Status: Comments?



Our town was invaded last night. The silence around my family's mansion was broken. I was awaken, the shrilling noise of screams for help. The growling noise of Nazi soldiers commanding us, ordering us out of our houses. The blasting noise of their guns firing. I saw fire, creeping through my curtains, so bright that it lit up my entire room.

I sat up in my bed, sweat pouring down my face. I knew by the time I heard footsteps coming toward my room. My mother's voice screamed my name, frantically.

''Elizah, they're here! We need to leave, now.“

Behind her, I heard more screams. These were the screams of Nazi Soldiers, ordering citizens out of their houses.

‟Out of your houses, Jews! Jetzt!

My mother slammed my door open, and it hit the wall, beside my dresser. Her eyes looked crazy, as she searched the room for me. She was too terrified to even recognize me, she just knew that we were unsafe, and she wanted the family out of the house.

I got off of my bed, running towards her. She was searching closets, and corners, trying to find me.

‟Mother, I'm right here. I was on my bed.” I said to her, shakily.

She grabbed my wrist, and pulled me out of the room. She led me down the hallway, to a flight of stairs. Every step I took hurt, my shaking body didn't help any of it.

We reached our front door, which was blown down, by guns. Outside, the massacre-ish nightmare was easily seen. My father, and siblings weren't there, they were being dragged, away from the house. I could see them, vaguely. My sister was being dragged by two soldiers, and my father calmly walked, and obeyed another soldier. I couldn't see my youngest sister, at all.

‟Out! Do you want to die?” A Nazi Soldier growled at us. ‟I will kill your family, and you! Follow me, if you want to live!”

We obeyed, him, and followed him, along with a few other soldiers, to what looked like a cattle car. Other people that lived in our neighborhood were being ruthlessly thrown into the vehicle.

When we got close enough, a soldier pulled me away, from my mother. He threw me, as others were being thrown. I hit the floor, and winced, as I felt my back being bruised against the wooden surface.

I stood back up, though. I looked out to my mom, who was surrounded by soldiers. They were screaming at her, in German. I didn't fully understand what they were saying, but it sounded threatening and angry. I understood some parts of it, though.

‟Ma'am, we told you to be quick. We didn't tell you to go retreive your daughter, so you could be the hero of the day. Weren't you warned you would pay with your life if this happened?” One of them said to her.

‟I guess she wasn't aware of this. I guess she thought she could be a hero.” Another one said back.

Without warning, they lifted their guns, to her head. She shivered, as the cold steel hit her forehead. I prayed, that this was only a warning. I prayed to a God who I was certain would save us, that she wouldn't be hurt.

I was wrong, though.

The loud screaming and crying ended, when I heard the blast of a gun. Two guns. Everything grew silent, as my mother's body hit the gravel.

The soldiers looked down on her, and smiled. They were so satisfied with what they had acheived.

‟Your daughter won't have a hero where she's headed.” One of the men said to her, speaking down to her now lifeless body.

I don't remember an end to that night.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thoughts? I know it's an insanely touchy subject. That's even an understatement to say that. I just hope I can write this, and I hope I offend no one.

I need opinions on this, to know if I am telling it correctly, and not making it offensive.
