One Direction Girl

Chapter 7.

Me and Niall go out to dinner. He holds my hands across the table as we wait for our food.
There is tons of paparazzi outside.
" Do you ever read what people say about you?" I ask him.
" Sometimes. I don't really like to." He says.
" Understandable." I say.
I turn my head to look outside. The rumor mill will be stirring.
" Well obviously with this huge thing on my finger. They are gonna know that you've proposed."
" I don't mind. If I did i'd tell you not to wear it." He says.
Our food comes and he lets go of my hands.
I get mozzarella sticks while Niall has chicken, potatoes and fries.
" You are such a fatty" I smirk taking a bite of a mozzarella stick.
" Yup" Niall says as he stuffs his face with fries. He reaches over and steals a mozzarella stick.
" Dude! You have a ton of food. You don't need to steal mine!" I say stealing a handful of fries.
" I can be defensive about my food too." I chomp on the fry.
He sticks he tongue out at me. " Loser."
I give a slight laugh. He's too adorable not to.
" So I was thinking about going to Disney tomorrow. You know since its really our last day to be together." He says.
" Oh my gosh. I would love that so much." I say lighting up.
" We can go then." He smiles.

We walk outside after we finish. Crowded by paparazzi. It's so hard to move.
" Guys. We just want to go home. Please move." Niall says. He puts his arm on me to pull me away from them. We end up at a stand still because no one will moves. Everyone just keeps taking pictures and yelling at us.
" Come on guys." Niall says.
" Katie. Didn't you date Louis Tomlinson? What happened there? Are you two still friends?" Someone asks.
" I am happy with Niall now, thank you. Louis is a very good guy." I say. With that Niall wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me through the crowd of people. Then he lets go and grabs my hand. We try to walk a little faster before they catch up. Then my heel breaks. And I fall. Flat on my face. Niall leans down quickly to help me up. " Of course." I mumble. I slip off my heels. Both my knees are scraped. Niall swoops me up.
" Niall..what are you doing." I ask. He walks towards the car. " Niall, I am okay. I can walk." I say.
He doesn't say anything. He just walks.
The driver opens the car door and Niall gently places me inside. He slides in next to me. Pulling off his jacket. " Feet here." He says patting his thighs.
I slowly move my legs to his thighs. My knees sting a bit.
He then tears a sleeve off his jacket. " Niall! No! Are you crazy?" I ask.
" Well. I'm not letting you bleed. I can get another jacket. It isn't a big deal." He says wrapping the sleeve around my knee.
I prop myself up on my elbows and look at him. I can't tell what he is feeling right now. I don't know if i embarrassed him or if he is mad. I can't tell at all. He wraps my other knee.
" Come here." He says. Reaching out his hand. I grab it and he pulls me into him.
" Why do you have to leave in two days. Why can't you stay?"
" I don't know Niall." I say wrapping my arms around his waist to keep myself up.
He kisses my cheek.
" I promise not to be gone so long. I'll visit you more on tour. I don't think I will stay away for too long. I know I can't make excuses about home since you guys don't even get to go home as much as you like so I won't" I say.
He puts his chin on my shoulder.
" I love you. I don't want you to go." He whimpers.
" I love you too Niall. It will be okay. I booked the latest flight possible. We will have a good time before I go."
We pull up to the hotel. Niall insists on carrying me the whole way up. We go over to Harry's for a bit.
" So when are you leaving, Katie?" Harry asks.
" In two days sadly." I frown.
" Katie, what is on your knees?" Lou asks.
" I fell. flat on my face." I tell him.
" Are you sure you just weren't on the concrete giving a little BJ?" Louis says putting his hand on his chin.
I roll my eyes. Niall gives him a blank stare. I can tell that pissed him off.
" You are so rude!" Liam says. He comes over with some neosporin and band-aids.
" Liam. I love you. Thank you." I smile.
" What do you guys plan on doing tomorrow?" Liam asks.
" I told Katie I'd take her to Disney since she said she wanted to go."
" DISNEY?" Harry says. " I want to go!"
" Maybe Me and Harry can go. And We can switch shifts." Liam says. Obviously wanting to go since he loves toy story so much. I can just see it now. Liam riding toy story mania a thousands times and then leaving without riding anything else. I chuckle at the thought.
" We just have to be back before the fireworks!"
" We can make that happen" Niall smiles at me.
I shake my head. " meeee." I sing with a smirk.
He smiles and tries to hide his face. He turns away. I grab his cheek and pull his face toward me and kiss him.
" You are. You have the cutest everything." I say.
" HELLO. WE ARE STILL HERE. You do have a room to go be alone in." Louis says.
" Louis, seriously shut up. I am getting really annoyed." I say.
I love Louis and I don't know what his problem is or why he enjoys bothering me.
I stand up. " Liam and Harry. You have from 9-3 tomorrow for Disney. Me and Niall will go after you get back." I say.
" Niall you can chill here but I don't wish to stay here around someone who wants to be a dick to me for no reason."
" Take a joke, Katie!" Louis says.
" These aren't jokes Lou! They aren't funny! You're being rude to me for no reason. I am sorry we didn't work out if that is what your deal is. But I am happily in love with Niall and you have Eleanor so you really need to hop off and chill out. I have been trying to be your friend because you are a good guy but I am done with it.
I glance at Niall and leave the room. I shouldn't have lashed out like that. But there was nothing stopping me.
I go back into the room and change into comfy clothes. Then wash all the scraped skin off my hands.
I crawl into bed. I didn't even hear Niall come in. I bump into him as i head back to the bed.
I look up at him. His eyes look sad. " Thank you." He says.
" Thank you? For what?"
" For standing up for us like that. I wanted to say something to him but not in front of you."
" I am sorry Niall. I regret even going out with him now, since this is all happening. I'm sorry I didn't choose you from the beginning." I hug him. " I love you so so so much. There isn't a limit to how much I love you."
" I love you too, Katie." He hugs me tight and then kisses me.
He lets go and I climb into bed. After he changes he joins me.
" We have a fun day ahead of us tomorrow. Sleep tight my love."
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I had this like all written and then it erased so i am not too happy about how this one came out :/