Falling In Love Alone

Keep Going, Princess!

So the principal let us off 'easy'. At first he said he was considering taking prom away from us but again, I came to the rescue with my persuasive words and convinced him to give us a week's detention. During that week, nothing much happened; I met up with my band again and everything was perfect with them, Rian didn't come with me... in fact I hardly saw Rian at all that week, nor did I see Zack! I saw Alex nearly every day but he never uttered a word to me! Never! As for Jack, he talked to me at school and he came over every now and again and my mum was beginning to get the wrong idea, not matter how right the idea seemed to me.
Today, I was sat in my room, looking up at dress that my mum had bought me for Prom...It was beautiful, really beautiful it was a light blue and it fit me perfectly! My mum was much better at picking things like that than me! Standing up I put it back in my mum's room, in her near to empty wardrobe before I make my way back into my room, sitting amongst the piles of paper with a bunch of lyrics wrote all over them. Some where from James and Dean and one Conor wrote the rest where mine. I looked down at one piece of paper which wasn't any type of lyric sheet but had the words; Keep going princess, written across it in a neat styled writing, she used it to help her write all her songs. Hearing a knock on my bedroom door I looked up for a small moment before my mum's head peeped around the corner.
"Jack's here!" she smiled before opening the door so that the lanky boy could enter the room which he did. Watching my mother leave I looked up at Jack with a small smile.
"What are you doing here so late?" I questioned as I watched him sit on a stool next to my bed, grabbing my guitar and strumming it a little before she sighed softly.
"Mom and Dad's gone on holiday and I don't want to stay in the house on my own!" he pouted childishly causing me to giggle.
"Why didn't you just call Alex?"
"I tried, he ignored my calls, I'm worried about him Brit!" I have to admit, I was crushed to know I wasn't Jack's first choice but then again, he and Alex where inseparable.
"Yeah, me too. I was thinking we should go round tomorrow!"
"So I can stay?" he asked with a cheesy grin plastering his face, again I giggled.
"Sure!" I instantly had a large smile on my lips and I knew my mum would let him stay, she liked him!
His eyes wondered over my bed as he saw the lyric sheets but he picked up the single sheet of paper I previously had.
"What's this?!" he questioned, examining it with his eyes.
"Oh, my dad wrote me that when he found out he had cancer!" I replied before instantly taking it off him and putting it back down, he went quite before he started strumming a familiar tune on my acoustic. Reckless Abandon! Rolling my eyes, I laughed before singing along, emphasizing the swearing causing him to laugh softly. When the song came to an end, we was left with bright smiles and a case of the giggles before he swiftly suggested we watch Home Alone. So that's exactly what we did, I put all the sheets back in a plastic wallet and under my bed for looking for my video of Home Alone, simply putting it in the Video cassette I looked over at Jack who was laid along the bed patting a place for me to lay next to him... so I did.
We didn't do anything that night... nothing, we stayed in the same place all night and fell asleep that way as well! I wanted something to happen but I was too chicken to make the first move.
That morning my mum woke us up, telling us someone was at the door for me. It was awkward at first, waking up in Jacks arms but I liked it. Rushing down stairs we was blessed with Alex's presence. At first he smirked at the fact we both came down the stairs together but then his face turned into a serious manner before he pushed past us and went in the direction we had just came in, making his way back to my room. Following him, we was shocked at the state we saw Alex in... he looked dreadful and not like his usual self at all! I studied him from head to toe, his hair was extremely greasy, his eyes were heavy and a dark red, his scowl on his lips told me he wasn't happy. He had the same shirt that he wore for school 2 days ago but then my eyes trailed to his arms, his skinny, bony arms which where now covered in deep slashes, blood and inflamed cuts. I tried my best not to cry... I tried so hard but I couldn't help the tears strolling down my face.
"Lex" I simply spoke, my voice cracking a little, Jack didn't quite understand at first but then he saw it, some where fresh some where a few days old. Surly this wasn't because of Lisa, I hoped and I prayed it wasn't because of that bitch!
"He did it." he repeated, I didn't quite understand but Jack just embraced his best friend, clearly understanding the pain he was going through it.
"Who? What?" I asked, looked over at the boys before Alex pushed Jack away and stared me dead in the face, clearly pissed off.
"My brother... gone, dead. Killed himself! Only fucking person keeping me sane after all this shit kicked off and it's all because of you! If you just stayed in fucking England non of this would ever have happened! Jack wouldn't be so fucking distant from me, hoping you'd just fucking ask him out, Lisa would have never cheated on me and my brother would have never killed himself! You're a selfish bitch Brittany! a stone cold, evil bitch!" he snarled before looking back at Jack and leaving.
I couldn't speak, I was choking up and the tears seemed to fall down my face faster, I looked at Jack before taking a few deep breaths and contained my composure.
"Go... with him!" I spoke sternly before he shook his head. It pissed me off a little before I simply snapped my head at him and took a few steps closer.
"Jack, Go! Make sure he doesn't fucking hurt himself again okay!"
"Are you going to be okay!?"
"No, I'm not but I'd rather him be okay than me now piss off!" I screeched before he ran out after him, I simply dropped to my knees and cried and allowed everything to get to me... First my dad now this. Suddenly my mothers thoughts of moving to Baltimore were a huge mistake!
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So, this is a quick update... I hope you liked this small chapter :D