A series of events

Chapter three: New acquaintances

A week and a half passed, and I hadn’t seen Chris, he was busy with his stuff, as usual. I sent him a text the day of the dinner, just to let him know that he had no reason to be nervous and that everything would be fine. He replied back: “Thanks Charlie. I will let you know how it went x”

But I hadn’t heard from him since. This morning I was just chilling, cleaning my apartment while listening to some random bands on my ipod. It didn’t take long as my apartment is so small, but at least it means that I can’t have too much crap. I decided to get dressed and head to work a little early meaning that I would work longer, meaning that I would get paid more. Yay world travel, here I come!

Once at work, I was surprised to see Chris at a table with a bunch of dudes I didn’t know, or at least I hadn’t seen before. It’s normally the same people that come into this bar really. It took Chris half an hour to notice that I was working, but he called me over as soon as he noticed me.

“Charlie, get your ass over here. I want you to meet some of my friends. This is Bam, (he gestured to a guy who looked a little scruffy, but had amazing blue eyes), Novak (he gestured to another guy who looked kind of worn out, he had massive bags under his eyes) and Frantz (he gestured to a long-haired dude). Everyone, this is Charlie, the one I was talking about”.
“Hey” They all replied
“Oh god, what have you been saying about me? Only nice things I hope!”
“Like I would ever say mean things about you” He winked.
“Right, seen as I’m over here, can I get you any drinks?”
“Four Jack & Cokes please”
“Coming right up”

As I walked away I couldn’t help wondering who the hell these guys were. They seemed all right, but there was just something different about them. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. The Bam guy had on what seemed like a thousand scarves and tons of necklaces. Novak had his shirt off, showing some rather strange tattoos. Frantz seemed the most normal of the lot, apart from Chris. I went and got their drinks and brought them over to them.

“Thanks Charlie”
“No probs. I’ll just add this to your tab”
“When you get a break, come and have a drink with us” Chris said
“Sure, I don’t know when that will be though, the bar is really busy. I should be getting back”.

I went back to the bar, served more drinks, and started to notice that more and more teenage girls were entering the bar. The reason soon became clear. Chris’s table couldn’t be seen, there were so many girls there. After a while Frantz made his way over to the bar where I was busy serving drinks.

“Do you want to order some more drinks?” I asked
“F**k no. I’m not going back over there. It’s hell. They’re probably all only 17 anyway. At least here I don’t have to get up to get more drinks. I think I’ll have another Jack and Coke please.”
“Coming right up…. Here you go”
“Thanks. So how do you and Raab know each other?”
“We met a couple of years back, through a mutual friend, who now isn’t one, and we have just kept in touch since. We’ve pretty much been a small part of each other’s lives since then. You’ve know Chris for ages haven’t you?”
“Yeah, although we lost touch. I worked with him on all sorts of films, like the CKY stuff, Haggard and things. I’d like to work with him again, but I’m just happy to be friends again. We went through a lot together. I mean we grew up together sort of. Sorry, you don’t care.”
“No, don’t worry I completely understand. Doesn’t it bother you that they are getting all the attention though?”
“Not really. I don’t crave it. As long as I still get to keep doing projects I love, I’m happy”

We talked for quite a bit of the evening, when I had five minutes free. He was all right really though he had a bit of a thing for stirring up trouble. He spent quite a lot of the evening trying to wind up the people next to him. Needless to say, they didn’t appreciate it.
3 O’clock came around. It was almost closing time, and Bam, Novak and Chris were all wasted, but still surrounded by girls wanting their pictures taken with them and their autographs. This is gonna be a long night…
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Let me know what needs to be done to improve! :)