One Direction Girl

Chapter 6.

Another week passes and I still haven't gone back. I don't regret it. I love watching the boys doing something they love. It has actually become pretty exciting for me as well. The press and the fans have started to warm up to me. Other than the people who think I only stayed to be seen by media. When I am actually only here for Niall and the boys. I don't understand some people sometimes. But it is all good. I like answering fans on twitter. I know Niall wants our relationship to be out there and I like that a lot. I don't want to be hidden that's for sure.
I grab Niall's iPod to put some music on before we have to go. I see he has a playlist called. " Songs that remind me of Katie" He made a playlist to remind me of him. That is actually really cute. I smile and put it on. One of my favorite songs " Burn the night away" by there for tomorrow.Comes on. I sway as I gather some of my things.

The boys are flying to California today. Which I am excited about because they get the rest of the day off and they have tomorrow off. That means walking around a lot. I've never been to California so that is also a plus. Niall is walking around the hotel singing stereo hearts when it comes on the iPod. Which is incredibly adorable every time.
Niall comes up behind me as I pack and wraps his arms around my waist. Putting his head over my shoulder. " Roses are red, violets are blue. My last name is Horan, can I make it yours too?" He says and kisses me.
" That's cute." I smile.
" I'm serious" Niall says.
" Wait. Is that you proposing to me? Niall......" I say raising an eyebrow.
He gets down on one knee right there in the hotel room. " Katie, I love you and want you to marry me.sometime in the near or distant future whenever you like." He says with a nervous smile.
" Niall......" I say putting a hand over my mouth trying to hold in a mix of screaming, crying and smiling.
I didn't think that after a week and a half of Liam saying something Niall would actually do it. Now Liam has to do it. Ha ha.
" Yes Niall. Of course I will." I smile.He slips the huge shiny rock on my finger. He stands up and I hug him tight and kiss him.
" You just proposed to me. You know that right?" I ask.
" I know" He smiles. " And I'm glad I did. I want you to be around forever. Well besides you're actually leaving for London in two days."
I take his face in between my hands.
" You are incredible." I say kissing him. " This ring is incredible."
He kisses me back.
" Now you have to tell Liam, so he can ask Danielle."
" Whoa. You heard that?" He asks.
I bite my lip. " Yeah....You must've thought i was asleep when you started talking about it." I tell him.
" Well, I guess it wasn't that much of a surprise now huh?"
" No no! It was! I wasn't expecting it all honestly. Not now anyway." I start to feel guilty because I feel like I've upset him.
I hug him. " I'm sorry! I hope I didn't just ruin anything."
" No, you didn't. It's fine." He says giving a reassuring smile.
" Niall. I feel really bad now..." I say.
" Don't love. It's okay. I don't actually want anyone to know. And I was gonna wait but I just couldn't" He says. " Wear the ring. It will be fun to have rumors going around like this. Better than bad ones." He says with a smile.
" Can i have a Horan hug?" I ask with a smile.
" That's a silly question" He says with a smile hugging me tight. He holds me for at least 20 seconds before letting go.
" I love you so much." I say shaking my head. He grabs my hand and takes me into the living room.
" What are we doing?" I ask.
" We are just going to sit and relax. Like if we were in London together. No crazy fans or paps." He says sitting down. He puts his legs up and then pulls me down into him. I curl up to him.
" You are the sweetest thing on the planet, you know. I cannot believe I have you."
" 'I remember the first time I saw you. I couldn't get over how beautiful you are. I knew I had to have you." He says.
I pretty much die right then.
" You are trying to kill me with words."
"Do you know when my first romantic kiss was?" He asks.
"" I say.
" When we kissed in the rain. That night after the concert when i walked you up to your porch. I'll never forget."
" Stop it, Niall. My heart is going to burst from your cuteness." I say. " You've already won me over." I laugh.
He kisses my head. " Just making sure." He smiles.
We fall asleep curled up just as we are on the couch. Until there is a knock on the door. " 30 mintues until we leave!" Paul yells.
" Crap." I say. " Niall wake up babe! we've got to finish packing." I slide out of his grip and hurry into the bedroom and start grabbing everything.
"Katie!" Niall yells.
" What is it Niall" I yell.
" I need you!" He calls.
I run out into the living room. " What's wrong."
" Help me up, Please?" He asks reaching out a hand.
" Come on Niall. I've got to pack." I say grabbing his hand and pulling him up.
I kiss him on the cheek and go back into the bedroom and pack quickly.
" Babeeeeeee" Niall calls. Grabbing my arm.
" Niall stop!" I laugh." Are you all packed?"
" Yes. I am." He says.
" Alright good. Get your bag so we can go!" I say looking at him with a smirk.
We grab our bags and head out of the room.
" Well what have you two been doing?" Louis asks.
I didn't fix my hair after i got up. Niall runs his hand through his hair. I pat down mine. " We were napping on the couch Louis don't get your knickers in a twist." I smirk.
We all go down and get into the car. Niall plays with my hand with the ring on it. I don't know if he is trying to get the other boys to see it or what. It's pretty huge and shiny. It really is the most beautiful thing i have ever looked at ever.
" What is that on your finger Katie?" Liam points out.
" Well it looks like...." Zayn says.
" It can't be!" Harry chimes.
" I think it is!" Louis says.
" A wedding ring?!" They say at once.
" You synchronizing that is incredibly creepy." I say. Niall is still holding my hand.
" Well lad! Did you do it?" Liam asks.
" Yeah, I did." He says trying to hold back a smile but a smirk comes out anyways.
I kiss his lips gently as the car breaks out with cheers.
" You all are such losers." I laugh.
" Now Liam, You gotta do what we said in the cab because I did it." Niall says.
I rest my head on him.
" Do you mean sex?" Louis asks, resting his elbow on his knee then his chin on his fist.
" No Louis. What is your obsession with sex today? Harry not giving you enough?" Liam asks.
I cover my mouth with my free hand. Niall does his cackling laugh. Harry smirks and shakes his head in embarrassment. Me and Niall are still cracking up.
" Thank you Liam. I wanted to say that but I didn't want to embarrass Harry. But you've done it for me." He says smacking a hand down on his shoulder and giving him a nod.
" Anytime Lou." Liam answers with a smirk.
" So you two are engaged! Do you plan on getting married soon?" Zayn asks.
I look up at Niall.
" I think we are still pretty young you know. So it will probably be a few years."
" Good answer!" Louis shouts.
Niall smiles at me and I smile back.
Louis suddenly gets up and moves over next to Harry.
" What are you doing?" Harry asks.
" I think you and Katie should have matching lovebites." Louis says going towards Harry's neck.
Harry tries pushing him off.
" Why has she gotten more?" Liam asks.
" Why are you all so worried about my love bites...." I ask.
" I'm not" Louis says.
" Louis get off of me!" Harry yells.
Louis laughs and goes back to his seat.
I don't like this little feud thing going on between me and Louis. I want to be his friend. This isn't okay with me.