One Direction Girl

Chapter 13

Niall has the day off and we are video chatting. I've been thinking about leaving school and moving to new york. I'll keep our house here and just live there. I hate being away from Niall. I want to at least be on the same continent as him.
" Do you really want to leave school though?"
" Yeah. I do. I already did two years of school. I was just gonna try to do two more to get a better degree. I just haven't found anything I like. If I do it will probably be in London. Haley just got on Broadway so who knows maybe I'll do that."
" You do sing well." Niall says biting his nail.
" Meh." I say. " I don't know babe. I just think I'm gonna move out to New York. Haley said I can room with her."
" You can do that babe. Whatever you want." Niall says running his hands through his hair.
" I'll come visit you more."
" That'll be nice. I miss you bunches." He says.
" I miss you too." I say resting my head on the wall.
Something doesn't feel right. Niall just seems tired. Or it's just me.
Niall grabs some food. " Hey." He says before says eating a strawberry.
" Hi?"
" I love you."
" I love you too" I smile.
" Do you want me to let you go?" He asks.
" If you wanna hang up you can. I can just go watch videos of you and watch you that way" I laugh.
" No babe. Stay!"
I check the time. " I'll stay for a bit. My parents want to go to dinner."
" Are you going to Nandos?" Niall asks.
" Maybe." I smirk.
His face stops. " I hate you. I'm disconnecting." His hand reaches for the mouse.
" Niall don't do it!" I shout.
He smiles. " I'm not. I could never. I'd end up calling back in .2 seconds anyway."
" Alright. Well I have to go anyway. So I'll see you soon."
" Bye! I love you so much!" Niall says.
" Bye babe!" I blow a kiss and hang up.

I leave about a week later. I'm in New York with Haley now. After leaving everyone in London behind. I think the boys are headed to Pittsburgh tonight. I'm with Haley at her rehearsal for her show tonight. I sit in the front row. The music part ends and the Gaston that was on stage disappears. Haley looks confused but just looks down at her book.
" Oh belle!" Gaston calls. But in a familiar voice.
She continues on.
" How bout it Belle?" Gaston puts his arm around her. I immediately notice that it isn't the real Gaston." Marry me?"
Those are the lines from the whole thing. So whether or not he actually meant it. I don't know. They haven't been dating that long so I can't imagine he was serious.
Zayn steals her book and walks after him. Just like the musical does. He has done some homework.
" Can i have my book back?" She says chasing after him. Holding back a smile after she realizes.
They go nose to nose. Zayn smirks.
" All right. Everyone take a break!" the director says getting up from his seat. He leaves along with all the actors on stage.
" What are you doing here?" She asks with a huge smile.
" I had to see you do a show!" Zayn answers. " We were close enough and I knew you were here."
A pair of shoes hits the seat next to me. I just kinda glance but not a the person. I turn back to Haley and Zayn.
She hugs him tight." Thank you for coming. I missed you."
" I missed you too." He says. He takes her hands.
They sit down on the edge of the stage. Zayn wraps his arm around her and kisses her cheek.
I grab my bag figuring they could use some privacy. I make my way to the exit. But hands grab my waist and pulled into someones chest as I am walking up the aisle. I squirm. " It's okay." Nialls voice calms me. I turn my head and see his face. He immediately kisses me.
I smile. He puts his forehead against mine. I bite my lip. " Hi" He says.
" Hey." I giggle. " Where is the rest of the welcome party?"
" Harry went to see Ciara of course. Liam and Louis went to our hotel in Pittsburgh. We needed to see you girls and I'm glad we could."
" I wonder if Haley is doing a show tomorrow. Or else we could come up with you after the show tonight."
" Would you come if she does though?" Niall asks.
I want to be a friend to Haley and I want to be with Niall. I feel bad for not doing either.
" I'll have to see. I'm positive she doesn't though. I don't think it would be fair for me to spend time with you and she doesn't get to Zayn. I don't know." I say waving my hands.
He smiles. " Alright"
We glance back at Haley and Zayn who are just sitting there kissing.
I laugh and take Niall's hand and run out.
I didn't realize it was raining. " No! Agh!" I say. We walk back into the room.
" I was gonna take you for a walk in the park!" Niall says.
" Aw it's okay."
" Hey. Beauty and the beast. Stop making out!" Niall says when we sit.
Haley wipes her lips and looks away blushing.
" Who are you calling a beast." Zayn asks.
" You." Niall says putting his arm around me.
" I hope you know how stupid you look." Niall says.
" I did it for my girl, not to impress you."
Niall flips him off. I give Niall a look.
" I'm just playing with him." He says rubbing my shoulder.
Haley hugs Zayn as the director comes back into the room. Zayn hops down from the stage.

We all sit and watch Haley's performance that night. Me and Niall are cuddled up in the seat. Zayn sits with a smile on his face the whole time watching her. I sing along with the songs I know. Niall kisses my neck. He hasn't even been watching the show. He keeps whispering "I love you." In my ear. I've been biting my lip this whole time it is probably bleeding.We are sitting at the top thankfully so no one notices.
" I can't wait to marry you." He says.
I turn to him. He smiles.
" You aren't even drunk and you're doing this. I love you." I kiss him on the lips.
" I don't need to be drunk to know that I am madly in love with you, Katie." He says grabbing my face and kissing me.

We stand outside waiting for the car to come around. Niall holds me close. But we are looking at Haley and Zayn.
" Why are you so perfect?" She asks.
" I could never be ask perfect as you." Zayn says holding her hands.
She kisses him.
" There he goes being all deep again." Niall whispers.
I laugh once then turn to him. " Looks like we are headed to Pittsburgh huh?"
" You know what I want to do tonight?" Zayn asks.
I look over with a raised eyebrow.
" What's that?" Haley asks.
" I just want to lay with you and watch cartoons.Hell we can watch beauty and the beast if you want." He smiles." Whatever you want. As long as I can lay with you. At least for a little. " Zayn says.
Haley smiles and kisses him once. " Sounds fine by me." She says.
We finally get into the car and head back to the hotel.
We have a long way back. I rest on Niall's shoulder and close my eyes.
Haley is pretty much out right away. Zayn pets her hair.
" You love her huh?" Niall asks Zayn.
He nods. " I do. I knew I had to have her as soon as I saw her. She is my everything now. She is all I want."
" I know exactly how you feel." Niall says.
" I love her a lot." Zayn says giving Haley a kiss on her head. " Sleep well, Love." He whispers.