A series of events

Chapter two: Shirt Shopping

The next morning was uneventful, nothing interesting happened at the shop. But at least I was getting paid and getting closer to my goal of getting out of here right?

One o’clock came, I went home and got some lunch and waited for Chris to arrive. I was listening to Avenged Sevenfold and reading one of my many language books (this one was for learning Finnish) when the doorbell rang.

“It’s Open” I yelled and in walked a smiling Chris.
“Hey Charlie, still trying to become intelligent I see…”
“Oi, one day I might actually succeed you know!”
“That would be scary! So I was thinking, maybe we could go do something in town, I need to get some new clothes and as you like bossing people around so much, I thought you would be a great help in telling me what looks good or not.”
“So that’s all you want me for, to dress you?” I smiled
“No, of course not. We can go to a bar afterwards.” He winked
“Raab, I work in a bar. Going to a bar isn’t really a luxury for me”.
“Yeah, but you can drink this time as you won’t be working”
“Fine, but I’m not driving”
“Well you know, we can walk”
“Bloody hell, you must really want a drink. Fine let’s go”


An hour and a half later, we were still in a shop, Chris was still trying on clothes, and couldn’t make up his mind. He didn’t want to look to smart, but he didn’t want to look to scruffy either.

“Dude you are worse than a chick” I mocked him
“That is not true, I know how long it takes you to decide what to wear.”
“Whatever, I’m super speedy and I will not hear otherwise. What’s the special occasion that has got you so worried about how you look? You don’t normally seem to care this much about how you look. Who’s the chick?”
“There is going to be a big reunion dinner next week with all the old friends I told you that I reunited with. I’m actually really nervous. It’s been ages since we have all been together. I hope everything goes ok…”
“Aw, Chris you will be fine. These people were a big part of your life not long ago, it’s not like they don’t know you, ok you have changed, but you are just a really sweet, lovable guy. I’m sure they feel just the same as you. So I don’t really know why you are worried.”
“I think you left out gorgeous”
“Ha-ha. No seriously you will be fine! And as for what to wear. I think the shirt you have got on looks great. I think you should get it. Then we can go to the bar and have some real fun.”

Half an hour later, we were at The Raven Nest. One of my favourite bars, it plays good music and is all dark and dramatic inside. We had met up with James, one of my oldest friends, he is my rock, and I think of him as my brother from another mother. We were all just laughing and drinking when James’s ex, Kate just walked in. She didn’t look good.

“Oh crap. She is still stalking me then…”
“She doesn’t look too good…”
“Well she should have thought about that before cheating on me. It was obvious that one day I would find out. As long as she doesn’t come over here, I’m ok.”
“Umm… it looks like she is aiming for this direction… I think we should leave you two alone to talk. We will go and get another round. If you need me just say”

Chris and I got up to go to the bar. Chris seemed pensive and I wondered what was up. I didn’t want to wake him from his daydream though, as I know how annoying that can be, but maybe I just spend too much time daydreaming…

“Charlie?” Chris said several minutes later. “Do you think I’m an idiot for reconnecting with my past?”
“No Chris, why would I think that? I think it’s great that you got the chance to sort things out. I just don’t want you to get hurt that’s all.”
“I know, I’ll be careful, but I mean I used to be an asshole back then. I don’t want to go back to that. If ever you think that I’m turning into an asshole, I want you to tell me, and don’t take any crap!”
“Like you could ever give me crap”

We spent the rest of the day drinking, laughing and listening to music. James told Kate what he thought of her, and she eventually left, leaving the three of us to have a good time. I got back home at 3 in the morning, needless to say I stumbled a bit on the way back. I had a shower and went to sleep, as I had to work late the next day.
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Let me know what you think, cheers.