Falling In Love Alone

Ignorance For A whole week.

I woke up on a sofa, my vision slightly blurred and I felt a pair of arms around my waist of course, I thought nothing of it being half a sleep and all. I just peeled them off me and rubbed my eyes, sitting up.
I sighed before I looked around. Rian and some girl passed out on the floor, Alex and Lisa were asleep on the one seater, Zack was asleep on the preforming platform alone and I was on the sofa... with Jack. My eyes shot open as soon as I saw the lanky teenager next to me. I tried to recall the party but all I remember was finishing A.V.R.I.L.'s set and the first few song's All Time Low played. I will never drink again.
Attempting to stand up, I almost fell over Rian. Surprisingly, I didn't see anyone else passed out in the house, just us...7. Making my way to the kitchen, I got myself a glass of water, indulging in it almost right away.
The sound of another voice gave me a heart attack. Jumping out of my skin, I looked over at Jack who's hair looked like a lion's mane and look almost as bad as I did in the morning.
"Morning!" I replied almost out of breath, He simply laughed and made his way to the fridge.
"Why are you up, You was pretty out of it last night."
"I didn't do anything I'd regret did I?" I worried.
"No but even if you did, No one would remember. They was just as bad as you!" He assured grabbing a orange juice out of Rian's fridge.
"Did you not drink?"
"Hell yeah, I just remember everything." He spoke, that I understood.
"I've gotta get home, My mum will be going crazy!" I spoke looking up at the clock which read '5:14' I assumed the morning, the sun was still rising.
"I'll walk you home."
"Are you sure, I mean with what happened last time."
"I wasn't the one who complained!" He spoke swiftly before he took the lead and began the short walk to our neighbourhood.
I cant really say much about the walk home with Jack, it was awkward and silent. That was pretty much the rest of the week for me. Yes! A whole week had pasted and Jack was completely ignoring me. For what reason I don't know why. I went to two band practice's through out the week and Rian went to them with me, mostly because he knew everyone there and well, I didn't.
So here's Friday. Zack invited me over to his cousin's house because he had a pool and it was really hot so, I thought. 'Why not?'
It was boiling, everyone was there. Zack, Rian, Alex, Jack, My band, Lisa and Zack's cousin who was called David. I felt a little uncomfortable in just a black bikini, I felt like any girl would. I tried not to let it bother me.
I was sat with Lisa, talking about our shopping trip and how she really wanted this top in her favourite vintage shop. I wasn't paying much attention, the only thing on my mind was Jack and it was pretty obvious that I was starting at him, despite the dark sun glasses I was wearing.
"Still hung up on the whole Jack thing?"
"Hum?" Caught of guard, I turned to Lisa who had the biggest grin plastering her face.
"Just talk to him! Tell him how you feel!"
"Thats the thing, I don't know how I feel about him or what happened." a defeated sigh passed my lips as I leaned back into my chair a little more.
"Well, we all do." unsurprisingly, Alex had joined the conversation which made me wonder who else could hear us.
"What's that suppose to mean?"Lifting my sunglasses up over my head, I attempted to look him dead in the eyes, this time I spoke a little quieter.
"You like him! A lot by the looks of it!"
"I don't understand! How do you know how I feel about someone when I don't even know myself!"
"You do... you're just in denial." Lisa spoke before she went back to relaxing.
Looking over at Jack once more then back at Alex, I sighed and pulled myself up from the chair and made my way towards Jack who was sat with his feet in the pool, kicking water at Luke.
"Hey!" I approached him, It was a little, pathetic I know but I needed to start the conversation, somehow.
"Hi!" He spoke, he didn't even look at me.
I just rolled my eyes and turned around only to be knocked into the pool by Rian. Great!
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BLAGH! rubbish chapter. I AM SO SORRY! but anyway. STAY TUNED ;) Cause we have some good chapters coming up, I promise! Plus PROM is coming soon so see who they ask. You maybe surprised with the outcome.