Falling In Love Alone

Popularity or Family?

Looking at the young singer, we both looked as confused as each other.
"What the?" He replied before his father had made his way to the door.
"Dee!" He smiled and greeted my mother with arm's wide open. All I could do was stare at Alex as he did the same. My mother and my brother entered the house, leaving me and Alex to 'catch flies'
"You can't be my cousin! That's gross!" he muttered to myself before I shot his a shocked look.
"Excuse me! What's wrong with me?" I replied, defending myself.
"Nothing! That's the problem! You're hot and it was only today me and Jack was talking about how we'd...No! Gross!" Stressing out a little, I couldn't help be a little bit grossed out but at the same time, glad that Jack was talking about me in a 'good' way.
"Dude, that's just wrong!" I replied with a small snigger.
"I know! This is so wrong!" He added before banging his head on the door, causing me to giggle a little.
"Calm down, Cous!" Smirking, I simply shook my head. "You have Lisa and you was just, making Jack feel comfortable. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone!" I sniggered before pushing past him into his house.
Everything at Alex's was perfect. I got along well with his Dad... My Uncle and his mum.... My Auntie. Everything seemed a little funny at the moment but, hopefully it would settle in. hopefully. As 6:00pm came around the conner, My mum insisted we should all leave and I was happy to obey but Peter, Alex's Dad, insisted that I should stay the night, being close friends with Alex and all, I didn't pass up the opportunity. With a cup of Hot Chocolate in my hands, Me and Alex sat out in his garden, talking a load of nonsense.
"So what's with you and Jack?" He questioned before he took a sip of his hot beverage. I just sighed and shook my head.
"Nothing, that's the problem!" I stated before he shook his head, sniggering " It's not funny Alex, I really like him!" realising It was the first time I had actually vocally admitted it, my eye's widened before I took a large drink of my hot chocolate.
"Knew it!" He replied with a small smirk. Rolling my eyes I allowed a small giggle pass my lips, this boy was one of my best friends and also my cousin and I was glad at this moment in time I actually had a decent relationship with a member of my fathers side.
"I know what you mean, I was like that with Lisa, Now... I don't think I could do anything without her!" He stated with a smile on his lips.
"You don't!"
"Shut up! I love her!"
I simply bit my lip before I took another drink.
"Brittany, Lisa's on the phone for you!" I looked at Alex with a confused look on my face before I giggled softly. Running down to the house, leaving Alex in the garden I took the phone with a small smile on my face.
"Hey Lisa, What's up?"
"Is Alex there with you" she whispered, somewhat nervous.
"No, he's in the garden. Why what's wrong?"
"I've done something really bad but you can not tell a soul!" at this point, my curiousness had taken over.
"I cheated on Alex!" She replied before bursting out into a fit of tears. I was shocked, terribly shocked. I couldn't take any more surprises today so I simply put the phone down with out thinking, feeling slightly sick to the stomach. I couldn't lie to Alex but what if he didn't believe me? what if he thought I was lying because I was some sort of evil bitch? Shaking my head, I looked up at Alex through the window then at Peter.
"I'm sorry Peter, I've had a great time but I realised I have a bunch of homework to do before tomorrow so I really need to go home and finish it!" Without letting him reply I simply grabbed my coat and left, speed walking to my house. No way could I do any of this at the moment.
"Hey sweetie, how come you're home?"
"Oh, Homework!"
"Ah, well some girl called Lisa called here for you, I told her you as at Alex's"
"Yeah, I know, she called." I couldn't even look my own mother in the eye's at the moment.
"Well, what did she want?"
"She told me she was cheating on Alex!" I couldn't help it, It was like word vomit. What if I was like this in front of Alex.
"Have you told him?"
"No! I can't what if he doesn't believe me, tell's Lisa and all of them fall out with me?"
"So you're choosing Popularity over your own family?" with that, my witty mother left the room, leaving me think to myself.
That night, I laid in bed chewing on my lip softly it was around 3:50am and I wasn't even tired. All I could think about was Lisa and Alex and sometimes I have to admit, Jack crossed my mind.
"What am I suppose to do?" I whispered to myself, hoping some how, some where I would get the answer. Then I heard little tap's at my window and obviously, I was scared. I didn't move for a little while, I just sat and listened hoping it was a twig from a tree that I could easily snap off but all thought's of tree's went when I heard a yelling of my name.
Getting off my bed, I opened the window and the curtain's to find Jack... Jack! My eye's widened as I watched him carefully.
"Jack, What the hell!"
"We need to talk!"
"At 4 in the morning."
"I couldn't sleep!"
Rolling my eye's I shut the curtain and window and as soon as I knew he couldn't see me a large smile passed my lips before I tip toes down stairs and opened the door so that Jack could get in.
"What do you want!" I giggled under a whisper.
"You're friend's with Lisa right?" taking a moment to think, I looked at Jack and shrugged.
"I guess, why?"
"Has she, mentioned anything new recently?" My heart stopped for a second, I hoped and I prayed that Jack wasn't the guy Lisa had cheated on Alex with.
"Why? What's wrong"
"You have to believe me, okay! but Me and Rian was at the mall today, shopping for Prom. I know Gay right?" I couldn't help but smirk softly at his comment before slyly biting down on my lip. " Then when Rian was trying on suits, I was looking out into the food court because I was starving and I saw Lisa and that dick, Eric getting it on like no one could see them!"
Thankful it wasn't him, I sighed a little before nodding.
"Yeah, I know. She called me and told me that she had cheated but I didn't tell anyone because I didn't think that anyone would believe me!" Hugging myself, I could see Jack's face relax slightly.
"What are we going to do?!"
"Tell him! He's my cousin and the fact that we both know someth..."
"Wait, he's your cousin?"
"yeah, I, er. Found out today."
"Yeah..... anyway, We have to tell him, tomorrow." Nodding to my own advice he smiled before sitting down in the kitchen.
"Are you not going home?" following him in, I sat next to him and bit my lip.
"Bored of me already!" somewhat mocking my early conversations with him, I couldn't help but giggle. " I'd rather much stay here. I hate it at home!"
"Reasons." It kind of broke me a little when he wouldn't tell me, I mean, I poured my heart out to him about my family, but I guess that's guys for you?
"So, you going to prom?"
"I guess so, I mean. What's more fun that sitting around in an oversized dress listening to a crappy band?" Rolling my eyes I sighed softly. "Not to mention, Im dateless!"
"Hey! All Time Low are playing a few song's at Prom!" Jack mentioned before I turned to him and smiled a little.
"Well, it won't be that bad after all!"
"Yeah, I found Jade only asked me because Eric made her. Some sort of bet!" He added with a nod.
"That sucks!" Okay, so it didn't for me but I had to at least act, right?
"Not really, I guess we could go together now!"
"Oh so Im second best?" with a small smirk passing my lips, Jack looked at me worried I was being serious, well until he saw the look on my face.
"Shut up!" He sniggered before looking in a different direction. "What colour you wearing?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, this is a quick chapter. I hope ya'll are enjoying it. :]
KEEP COMMENTING, it make's my day :]
Shan ox