was that?" Renee called out, halfway between the doorway to her room.

"Nothing," I grumbled back, waving her off. "Go get changed, I'll be back in half an hour."
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Don't be a silent reader.