Falling In Love Alone

Remember When?

Walking to school the next day really dragged a little; It didn't help that I set off earlier but my Mum wasn't up and I didn't plan on staying in a house on my own for another 10 minutes so I took that opportunity to take in the neighbour hood, but all I could think of was Jack and how he'd still have questions about my dad. I didn't exactly tell him what he wanted to hear.
I must have been walking terribly slow. I started to notice more and more students leaving their house and getting in their car's and driving to school. I started to pick up my pace before I heard a large horn beep at the side of me.
"BRIT!" a large yell came with it.
I looked around in confusion before smiling at who was actually calling me.
Little did I know that the rest was in the car, I just... couldn't see. I jogged up to the car and leaned on the window were Rian was and smiled at the others.
"Wanna ride to school?" He questioned pointing in to the back seat where Jack and Zack were sat.
"Sure!"I smiled, I mean I wasn't really in the right mind if I declined.
So, Jack opened the door for me and moved closer to Zack so that I could fit in as soon as I was in, Rian set off again.
"So" Alex turned in his seat to face me a little "Jack told us that you write songs!" He smiled as did I.
I looked over at Jack and well I couldn't be mad at him could I? His cheesy smile was enough to forgive anyone plus, why should I be mad?
"Yeah. Not much though." I spoke truthfully, nodding uncomfortably.
"Well, when you do... It's great!" Jack interrupted, he clearly didn't want me to be modest.
"Thanks!" I smiled before I shook my head with a small laugh. The next 2 minutes was a mindless conversation between all 4 boys and I really didn't bother getting involved, I just watched out of the window.


School dragged, the lesson's were boring and during lunch I had to do some sort of Mathematics test, apparently all new students do it. I was never happier to go home.
Strolling home, I found myself content and alone well until I heard another beep. This time I looked quicker and waved at the passing car which had Rian and Zack in. I questioned the absence of Jack and Alex but I didn't really care much about it.
"Hey stranger!"
A familiar voice and a pair of footsteps came from behind me, so I turned around and solved the question which was; Where was Alex and Jack.
"Hey!" I smiled back at the two boys before Alex carelessly wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"Where was you at Lunch?"
"Oh, doing some sort of Math thing..."
"Ah, don't worry if you think you have failed. They just do it so it looks like they actually care about us!" Alex assured before unwrapping his arm from around my neck
"Good, cause I didn't do It at all!" I laughed before shrugging.
"What did you do instead?" Jack seem to find it entertaining that I didn't do my test, I could easily tell by they way he looked at him.
"Wrote another song!" I nodded looking back up at him.
"Oh cool. I wanna hear it!" Jack replied before looking over at Alex.
"Oh, I'd love to come hear it but Lisa's waiting for me at her house."
"Looks like its just you and me again!" Jack answered looking back down at me and I just laughed.
When myself and Jack arrived back at my house, it was empty... again! I rolled my eyes when no one answered and simply made my way up to my room, Jack soon followed.
"So lets hear it!" He spoke laying across my bed.
I shook my head before making my way over to my piano again before reaching over to grab my acoustic guitar.
"Here, pick up the tune as I play!" I smiled before he just laughed and obliged.

"Remember when I cried to you a thousand times, I told you everything, you know my feelings. It never crossed my mind that there would be a time, for us to say goodbye, what a big surprise.

But I’m not lost, I’m not gone, I haven’t forgot

These feelings I can’t shake no more, these feelings are running out the door, I can feel it falling down and you're not coming back around.
These feelings I can’t take no more, this emptiness in the bottom drawer, It’s getting harder to pretend and I’m you're coming back around again
Remember when…"

I looked over at him, he soon got the tune and played it on the guitar. When I stopped I sighed a little.
"That's all I've got so far" I added before looking over at him.
"It was beautiful!" He replied before randomly playing a tune on my guitar.
"You know you're really good at that!" I spoke admiring the music he was playing.
"You never did tell me what happened to your dad." he spoke and I just remained silent for a little while before standing up and sitting next to him on my bed.
"Well, My dad was ill pretty much all my life. Really sick. We all thought He'd get over it, ya know. He'd get on with everyday as if he wasn't in pain. Then, one day he came home from the doctors and they told him he had cancer and it was way to far in to surgically remove it. It killed us all inside a little. A few week's later he got called into hospital for them to tell him that the treatment wasn't working and that he only had a month to live."
I stopped, at that moment... I couldn't see a thing, My eyes were welled up with my tears and I choked on my words. but I wasn't finished!
" It broke my heart, so it was his dying wish to spend as much time as possible with all of us as he could. I was last to spend time with him. Anyway, he was driving and we had the music on full blast, sing away to every lyric that we knew. Then, It was a red light but he couldn't stop. He was in so much pain and we got into a car crash. I only got a few minor injures but that's when my dad..."
Jack just held me close as I poured out into tears then he slowly pulled my head up and kissed me softly. I didn't know how to respond. So I just allowed it to happen. It was perfect though, sweet, soft and tender.
We quickly pulled away before I rushed to my feet.
"I am so sorry!" Jack spoke before I looked down at him
"Dont worry about it!"
"We'll just pretend that it didn't happen?" I suggested before I heard my door fly open.
"Oh, Hi Jack sweetie! Brit, I need your help putting the shopping away!"
I looked at Jack then at my Mum and I nodded.
"I'll be going then. I'll see you tomorrow at Rian's?" he questioned.
Everything seemed so awkward.
♠ ♠ ♠
ELLO! Sorry I havent updated in like... whatever but I need y'all to comment! So I know that you still want me to continue. Even if its just one person!
Anyways I was thinking about another Fic maybe a Taylex one? I dont know :L