One Direction Girl

Chapter 12.

I've been home for about two weeks now. I'm sitting at home watching Haley and Ciara do a twitcam from Ciara's house. Haley is talking about how after we all left and the boys went off to another state. She tried out for a part in Beauty and the beast on Broadway and she got Belle.
" That is awesome, Haley! Now I have another excuse to come to America to see you guys!" I write.
Haley looks at her phone then her face lights up. She looks up at the camera and blows a kiss. Ciara leans over to read the message. She smiles and waves at the camera. Must've been from Zayn.
It's about eleven at night here. Which means it's six over there.
" Let's play some music." Haley says clicking all over the computer.
" I came here to make you dance tonight." She mouths the words and dances in her chair. Ciara looks down at here phone.
I'm watching the comments. There is only like 200 people watching. Most of the comments are everyone saying how lucky they are. Ciara shows her phone to Haley and Haley smiles. I have to get on twitter so I can get in touch with them.
" Yo. Someone DM what is happening! I am watching your twitcam ha. x."
" Hey everyone! I didn't know Katie was watching!" Ciara says.
" Hi Katie." Haley says and they wave.
" Katie is Niall's girlfriend if you guys didn't know. Which I hope you do. And I hope you know I am dating Zayn." Haley says.
" Are you dating....." Ciara stops then looks at Haley then back at the camera.
Haley starts laughing. Ciara just puts a finger to her lips and looks back at the questions." Hello to Amy, In Wyoming." She says.
Niall calls me on skype. I wasn't expecting it but by the looks of it. They don't seem to be doing anything. I leave the twitcam and answer Niall's call.
" Babe!" He cheers.
" Nialler." I smile.
" How are you? You look beautiful." He says.
" I'm good. I look like crap right now. It's almost midnight I don't look good."
" You always look good." He responds.
I shake my head." What are you doing?" I ask.
" I snuck away to call you so I could say goodnight. We were rehearsing."
" You won't get in trouble will you?"
Niall bites his nails and shakes his head.
" I love you." I say.
" I love you too." He says.
" Well you go do tour stuff okay? I'll talk to you soon."
" Goodnight Babe."
" Night Niall." I blow him a kiss and look at him one last time before disconnecting. I shut the computer and put it on the floor. I check twitter as soon as i curl up in bed.
Niall tweeted " Goodnight Katie x."
I smile and reply. " I love you babe. Have fun tonight. xx (:"
I put my phone down next to the pillow. I sleep with a smile on my face.

I go to school the next day. And It isn't any secret around here that I am Niall's girl. Living in London there is a ton of girls here that know who they are. Especially in my school.
I meet up Eleanor before our first class. She hands me a coffee. I haven't really seen here since everything in New York.
" Is everything good between us?" I ask.
" Of course it is!" Eleanor says. " I'm sorry I got so mad. It wasn't even your fault. I can't believe he kissed you though. I'm sorry he is an idiot. I hope you and Niall are good."
" Niall and I are perfect and couldn't be happier." I say looking down at my ring.
" Wait, He proposed?" Eleanor asks.
" El, Where have you been? It has been like three months."
" I am so sorry. I had no clue." She said.
" It's alright!" I say.
" That ring is beautiful!"
" I know!" I smile looking at it.
" Well congrats." She says taking a sip of her coffee. She looks at her watch and sighs.
" Time for class!" She says. We get up and walk together.
During lunch I sit by the fountain reading.
" Katie?" A girl comes up.
I look up. " Yes?"
" You're dating Niall Horan from one direction?"
I smile and nod.
" If i give you my twitter. Do you think you could get him to follow me?" She asks.
I laugh because I remember doing this once when I met Niall's friend.
" Sure love! I'll do my best!" I smile.
" Thank you so much!" She says. " Can I have a picture?" She asks.
" Of course." I say. She pulls out her phone and takes a picture.
" Thank you so so much!" She says.
" Have a good day." I say.
The girl runs off.

That night I watch Haley's twitcam. She says it is her last one before she will be off doing Broadway and wont have much time to do twitcams. She is singing beautifully. There is 2,000 people watching her. That is 1,800 more than the other night. Holy crap.
" Okay. I'm done singing." She stops mid song and laughs.
She starts playing some Cher Lloyd and dances in her chair.
" I am gonna follow some of you!"
I hate not knowing what the boys are doing right now. I just wish I could be with Niall all the time. They don't get a break for another month. And we have to plan a wedding. Which will probably have to be after next tour.
" I like that you and Zayn are public." She reads. " Thank you! I like it too. If we even tried to hide it we know the media. I don't enjoy hiding things so it's nice, Zayn is amazing......No i didnt say amazayn. I said amazING."
I laugh.
" Shoutout to Katie cause I know she's here. You guys should follow her if you aren't. She been around longer than me. I hope you're following her." Haley says.
It's 2am here and I should probably go to sleep. Niall is probably doing a concert now or else he would've called earlier.
" I don't know when the boys are going to any country guys! I don't even know when I will see Zayn again! Sorry guys!"
" Ciara said she would do a twitcam later either tomorrow or tonight. Don't ask her about her and Harry. And I know this fanbase! Don't hate Ciara either. She is a friend of Niall's who set them up. No one deserves hate so just stop. It upsets the boys! That I can tell you."
She is silent for a few moments.
" Katie. If you're still here. Zayn texted me to tell you that Niall can't chat tonight and that he was sorry and he loves you...aww."
" Thanks girl x" I tweet her.
She gives a thumbs up to the camera.
" Well. I'm off this. You guys should come to New York and see me play Belle okay guys! Just look up dates and times and stuff because I don't know it by heart! Thank you all for watching. Stay beautiful! Night everyone!" Haley says, waving as she disconnects.
I sigh. Now I really have to go to sleep.
" Messaged received. Love you too x" I tweet Niall before heading to sleep.