One Direction Girl

Chapter 16.

Its Christmas time. I'm excited because Niall's family has invited me and him to their home for Christmas. I'll have to have Christmas at my parents first or at least a little bit ahead. But Niall will enjoy it for the amount of food he is going to get from all of this.
We are all on the plane headed to London first. Haley has never left the country. So she is scared and excited at the same time. Zayn is sleeping on her shoulder while she looks out the window. Ciara sits next to Harry playing with his curls.Harry pokes her cheek. She jerks back." Hey!"
Niall is so sleepy but is fighting to stay awake.
" I love you." He grabs me and hugs me. Resting his head on my shoulder.
" I love you too." I smile. " I can't wait to go home for a while and just have you and no one else."
" Me either. I can't wait for food." He giggles.
" Babe you're so sleepy. Just go to sleep."
" When you look me in the eyes. And tell me that you love me. Everything's alright. When you're right here by my side." Niall sings sleepily.
" You're so cute." I shake my head.
Niall grumbles something before I can no longer understand him. We have a 10 hour flight back to the UK.
We have a huge party at Harry's house when we get back. Eleanor and Danielle come over too.
There's a lot of alcohol here and I hope these boys don't go crazy. As for me and the other girls, We don't exactly drink.

Harry is trying to get Ciara to jump in the pool with him.
" You're mad!" Ciara says.
Harry starts to unbutton his shirt.
" Harry it is way too cold! You're gonna get hypothermia and die!" Ciara says.
" Don't be silly!"
" Harry. Do not get in that pool."
Harry has taken his shirt off now.
" I'll take you down with me." Harry says reaching for her hands.
" No!" Ciara screams running away.
Harry grabs his shirt and runs after her. Pulling her into a hug.
" I'm just kidding. I'm not crazy."
" You would've done it. I know you." She smirks.
Harry grabs her waist and pulls her closer to him. "You're my life, here, now, forever." He smiles.
Ciara kisses him. " You're so cute."
Niall plops next to me in the chair with a beer. Probably his 4Th. " Do you want some?" He asks. I shake my head and pull the blanket up to my neck. I'm so cold. Niall lifts the blanket and comes under. He wraps an arm around me and kisses my cheek. " We could always go inside babe. We don't have to stay out here."
" Can we please?" I ask.
Niall nods. I hold the blanket to me and we go inside. We lay down on one of the mattresses on the floor. Niall takes another sip of beer and puts it on the floor next to the bed. He wraps his arms around me and buries his face in my neck.
" Blah, You smell of beer." I scrunch my nose. He starts kissing my neck. He whispers to me "I think I found my princess. Actually I don't think. I know."
" Niall, stop it." I smile. " You say that a lot."
" It's true." He says.
He kisses up my cheek then to my lips. " I love you." He whispers against them.
" I love you too." I say back. He goes back down to my neck and kisses me.
Haley is standing by the fire trying to warm up. Zayn wraps his varsity jacket around her. " What are you doing? You're gonna freeze."
" I'm fine. I want you to be warm."
Haley kisses him on the cheek." Thanks."
He wraps his arms arms around her as they stand by the fire.
" You're so sweet" Haley says.
"I'm so lucky to have you" Zayn says licking his lip.
" Stop it." Haley smiles. Zayn smiles and kisses her cheek. Then gets down on his knee.
" Haley.I've had the wonderful chance of being with you these past 6 months.You're the girl of my dreams, the one i want to spend my whole life with, marry me?" Zayn says loudly for everyone to hear.
" Wait are you serious?" Haley says.
Zayn reaches into the coat pocket and pulls out a ring. " Yes." He says.
" Oh my gosh. Well. Yes. Yes, I'll marry you!" She says.
Everyone claps. Zayn slides the ring onto her finger and stands.
Zayn kisses her passionately. " I can't wait to be with you forever." He whispers.

Harry, Ciara, Niall and I all head over to Ireland for Christmas day. I'm ready to just be alone with Niall. We only have to have the ride to Ireland with them and nothing more.
" I can't wait to give you your gift." Harry says.
" I can't imagine what it will be" Ciara smirks.
" Did someone tell you?" Harry asks.
" No babe! No one told me."
He frowns. Ciara pokes his dimple. Harry opens his mouth to bite her finger. She quickly snatches her finger away. " No!" She laughs.
Harry puts his head on her shoulder. " I'm hungry."
" Mum is cooking a lovely Christmas dinner, with mash, turkey and stuffing."
" Sounds lovely." Harry says wrapping his arms around her. " I can't wait too meet everyone"
" My parents can be a bit odd. So here is your warning now."
He mumbles and then nods off. Ciara shakes her head and then rest her head back.

Zayn and Haley go to Zayn's house for christmas. When they open the door. A little puppy with a red bow on it runs to the door. "You got me a Labrador retriever?" Haley asks picking it up and looking at him.
He nods and smiles.
" He's so cute. Just like you." She giggles.
Zayn's mom comes and greets us.
" It's so nice to meet you Haley." She says.
" It's so great to be here."
" Happy Christmas, Mum." Zayn says hugging her.
" Come to the kitchen and let's eat. Haley wash up after touching that dog!" She says.

Harry walks Ciara up to her door.
" How've you managed to get my gift to my house?" She asks before opening the door.
" I had a little help." He smiles.
They walk inside to the smell of Christmas dinner.
" Oh my god. That smells great." Harry says.
Ciara takes his hand and leads him into the house." No thinking about falling in love with my mom." Ciara nudges him and winks.
He shakes his head.
" We are here." Ciara calls.
" Hello my lovelies!" Ciara's mom comes out of the kitchen before we get to it.
She hugs Ciara then Harry.
" It is lovely to meet you."
"It's lovely to meet you too." Harry smiles.
" I have a lot of food here for you all. So you better eat up."
" Trust me. He will." Ciara says. Harry runs to get food.

Niall and I walk into his house. We are greeted by a ton of his family and friends. A lot of which I am meeting for the first time. We head to the living room and sit down. Niall dressed up as an elf for the occasion. He says he will wear it all day tomorrow too.
One of Niall's friends Alli is here too. That kinda puts me on edge. I never knew exactly where they stood. But as a fan I know of her.
" Alli!" Niall says.
" Niall!" She cheers giving him a huge hug.
I just kinda sit there. I check my neck for the necklace he gave me and look down at the engagement ring. I still can't believe this thing is on my finger.
" I don't see or talk to you enough." Alli says.
" I know! It's hard over there in America."
" You've gotta come home more when you fly back. You always go to London." She says.
I just kinda sit there with a raised eyebrow. I shake my head and fix my skirt.
Alli hugs him again. " Gah I've missed you so much." She says.
He laughs. I stand up and put my arm around Niall.
" Can I get you a drink babe?" I ask. Alli takes a step back.
" Sure. Just get me a bud." He says kissing me on the head.
I go off to the kitchen.
" Who is that?" Alli asks.
" That's the love of my life." Niall smiles, running a hand through his hair.
" Oh. How long have you two been dating?"
" About 9 months." Niall says. " And we're gettin' married in four."
" Married? Wow. Congrats. I obviously have been living under a rock. I had no clue."
" She's a great girl." Niall says.
I go back into the living room and hand him his drink.
" Oh crap! I forgot to uncap it." I say.
" It's fine. I'll be right back." Niall says.
Niall leaves the room and I look at Alli. " I don't mean to be rude. But you seemed a little close for comfort on Niall. We are getting married in a few months and I don't like you being all up on him since you guys had a fling or whatever."
" Whoa. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." Alli says putting her hands up.
" I was just making things clear so we don't have any trouble here." I say.
" No troubles at all..." Alli says.
Niall comes back. He puts an arm around me and plops back onto the couch.
" It was nice to see you. I have to go actually. I was just hoping to see you for a bit. Call me so we can hang out sometime." She says.
Niall pulls the beer from his mouth. " Oh yeah, I'll defiantly shoot ya a call. " Niall says. " Nice seein' ya." He says.
Alli waves then walks out.
" Happy Christmas." Niall says kissing my cheek. " I can't wait for days like these. When it can just be me and you."
Niall's mom comes in with a tray of food.
" Don't eat too much Niall. Leave some for the guests." She says.
" I won't mum!"
Niall reaches for the tray and starts eating chips.
I'm so glad we are home. I just want to be with Niall without crazy fan girls or anyone else from the band for a bit.
And I can't wait to get married in April.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the last chapter for this book! Look for the next book coming soon!xx

You can find updates on my twitter @wandxxerection (: