Falling In Love Alone

A New Me.

After shopping, I went home alone and by alone I mean completely alone. No mom, no nothing! Rolling my eyes I walked to my nearest mirror and examined my look. Pushing my hair back a few times, I took a deep breath and decided... It's time for a change. Using our house phone, I called Rian over and he not long after he knocked on my door.
A few minutes had gone and I had told Rian everything. He simply smiled and nodded agreeing with my plan.
"My mum should have some blue hair dye upstairs. Will you help?" I questioned, overly excited.
"Sure. Who do you think does Jack's and Alex's hair dye?" he chuckled before I ran up stairs and grabbed the 'Atlantic Blue' hair dye from the bathroom. Taking a few seconds to remember my long blonde hair. Grabbing an old tank top and a towel, I rushed down stairs and handed Rian what he needed to do my hair.

I avoided leaving the house for that weekend. My hair was bright blue and Zack had helped me pierce my nose, letting me use one of his new nose rings. My mum wasn't best pleased but she was never really there anyway to acknowledge it. Now it was Monday and for once, I was excited to go to school. I curled my blue hair so that the different shades of blue was shown in every curl, I applied a little bit more make-up than usual and my clothes got a little more adventurous. I wore my blink tank top, which myself and Rian cut the neck to be lower, to show cleavage, high waisted shorts, patterned tights and my doc martens. Rian assured me that Jack and Alex wouldn't be hitching a ride with him so I could freely go with him, so I did.
As soon as my foot hit the school grounds, everyone looked at me. Some where look's I was glad to have, other's could have killed me but I just shook my head and kept my head held high.
Rian and Zack followed me into home room, in which I luckily shared with all 4 boys. I took a deep breath before smiling at Lisa who seemed the most shocked out of everyone but then again, I refused to look at Jack.
"What in the hell?" She questioned, walking up to me slowly but all I could do was snigger and shrug.
"Is it a bad thing?"
"No... I just, wow!" she giggled before wrapping her arm around me and by that, I knew that she knew what I was doing.
"Brit! You look fucking awesome!" Alex complimented before I just cockily shrugged it off with a small giggle.
"Yeah, what made you do all this?" ... Jack. I sighed simply before I put my smile back on turning and looking him dead in the eye.
"Im sick of being pushed around, played, treat like nothing. So I made a change!" Allowing a large grin to pass my lips at him, he just looked at me confused before his attention was taken by Jade.
I simply made a barf noise before sticking my finger in my throat.
"What's your problem?"
the bitch cheerleader bluntly looked at me, Slut. Standing up I simply looked at her dead in the face, living up to the bad girl image I had created.
"You." I put simply, okay so it wasn't my best line but I tried my best to make it look intimidating.
The rest of school was great for me. More people acknowledged me and Jack hardly talked to Jade. So when I got home, I entered the house with a large smile, well until my mum came fussing in.
"I can't believe you'd do all this now!"
"What are you talking about Mom?!"
"Your father's family live's here and they want to meet us, they haven't seen us since you was 3 months old!"
"Wait, now? and you didn't tell me?"
"I didn't know myself Brittany, now go clean yourself up!" she replied shooing me up stairs, of course I obliged.
I couldn't believe it. As I was slicking my bright blue hair up into a tight, business like bun and smoothing out the creases in my black skirt that matched my black tank top. I simply bit my lip, wiping away any excess make-up.
I was about to meet my fathers side of the family. What if they didn't like me? What if they looked down on me? What if they blame me for my fathers death?
"Come on! We are going!" When my mom shouted me, I took a deep breath and slipped on a comfortable pair of dolly shoes, running down the stairs to accompany my mom and my brother.
It didn't take long to get to this house but the whole way there my mum updated me on our family history.
"Now remember, they will have a British accent like us. Your father's side..."
"Originated from England and Wales, I know, I know!" I sighed before she smiled at me as if she was proud or something. Then my little bit of attention went away when she knocked on the door and we was greeted.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, this isn't the BIG twist but it's one of them. There will be another small twist in the next chapter.
So, the first part was inspired by real life! Cause, I dyed my hair blue and got my nose pierced ha. so anyway, I hope you enjoy.
OH and I have another fanfic up... It's called Running From Therapy. Check it out. anyway. Comment, Sub, Recommend? whatever, just enjoy!
Shan ox.