One Direction Girl

Chapter 3.

We finally land back in America. Dallas, Texas to be exact. Me and Niall hold hands as we run through the airport to beat the fans. Liam follows behind. When we get outside there is a ton of screaming girls and blinding flashes.
Liam waves to them. Niall is just trying to protect me and get me to the car. He puts his arm around me and we get into the car.
" Sheesh" I say buckling in.
" It's always like that." Liam says shutting the door.
The driver quickly drives off. Buzzing past the fangirls.
" Do you guys always have to run?" I ask.
Niall nods. Reaching into his bag for a snack. I smile and shake my head. He pulls out another bag of chips.
" You stash chips like a squirrel stashes nuts."
" Niall doesn't like nuts in his mouth." I wink.
" Only mine." Liam says, pulling a new shirt out of his bag to change into.
I burst out laughing. " Holy shit, Liam. Oh my god."
" Thanks" Niall says with a nod.
" Anytime." Liam says with a smile.
I look out the window. No fan girls are around. We head to the hotel where the boys are staying. There's fans there though. Only about 10.
" Should we meet them" Liam asks.
" That's fine." Niall nods dusting off his hands." ready babe?" He asks.
" I think so!" I say.
Liam opens the door and slides out first. " Hi Liam!!" The girls yell.
" Hello!" He waves.
The doorman grabs our bag.
Liam walks over to the girls.
I get out. Holding Niall's hand, he gets out right behind me. " Niall!" They say.
They are actually quiet. Unlike the girls waiting outside the airport. Niall waves with the hand he's holding mine in. The girls break out in awe's.
I look over at Liam who is taking a picture with a fan.
" Thank you for waiting. You guys are so kind!" Liam says.
Niall looks at me. I go to let go off his hand so he can sign autographs but he shakes his head. I smirk. " Hi Katie!" A girl says.
" Hi how are you?" I ask.
" Good thanks! You and Niall are adorable." She says.
" Well thank you!" I answer.
" You guys got matching necklaces" Another girl points out. And another groups of awe's come out.
" I love you Niall."
" I love you too!" Niall says. Signing a poster.
" Can we get a group picture?" Someone asks.
" I'll take it." I say to Niall. He gives me a reassuring nod. The girls file around him and I step back to take the picture. Liam comes out of no where and photobombs.
The girls don't notice but I laugh. I hand the girl her camera. Then they all freak out over Liam. Me and Niall take that chance to get out of there. He leads me up to Zayn's room first. Knowing he will be quieter. Niall knocks on the door.
" Thanks for leaving me" Liam yells. Niall puts his fingers to his lips. He pushes me behind him. " Niall! You're back! " Zayn says opening the door. He leans over to give Niall a hug. " Katie!" He cheers. " VAS HAPPENIN?" He says hugging me tight.
" Hi Zayn!" I say.
" Come on, We will go to Harry next." Niall says grabbing my hand. The four of us head down the hall to Harry's room. We know Lou would be the loudest to welcome us back.
Zayn knocks on the door this time. Me, Niall and Liam all stand to the side.
" Hey Zayn." Harry says opening the door. He opens it wide so Zayn can go in. Harry has a towel wrapped him. He was most likely just naked.
" Surprise!" Liam and Niall pop out before me.
" Hey, you guys are back!" Harry says hugging them." How are the girls?"
" Danielle is good!" Liam says.
Harry looks at Niall next.
" Well Katie....She is kinda.." Niall trails off.
" Niall what happened?" Harry asks.
I squeeze past the boys. " HAZZA" I say. Hugging him tight.
" Oh my gosh. Katie!" He cheers.
Niall smiles.
" Katie!" He cheers again.
I let go of him and fall back onto Niall who wraps his arms around me.
" We are gonna go attack Louis now. I am assuming you're down."
" Do you know me or...." Harry says running down the hall holding on to his towel. He bangs on Lou's door.
" LOUIS! OPEN THE DOOR!" Harry yells.
" Harry what is it!" Louis asks opening the door.
This time I am standing there. It is a little more awkward for me and Lou. Because before Niall actually asked me to go out. I was kinda just friends with Lou. I wanted Niall but Lou grabbed me first. Now that sounds bad to make it seem like I became friends with Louis to get to Niall but it isn't true.
I eventually caught onto the face that Niall liked me. The only thing that ever happened between me and Louis was a few dates and some kisses. Then we felt a mutual decision of breaking up. That's really how I am known by the fans.
But I started dating Niall a few months after that. I went back to being a fangirl and he remembered me and then we started talking. Then he asked me to be his girlfriend. Like i said. I don't have twitter because the lord only knows what people say about me since i dated Lou to begin with. And I am sure it isn't pretty.
" Katie!" He cheers and gives me a hug. He has Eleanor now. So I know that there shouldn't be anything to happen. In fact I know. I would never do anything to hurt Niall in the first place. Being a fan girl. I know all the things and i would never hurt any of them. Not intentionally. If I didn't someone would probably shoot me. I am probably hated by half the fanbase already. It was hard to blend in as it was.
" Come on in everyone! let's drink!" Louis says inviting us into his room.
Niall takes my hand again. We walk in and sit at the bar.
" This a nice room!" I say.
" My room doesn't look like this!" Harry says going onto the balcony.
" Harry get in here before you flash all the people down there!" Liam says going after him. I shake my head and laugh. Lou sets out cups and pours some sparkling wine.
" Wine...really. Could you be more gay?" Niall asks.
I put my face in my hands and laugh.
" Shut the hell up Niall." Louis says. " No drink for you." He snatches the glass away and puts it back in the cabinet.
" Don't be a rude prick next time lad!" Louis says with a smirk. He has to be the most sarcastic person i have ever met in my life.
" Harry! Get in here now! Stop flashing those girls you're going to get in trouble! I will call Paul!" Liam yells pulling on Harry's arm. Harry apparently threw his towel over .
" Louis go help your lover." Niall says.
" You are about two inches away from a hardcore smack!" Louis says stomping out to the balcony.
Niall laughs. " All in good fun"
I shake my head. " This beats sitting at home watching montages of you guys being stupid. It's a 4D version." I laugh.
Louis manages to drag Harry in. Liam locks the door.
" I don't see why you would do that Harry!" Liam says.
Lou tosses Harry a pair of pants." Put those on right now." Lou demands going back into the kitchen. " Is the wine good?" Lou asks me.
I nod. " Really tasty." I say.
" Shit. We aren't supposed to be drinking. We aren't 21 yet." Lou remembers.
" YOLO is the motto!" Harry says.
" Shut up, Harry!" Louis says.
" Lou are you a bit grumpy today?" I ask.
" Nope! This is an everyday thing." He says with a shrug. He hides the wine since we werent supposed to be drinking anyway.
" I am gonna take Katie over to my room. I'll see you lads later!" Niall says taking my hand. We walk towards the door.
" Nice lovebite you've got there Katie." Lou calls out.
" oh my gosh...." I laugh as we walk into the hall. " Well that was interesting. And should be fun for another week or so." I look down at the floor as we walk down to his room where are bags are sitting outside.
" You'll get used to it again." Niall says.
" I'm sure I will." I smile.
We reach the outside of his room. He stops and gently pushes me against the wall and kisses me. " I've just wanted to do that for a while now." He smirks, I bite my lip.
" Feel free do to that whenever." I say.
We grab our stuff and go inside his room.