One Direction Girl

Chapter 5.

A week passes and it's time for me to go back home tomorrow. I don't really want to leave Niall. I am really upset. We sit on the couch. Niall reads the tweets over my shoulder. I went ahead and made an official account and I'll just deal with it. A lot of the tweets are nice. And then there are the not so nice ones. It's actually kinda sad. Some saying that I'm a whore for dating Niall after I dated Louis. And that Niall deserves better. I don't actually think they'll get to me. Because I know that a lot if isn't true. Niall tells me to ignore them anyway. He grabs his sweatshirt with the 3 on it. " Take it home with you. Wear it" He smiles. I hug him. I don't want to leave. I've had a good time after all. Who knows when he will come back from tour again.
" I'll come back soon. And i will bring Danielle and Eleanor. Or try anyway." I sigh. Niall nods.
" Come on we've gotta get you to the airport." He says sadly.
" Stop it" I say. My eyes filling with tears. " Don't be sad. You're gonna make me cry." I say hugging him.
" Don't cry! I'm sorry!" Niall says. He takes my hand and grabs my bag with the other one.
We walk down to Harry's room where all the boys are.
" I'm leaving everyone!" I say.
" No!" Harry says running over to hug me. All the boys follow behind him. Zayn hugs me next, Then Louis then Liam.
I wipe my eyes. " I had so much fun you guys. You are the best people i have ever met in my life" I say with a smile.
" Awww. We love you." Liam says putting his arm around me.
" Yes we do." Harry says.
" Shut up Harry" Louis says.
I laugh and shake my head. " Alright, well i will talk to you all really soon, I hope. I'll try to bring Danielle and Eleanor back." I nod at Liam and Louis. They give a warm smile.
" Alright, We've gotta go!" Niall says.
Liam backs up. " Bye guys!" They say.
We head out to the car that's waiting to take us to the airport.
I curl in next to Niall holding him tight.
" I hope you enjoyed being with us." He says.
" I got to go to 5 different states in a week. It was pretty fun. and i spent a whole week with you. Which I wouldn't trade for anything. I wish i could stay longer."
" I love you. And i will try to call you on chat after the concerts. It's hard with the time difference. you need your sleep." He kisses my head." If you leave me tonight, I'll wake up alone" Niall sings.
" Don't sing me that song! Though it's a good song. Don't do it." I smirk.
He laughs and holds me. " It's true though, first song that popped into my head." He says.
" I want to go to Disney world with you one day. In any country. It can be paris. or orlando or just anywhere. as long as i do it with you." I say.
We are at the airport a few short moments later. He can't come in the airport with me so he just steps out of the car. Why there are fans there is beside me. He puts my bag on the side walk. Girls are screaming at him. He hugs me tight. I start crying all over again. He kisses me. It isn't a quick one either. I hold him close and bury my face into him.
He slips the raybans on. " Don't worry about those girls, okay? Just go ahead inside." He tells me.
I nod. " I love you so so much. I'll send you a message on skype when i get home so you will know, since i can't text you." I say.
" I love you too." He says hugging me again. He gives me a kiss on the lips once more and gives me a nod to go on. I pick up my bag and walk past all the screaming girls trying to take a picture. Niall gives me a wave when i turn around I wave back and then go inside as he disappears into the car.
I walk through the airport. I've never felt so sad. I want to stay so bad. It's not like i have anything in London to do.
Maybe I should stay for a few more days.
Surprise Niall.
I quickly get to a pay phone and call Liam. " Hello?" He answers.
" Liam. I cannot leave tonight. Not yet. Niall just left but I am going to surprise him tonight at the concert. You wanna help?" I ask.
" Of course! Come back to the hotel and have front desk call me. I'll meet you in the lobby and bring you up to my room. Then after we leave for the concert tonight, You can get in a cab and show up also."
" Alright. See you in a bit" I say hanging up and going back outside.
" Katie!" They all call.
" Hi guys!" I say waving my hand up for a cab.
The cab pulls up to the curb. I quickly jump in and tell the driver where to bring me.
My heart is racing the whole time and my foot is tapping like i am ready to run.
I pull up to the hotel and pay the cab. I run inside and ask them to call Liam's room.
Liam meets me downstairs. " Come quickly! I have to hide you!" He says with a smile. We run to the elevator to get upstairs quickly.
We jolt down the hall into his room.
" Did you see him when he came back?" I whisper when we get into his room.
" Yeah. He came by to say he dropped you off. He looked really down." Liam says.
" Aw my baby..." I frown." There was no way I could go home. Not now anyway. I love him. I just can't leave and I don't want to go back and just sit at home missing him." I say.
" Danielle and Eleanor are busy. And I'm just a regular person.." I say.
" I know" He hugs me.
I get on my phone and tweet. " I love you Niall <3" To make it seem like I am at the airport waiting to leave.
I sit down on the couch. " Can i get you anything?" Liam asks.
I shake my head. " When are you guys leaving?" I ask.
" It's 3pm now? So we are gonna be heading to the venue super soon." He says walking to the bathroom. " Have you seen this?" He asks holding up his toothbrush. I bury my face in my hands to hold in my laughter.
He is the sweetest person on this planet. He is like hugging a thousand puppies.
I go through all the tweets on my phone. Just looking. People are so mean to the boys. I wish i could say something...Not right now. But i sure as hell will at some point.
Liam leaves to go get the boys. I was told to wait at least an hour before showing up. I am so bored I don't know what to do. So I just leave the hotel to go out. I don't know where i'll go but i need to go somewhere for now. I walk outside. " Katie! I thought you went back to London" a girl asks.
I put a finger to my lips. " I am surprising Niall tonight at the concert!"
" Awe!" They squeal.
" Can I get picture?" someone asks.
" Why do you want a picture with me?" I ask curiously.
" Because you're beautiful and I am jealous." She says.
" Well thanks, sure i'll take a picture." I say.
After about ten minutes I get all the girls to go home since they've been out there all day. Every hotel the boys stay at there has been fans.
I get into a cab and go to a Starbucks first. I am really hungry and could use a frap.
Wasting time is not in my expertise. But I cannot wait to surprise Niall. I hope he will happy.

The boys are on stage performing More Than This. I'm side stage where I am waiting for Niall's solo. As soon as he sings " If i'm louder" I come out from side stage with a huge smile on my face. " We are, the same. You save me" I put my arm around him. " And when you leave it's gone again." After he says that. He turns and sees it's me. He spins and puts his hands in his face.
I'm smiling even more now. He hugs me tight and lifts me off the ground. He waits till the song finishes to say anything.
" Hey everyone it's Katie!" Liam says.
" I thought you went home!" Niall says.
I shake my head. " I wasn't ready to leave you." I say. He kisses me and the crowd screams and awe's.
" I hate you!" He says.
" I don't think so." I laugh.
"Well how about we sing another song?" Louis asks.
The crowd screams. Niall leads me to the couch and we sit. Harry sits next to me.
They start singing Another world. I tap Harry's thigh and laugh. I love that kid. He's too cute not to.

We get back to the hotel. Niall doesn't let go of me for a second. We lay in bed.
" Thank you for not leaving." He whispers against my lips then kisses me.
" Did i surprise you?" I ask.
" Hell yes. I didn't expect it at all. I saw your tweets a figured you were at the airport."
" Liam helped hide me for a bit." I smile.
" Dirty bastard." He laughs. " When you came up and grabbed me I thought you were Liam or something. That was probably the perfect part to come at."
" You have a beautiful voice." I say looking at his eyes. Which seem more blue than ever. " Babe your eyes are freaking glowing. They can't be real."
" They are." He smiles.
"You are just flawless, okay? Never change. Don't ever listen to the haters anywhere out there. You don't have to be good enough for them. Only for yourself."
" Thank you, I needed that." He kisses me.
" Goodnight Niall." I say.
" Goodnight Princess." He says back with a kiss to the head.
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If you have made it this far into my story then thank you so much. I know it isn't the best but thank you. (:
feel free to follow me on twitter @wandxxerection (: