One Direction Girl

Chapter 11.

I wake up with the smile on my face from last night. I roll over to see Niall is gone. I frown and run my hands through my hair then prop myself up.
" You're awake!" Niall says smiling. Holding a tray of food. " Morning love." He kisses me placing the tray on my lap.
" You didn't cook did you? You went down and got this right?"
He shrugs. " We have a kitchen. I figured it should be put to use."
" You spoil me so much. It isn't right." I say shaking my head. On the tray. He has buttered toast, perfectly cooked eggs and bacon.
" You're my princess. It's my job."
" You want to share i'm assuming. You know I can't eat all this." I say with a smirk.
He plops down next to me on the bed. " I'd be more than happy to share." He says stealing a piece of bacon. I take sip of juice before eating the eggs. Niall is staring at me. I feel it. I turn my head slowly while chewing. I swallow and laugh. Almost choking. " Yes.....?" I ask with a smile.
" Is it good?" He asks.
I laugh. " Of course it is." I say.
" So i've got a girl for Harry to meet today. She's from Ireland but she lives in New Jersey so I asked her to come hang out with us. Figured I could bring in a connection so he wouldn't be so lonely while we are here." Niall says.
" Aw how sweet of you." I say eating. Niall steals another bacon piece. " Did you want him to have a girl or just off me?" I ask with a smirk.
" The second one."
" Aw. Little Hazza isn't gonna do anything. I won't let him. I feel like I am talking to a baby most of the time when i talk to him anyway."
Niall laughs.

We all meet in Liam's room a little later. We have to leave soon to go the arena.
Louis and Eleanor are standing in the kitchen. I'm not sure if they are trying to avoid us now or what. But at least they are speaking, I guess.
" Hey. I just got off the phone with Ed. He's in town and wants to meet up tonight or tomorrow." Harry says.
My eyes grow wide. " Ed....." I whisper. Liam looks at me with a raised eyebrow.
" Ed Sheeran?" I ask.
" Yes?" Harry responds.
" I love him. Holy crap." I smack my leg in excitement.
" Looks like Katie is gonna need to be left behind." Liam jokes.
" No! I want to meet him. I never have before!" I say frowning.
" Just kidding, Babe!" Liam smiles.
" Alright guys. We've got to head out a bit early. Got a few surprises of my own. Two actually." Niall says. I raise an eyebrow. I'm only aware of one.
We all head out.

We all sit in chairs in the middle of the stage. Niall has gone backstage to get his surprise. Or surprises. I don't know which one he will show first. He brings out the girl first.
" Hey everyone. This is a friend of mine. She's from Ireland too!"
" Hi!" Everyone says at once. It's actually frightening.
" This is Ciara. Ciara. You probably know everyone." He laughs.
" I do." She smiles.
The girls hug her and the guys give her a handshake. When she gets to Harry last, he seems kinda flustered. I've never seen him like that before.
" ..H..Hi." He says reaching out his hand.
" Hi Harry." She smiles and shakes his hand. We purposely put a chair for her right next to him. He runs a hand through his hair.
Louis has finally started to be himself again.
" Harry, is that a banana in your pants or are you just happy to see Ciara."
Niall cracks up. I cover my mouth with my hand. Everyone is just laughing. Harry puts his tongue to his cheek then shakes his head.
" I hate you so much." He says.
" Love you too." Louis smacks his leg.
" Niall!" A voice calls out from the other end of the arena.
" Olly!" Niall yells back.
" Olly? No way!" Ciara says.
" Niall. I brought a friend with me. Found her lurking around."
" Who's that mate?" Niall asks.
" Cher!"
I look at Haley and Ciara. Who are both freaking out. The fangirl certainly never dies.
I smile and turn back to see Cher running to catch up with Olly.
Niall helps them onto the stage.
" Well, I've got a few people for you all to meet. Minus the guys, You know them. Cher and Olly. This is Haley, Ciara, and my girlfriend Katie."
" Hi!" Olly and Cher wave.
" Olly. Can I hug you?" Haley asks.
" Sure doll!"
Haley gets up and hugs him. " Oh my gosh. Thank you." She smiles.
" No hugs for me?" She asks.
" Me!" Ciara says. She gets up and hugs her. All the boys follow her lead so they can greet her.
" How've you been, love?" Zayn asks.
" Good, How about yourself?" She asks.
" Great now that I have a beautiful girl in my life who also loves your music." He says smiling at Haley.
" Which one?" Cher asks.
" Haley." He says. Waving his index finger at her to come to him. She walks over to him. He puts his arm around her.
" It's nice to meet you, Haley." Cher smiles.
" oh gosh. It is such an honor to meet you." Haley says.
" Aw!" Cher says.
I finally get up to her and hug her. " You're Niall's girl huh?" She asks.
" I am"
" You are a very lucky girl." She smiles.
" Oh I know. I knew from the start."
Niall wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek.
" Let's all sit." Niall says. " Someone grab my guitar."
Liam runs off to grab it as we all sit back down in the circle. Olly takes a seat next to Haley and Cher next to Ciara.
" I feel like we are at some sort of camp." Harry says.
" What kinda camp are you thinking, Harry?" Louis asks. " Pussy camp? All of these girls are taken. But it looks like Niall brought a special friend just for you!"
Everyone laughs.
" Louis, shut up." Harry growls.
" Ciara, is Louis making you uncomfortable?" Eleanor asks.
" A little but it's fine." Ciara says with a smile.
" Harry obviously fancy's you." Louis says with a nod.
Ciara turns to him. He gives a cheeky smile.
" Alright. I'll start this off with a song." Niall says.
I see Zayn take Haley's hand from across the way.
She blushes but he doesn't see.
The amount of cuteness is the room, I feel like it could explode.
Olly starts a beat on his legs and Niall kinda plays along.
" You guys should sing a song you all sang on x-factor." I suggest with a shrug.
" I'd like that." Liam says.
" I like your song." I say.
Niall nods and starts playing.
" Feel free to sing everyone. This doesn't have to be a solo thing." Liam adds.
They start singing. I smile. I loved watching them sing this. It's really emotional for me. Though Niall didn't have a part really. He sings along with Harry. Everyone mouths the words.
After is over, I wipe the tears from my eyes and hug Niall.
" We've got about two hours before sound check. So we can do whatever."
" Me and Haley are just gonna go chill down there." Zayn nods his head towards the seats.
" We should all just play hide and seek in the seats." Harry says.
" That sounds like fun." Ciara says.
" Couples hide and seek. That's cool" Danielle says.
" Everyone go!" Louis says.
Everyone grabs the others hands and jumps off the stage to head into the seats.
" Niall let's go up top." I whisper. He nods and we run out to head up the stairs.
We get up there and sit at the very top. It's really dark so I hope no one would be able to see us.
I sit curled up to him.
" You are so beautiful." Niall says.
" To meeeeee." I finish with a smile.
He smiles and shakes his head. " Thank you for coming back again. I really needed this. I'm having an amazing day today.
" I spy with my little eye. Harry and Ciara getting a little cuddly." I say.
Niall finds them too. Harry has to be sucking up to her big time. But it seemed like love at first sight to me. Harry leans over and whispers in her ear.
" He obviously did a crappy job of trying to hide." Niall says.
Harry kisses her on the cheek and says something to her and she nods. He puts his arm around her and looks around as if we are just in a movie theater
" I see you." Niall shouts. Quickly grabbing me and ducking.
" Aw you bastard!" Harry yells.
" Harry. Everyone in the room can see you!" Liam shouts. Harry looks around like crazy. Not being able to see anyone. I giggle.
" Fine! Me and Ciara will just go somewhere else." Harry says taking her hand. He runs up the stairs with her and disappears. I look around trying to find anyone else but I can't.
I feel like we are in a mini hunger games. ha.

After the boys concert we go out to a party to meet up with Ed. Louis, Eleanor, Liam and Danielle have gone back to the hotel. Olly and Cher have also left because they had to leave to another state. They performed with the boys and it was really cool. I can't imagine if Ed had shown up. I have to keep an eye on Niall and make sure he doesn't drink tonight. Since he can't here. He drags me through the crowd trying to find Ed. It is kinda a chain of all of us going through to get to the VIP area where he is. Zayn is grabbed onto me with Haley holding onto him and Ciara holding on to Haley with Ciara holding Harry. I feel like those kids with a rope in kindergarten. We finally get in. Niall gives Ed a bro hug and introduces us. " This is my fiancee Katie. She's a huge fan."
Ed hugs me. " Nice to meet you." He smiles. The fangirl in me is fighting to come out but i contain myself and smile.
" Zayn's girlfriend Haley. And... I'm not sure about Harry and Ciara but yeah. That's Ciara. She's a friend of mine from Ireland." He says. He hugs everyone else and we go sit down.
Ed is probably one of the sweetest guys ever. Though he's kinda awkward. But I practically worship him. Ed talks with the guys about the new album and tour and stuff. I wish they would tour together. That would be heaven. And every fans dream come true.

We say bye to Ed and head back out to the car.
" Today was amazing. Niall thank you so much for calling me out here." Ciara says.
" Not a problem."
" Are you going home tomorrow too?" Harry asks her.
" I think so. Well back to New Jersey yes. But I can hang out for a while tomorrow before I have to go back." She smiles.
" Good" Harry smiles wrapping his arm around her.
" Haley where are you from? Do you live in New York?"
" I live in North Carolina. But Zayn told me you guys were coming here and he wanted to see me so i didn't see a problem with coming up."
" And I am so glad you did." Zayn smiles kissing her on the cheek.
" So much love in the air." Liam says.
" Never a bad thing." Danielle says hugging his arm.
I smile. " Today was such a fun day. Probably one of the best I've had with everyone."
" Well this was my first time meeting everyone and It was probably the best day of my life." Ciara says.
" I agree" Haley says.

When we get back to the hotel. Niall tells me to wait in the room for about 20 minutes because he has a surprise for me. I don't know what it could be since I already have everything i want. I sit on the couch just waiting. Finally, he comes back.
" My lady." He calls walking over holding out his hand. I smile curiously and take his hand.
" No questions. Just come." He says. I nod once. He leads me out. " To make it more fun. Close your eyes. We will make this a little adventure." He says. I close my eyes.
" No peaking" He whispers against my lips before kissing me. I bite my lip and he leads me down the rest of the hall. He opens a door and leads me through. Then picks me up. " Niall what on ear-"
" Silence. Keep your eyes closed." He says.
I shake my head and shut my eyes tight. I don't know what else could go right tonight. I met Ed Sheeran, Cher Lloyd and Olly Murs. Everyone was in a great mood and getting along. Everything already seems to be perfect. Niall just tries to out do himself.
He opens up a door and a gust of fresh air hits me.
" Don't open yet!" Niall says.
Niall stops and places me on my feet. " Alright. Open." He says.
I open my eyes. There's a blanket surrounded by candles. " It's your last night here. So I thought we could just lay under the stars together." He says.
I look at him with a huge smile and tears in my eyes. I hug him. " You are so perfect."
He takes my hand. We step over the candles and lay down on the blanket. I rest my head on his chest. He holds me with one arm. " Thank you for everything Niall. I love you."
" I love you too." He responds with a kiss on the head.
I can't believe I have to leave tomorrow already.
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sorry for any spelling errors and grammar.x