Falling In Love Alone

Down But Defiantly Not Out.

The next day, Lisa met me at the mall to go shopping, well at least that's what I thought. As the automatic door's of the grand shopping mall opened, I saw Lisa and Alex, oh and JACK! I was slightly panicking, I looked around for Zack and Rian, hoping they would pop up out of the blue, but they didn't. I turned, hoping that non of them saw me and headed for the door.
"Brit, over here!"
SHIT! Keep cool, Brittany! I turned around and smiled at the waving Lisa, with Alex wrapped around her waist as if he was a belt. Reluctantly, I walked towards them with a fake small smile, trying my best not to make contact with Jack.
It was awkward silence at first and Alex and Lisa found that making out would hopefully start off a conversation... it did not. Me and Jack looked at each other with the same idea.
Slowly walking away from the couple, we made our way to the smoothie cart in the middle of the mall. We ordered 2 summer fruit smoothies and sat down on a marble like 'bench' I guess.
"So..." I spoke first, Hoping it would lead to a conversation... of any kind.
"How are you liking America so far?" He had a quick response but soon started sucking on the straw that was stuck through the smoothie.
"It was amazing at first, made 4 great friends... Zack, Alex, Rian and Jack I believe they are called but then you see, Me and this Jack we got pretty close and I started to tell him about my dad and then I made a big mistake..." Jack had this way of getting things out of me when he hasn't even done anything. Strange right. So there I was poking at my smoothie waiting for a response.
"Kissing him?" You could hear the hurt in his voice, I don't know what it meant but it obviously meant something.
"No... telling him to forget about it." A large smile plastered my lips and I could sort of tell he was smiling too.
"Well, if I was this Jack guy, I'd kis..."
"There you both are!" Lisa spoke, clearly from no-where.
"Finally pulled yourself off each other?" I questioned, sarcasm laced my voice.
"Haha, funny! Look, I need to go shoe shopping! So, we'll meet you boys back here in like... half hour?"
It was a deal, Jack and Alex went off in there own direction and me and Lisa disappeared into a shoe store.
Shopping with Lisa was quite a change. She would look at different things and instantly know what outfit she would wear with it. It was crazy. I stayed quite for most of it. I just wanted to see Jack again, desperate... I know but I couldn't help it. I had feeling's for him, not that I would ever admit that to Lisa or Alex but I did. Our half hour seemed to come to an end and Lisa laced her arm into mine as she carried two bags in the other. Me, I still had my smoothie cup.
The boy's were already waiting in the spot we asked them too and when Lisa and Alex had eye contact, she released herself from me and ran into his arms. I couldn't help but laugh, I looked at Jack who was making sick gestures, holding his stomach... that kind of stuff. I simply slapped him on the arm and rolled my eyes.
"So, Jack... Who you going to prom with?" Alex questioned, holding Lisa in his arms tightly.
"I think I'm off with Jade."
Jade? Who the fuck is Jade and why is she going to prom with Jack... I should be going to prom with Jack not JADE!
"Oooo, Jack's going all out for the cheer squad." Lisa teased before looking at me and pulling a much more serious face.
"Shut up Lisa! She's funny and sweet!"
"Are you guys dating or something?" I asked trying my best not to sound jealous.
"No... not yet."
I don't know why but Lisa and Alex could read me like a book. They both knew I was jealous and they both knew I wanted to be in Jade's position. Alex had a large smirk where as Lisa had more of a sympathetic look on her face.
"Who you going with Brit?" Lisa questioned, a question that made me feel even worse about myself.
"Oh, no one. I don't even think i'm going to go."
"What? Why?"
"I just... don't want go I guess. I mean come on, I've only been here for a few weeks. Going to prom is like gate crashing someone's wedding and I for one am not a wedding crasher!" I replied simply. I was going to go, I was hoping Jack would ask me but since he decided to crush my self of stem unknowingly and is taking Jade. I decided on that spot that I would stay home and watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S. I don't know why but my eyes were starting to water... Everyone was looking at me so I turned around and started to walk away.
"I wont be long, I just need to go to the bathroom!" I shouted to them all.
As soon as I got to the bathroom I locked myself in a cubical and put the seat down on the toilet and cried, silently. My heart was pounding, my face was flushing. I promised myself after my dad died that I would never cry over another man. I failed... in a bathroom. Cleaning myself up I wiped my eyes and flushed the used toilet paper down the toilet. Opening the door, Lisa was stood there with her arms already open for a hug.
I didn't pass up the hug. We stood in the toilets whilst I poured my heart out to her... everything. From my mum not being there for me, my dad's death and now Jack. All she did was listen and it was all I needed.
"Im going to tell you something that my dad always told me... when ever you're sad or down just say to yourself. I'm down, but defiantly not out. It works." she replied sweetly.
She told me she had a trick to make it look like I wasn't crying as much... she worked her magic and reapplied my eye make-up for me and we went out, back to the boys.
"You were in there for ages." Alex spoke, reaching out to Lisa for her hand.
"Yeah, well. We had to re-do our make-up and we had a little girl talk!" she replied kissing him on the nose.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope that rekindled your interest for this fan fiction? Yes? No? Okay!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. I thought I'd use a You Me At Six lyric for the title cause... I don't know, It's one of my favourite sayings EVER. I NEED SUGGESTIONS. What should happen next? Should Jack take Jade to prom? Should Brit go to prom? I have a BIG twist in the story coming up. You DON'T want to miss it.
Shan ox