3 Words That Will Kill You..

I don't know anymore.

As I was laying there with my head on his chest listening his heart beat what I here'd him wispier.
'I love you'
Those three words can kill you.
'I love you to' I wispier'd back in a hazy voice.
Then Zack ran in and yell'd
'Hayden! Loren's here!
Hayden jumped up an kissed my head and-Boom! The love of my life gone just like the in a blink of an eye.
'Zacky?' I Wispier'd
'Yea Sammy' He said walking over to me and looking in my eyes
'I don't know' I sighed
'I Know' He said giving me a little kiss witched made me smile a little
'I have to go now i'll be back after the movie if you get lonely Sammy(Yea we have the same name I hate it) and Adam are down stairs'
'Yea I Know I Said geting up and puting my Falling in reverse shirt and my pink skinny jeans with my cowboy boots'file:///C:/Users/Epic/Downloads/images%20(1).jpg file:///C:/Users/Epic/Downloads/images%20(2).jpg file:///C:/Users/Epic/Downloads/images%20(3).jpg