Just Give Up


I put my phone down, and turned to take a peek at Renee. Although she was unconscious, she seemed to have some kind of angelic look on her face. Serene, even. I frowned at the memory of her hitting her head, thanks to her two psychopathic friends. Hopefully she was okay.

I slowly got up from sitting at the end of her bed, making sure to not make a sound. Challenge one, accomplished. Now it was time to walk out of her room, without making too loud footsteps. Which I had a feeling, I would fail.

I took my first step, facing Renee as I do this. Next step, i'm safe. Third, fourth, fifth, sixth, up until I managed to get past the doorway. I wiped my forehead, afraid of what wasn't there-sweat. It had been five minutes since the end of my call with the Guys, I had to find a computer ASAP.

I peeked in numerous rooms, but couldn't find the same butler. What I did see, were maids fluttering by me, some giggled as well. There was even one probably two or three years older than me who winked as they strutted by with a feather duster. I coughed, looking away, feeling disgusted.

"I should have asked him what his name was."I grumbled to myself, turning to walk back in the same direction I had came from.

Eyes on the ground, I shook my head in defeat. I was about to pull my phone out and call the guys back when I heard the butler's voice. "Were you looking for me?" He asked.

I have never felt so relieved in my whole life, and if there was a time I did, I couldn't remember at that moment. "Do you have a computer I could use?"

"Ah, I'll turn on Ms. Colton's computer in her room for your use, that way you'll be able to monitor her while the doctor isn't around." He began to walk in the direction I came from, but paused and looked back at me one more time. "My name is Francis."

I followed Francis back to Renee's room. She still hasn't waken up yet, but she seemed to have changed positions. I pulled the covers over her, it was a bit chilly now that I thought of it.

"Sir, the password is 061810." I nodded my head as a thank you, getting up to sit down in the computer chair.

While waiting for the computer to turn on, I lazily pulled out my phone to text the guys,

Sorry for the wait, I couldn't find the butler. Just a few more minutes, it's taking a while to start up.

That's fine. As long as we get to talk, and as long as we get to see your face again!

Within two minutes, skype was up and running, the call going through, it was loading their camera, but I could already hear their voices.

"Guys, look! It's Zayn!" Niall announced, waving his hand.

"Hey," I waved back, smiling at them.

"You look different, that new job's taking it's toll on you, eh?" Liam pointed out.

"You look skinnier. Or maybe it's because your muscles are sticking out more," Louis agreed.

"Cut it out," I smiled, "How is everything there?" I recall the memory of the day I left.

We were taking close-up shots when all of a sudden my father's men infiltrated the building. It was pretty dramatic. The whole staff of the photo-shoot was pissed off because of the commotion they caused. A couple o' hundred thousand of pounds went to replacing all the broken equipment.But I think they're more mad at me for giving up so easily and for leaving them. But if Louis, Liam, Niall and Harry could get over it, why couldn't they?

They shared a knowing look between each other, then Liam finally spoke up. "For the most part, we're okay. The management is still on rocky waters with your father though. They're suing him for you breaking the contract. But it wasn't necessarily your fault. Your father put you in a tough position."

I nodded in agreement.

"Wait, who's that lovely behind you?" Harry leaned in to the camera, the boys followed suite.

It took me a moment to realize that they were talking about Renee behind me. I spun around in my chair. She was in the same position that I left her. I turned to face the computer again.

"Sorry 'bout that," I said sheepishly. "I totally forgot to introduce you to each other."

"Ms. Colton, I'd like you to meet One Direction; Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne and Harry Styles."

"Hello There!" they played along, talking in perfect unison as if Renee were wide awake.

"Anyways Zayn, here's the link to the website that has the article of you." Niall changed the subject, holding up a piece of paper with the website url written down.

http://wonderstarstruck.co.uk (fictional website)

I typed the website in exactly, waiting in anticipation as it loaded.

Zayn, spotted in London!

The star, at only nineteen years old, a former singer in the famous boy band called One Direction (cause of sudden leave, still unknown), was found leaving a local Mall in London at about lunch time. Shoppers at the mall did not notice he was there until his red-headed companion was tackled to the floor from behind. In panic, the singer shoved aside the tacklers and carried the girl out the mall in a hurry. But not enough to escape being photographed. The relationship between the two is unknown. Could it be that Zayn has found a new girlfriend?
One shopper at the scene of the event comments, and I quote, "I saw them walk in holding hands, smiles on their faces. They just looked genuinely happy. But all of a sudden, a minute later, two girls run up and tackle her. It was an absurd sight She was doing nothing wrong!"
Or was he being a hero, saving a fan from injuries?
Another spectator at the scene says, "They walked in separately, the girl looked as if she were looking for someone. That someone obviously wasn't there. I watched as two girls tackled her to the ground after yelling out 'RENEEEE!' Zayn just happened to be there at the right time to save her from whatever was going on."

Who knows!

"That's complete and utter bullshit!"
I practically yelled, closing down safari in rage.

The boys nodded in agreement, "Aye mate, what are you going to do? Tell 'em you quit for MPP?" Louis asked.

" Or are you going to play along and say she's your girlfriend?" Harry added.

"I can't tell them about MPP. my father would kill me.." Speaking of which, I forgotten to call him! "When was the article posted?"

"A little under two hours ago," Niall answered, with a frown on his face.

"Shit.. my dad probably has seen this by now." I rubbed my forehead with my left hand.

"You better go call him, we'll be here." Liam said.

I got up from my chair, "Sorry." I apologized.

Just as I got out of the room, Francis and the doctor arrived. "She's in there, doc, I'll be there in a bit but I have to take this call " I excused myself with a quick apology and made my way down the hall, turning the corner.

He picked up on the first ring, which was a bad omen. He already read what happened. "Dad I-"

"What in the world were you doing, at the mall? on the first day?!" He yelled into the phone.

"It wasn't my idea, It was h-"

"I don't care who's Idea it was Zayn. Of all days, You choose to take her out of the house on the first day. You managed to hurt her head as well. Are you not following Mr. Colton's orders? Where is he, I wan't to speak to this man." He ranted, the volume of his voice never wavering.

"He's not here right now." I spoke calmly, trying to keep my tone of voice down.

"Well where is he then?" His voice, if it was possible, got even louder.

I held the phone inches away from my ear. At this rate, I'd be deaf by the end of the call. What kind of use would a deaf body guard be?

"[b[Find him immediately and tell him to call me as soon as you do." With that, he hung up.

I looked down at my phone, dejectedly.

I'm trying my hardest dad, why can't you see that? I gave up on my dreams, my happiness, my freedom. For you. Isn't that enough? And if it wasn't, does it kill you to say thank you for trying, at least? No? Why don't you ever let me finish my sentence. Why don't you listen to me for once?

I felt a tear fall from my eye.

Never have I ever felt so weak in my life.
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