One Direction Girl

chapter 9.

I've been gone for two months now. I am missing Niall a lot. I've been busy with school and I haven't had a chance to fly out to see him. I am home early one day from school. Niall calls me on video chat.
" Niall!" I smile huge.
" Hi babe." He says in a some what depressed tone.
" What's wrong?" I ask. Please don't let it be about Lou. I will murder him if it is.
" Louis told me what happened when you were here." Niall says.
Is this a sick joke. He promised he wouldn't tell. He is the one who didn't want to hurt his friend.
" Niall I am so sorry."
" It's alright. He apologized and i guess it is okay. Though I am really ticked off." He says.
" Babe. You know I love you right. I didn't kiss him back. I am so in love with you."
" I know. I love you too." He says running his hand through his hair.
Louis has done what he said he wouldn't do. I am at least keeping part of it. Because we aren't speaking. I am scared to tell Eleanor and we will end up fighting or something. I knew it was a bad idea for me to back with him.
" I had a dream that. You left. You said you hated me and you never wanted to see me again. Then when Lou told me that. I thought for sure it was over." Niall says.
" Niall." I frown. " Do you see this?" I ask holding the ring up to the camera. " You gave this to me. It's a commitment to you and you only."
" Have you taken it off?" He asks.
" No, of course I haven't"
" Well take it off and look on the inside of the ring." He says.
I look at him for a minute before looking down at the ring. I slide it off. I look back up at him. He is playing with his hair. I smile and look down at the ring. Around the inside the ring reads " Forever with you."
" Niall............" I say. ""
He smirks.
" You didn't say anything about it before." I say. " Why not?"
" I wanted you to find it on your own. But the fact you haven't taken it off in a couple months is kinda awesome."
" Why would I take it off? Knowing me I'd loose it." I say.
He chuckles." Probably"
" I love You Niall."
" I love you more" He answers with a sleepy smile.
" Mmmmm don't think so. I love you so much more." I smirk.
" I love you so so so much more."
" I love you so so so so so much more." I fight back.
Niall pauses. " I love you to infinity and beyond."
" Well shit Niall. How am i supposed to beat that?"
" You can't because I win." He smiles.
" Okay. You win this ONE time." I shake my head.
" You think that. Maybe we should keep count."
" Your on." I say.
" BABE!" Niall yells.
I laugh." Yes Niall."
" When are you coming to see me?" Niall asks." We are headed to new york in two days."
" I'll be there." I say. Checking my calender.
" Are you serious?" He gets excited. He puts his face super close to the camera.
" Back up. oh my gosh. Yes . I'll book my flight and I'll come over for four days. but four days only. I cannot stay any longer!"
" Anything is better than nothing right now! I miss you."
" Aw Nialler. I miss you too."
" Alright.. I think I should sleep now. go book your flight and i will email you the hotel name and i will see you friday." He gives a thumbs up.
" Alright babe. I love you! Night!" I say. He blows me a kiss and disconnects.
I smile and go on to book my flight. I call Danielle and Eleanor to see if they want to come with me. They agree. It will be a nice surprise. I'll be able to avoid Louis to since she will be there to distract him. I wonder what would happen if Eleanor found out. And I am certainly not going to be the one to say anything to her. Louis can do it if he wants. I'm scared Eleanor would attack me or something.

Eleanor, Danielle and I arrive at the New York airport and go out to the car waiting for us. We are greeted by lots of screaming girls. I don't get that at all. If they were true fans they know the boys weren't coming in today. Just kidding. But I never camped out a whole day early to catch a glimpse of them. We get into the car. " I haven't yet but i wanted to thank you for asking us to come with you, Katie." Danielle says.
" Not a problem. I figured you guys could use a break to see your lovley lads." I smile.
" You're right." Eleanor says.
" We still have to wait till tomorrow till they get here which kinda stinks." I frown. We go into the hotel and get a key to the boys' rooms. None of the boys have any idea Eleanor and Danielle are here. I cannot wait to see their faces. I go into Nialls room and lay in the bed. I could really use some sleep. I've been busy with school and just taking that plane ride. I need a good nights sleep. which is funny because it is only five o'clock. I'll just take a cat nap. I curl up in the cover and sigh.

I wake up and look at the clock. It says 10:23am. Crap. If I remember right the guys' flight was supposed to get at like seven. I slept for way too long. I turn over in bed.
" Niall!" I scream. I grab him and hug him so tight. " I didn't mean to sleep forever! I would've been awake waiting for you!"
He doesn't say anything. He just smiles. I hug him tight again. " I have missed you so so so much."
" Katie." Niall says. " Shut up" He kisses me. I giggle and kiss him back. " I love you." He whispers.
I bite my lip." I love you too. I am so happy to see you."
He pulls me into him and kisses the top of my head.
" Did the others see their women. I brought some friends."
" Really?" Niall asks.
" Yeah." I say putting my head on the pillow. Niall rests his next to mine.I put my hand on his cheek. " I don't think I can not see you for two months ever again. I don't know how i went five months."
He leans close to me. " I just want to kiss you. All day and all night." He says kissing my forehead. I close my eyes. Then down to my nose. I giggle.He kisses my neck and down to my shoulder. I play with his hair. He kisses back up my neck and back to my lips.
" I'm guessing this is how we are spending the rest of the day?" I ask.
" I'd like that more than anything honestly."
He lifts the covers and slides under. He wraps his arms around my waist.
" I love you so much, Katie."
" I love you too Niall." I smile. " Thank you. For being the perfect boyfriend...well fiancee now. You are all I could ask for. You are the best thing to ever happen to me." I say.
" Thank you for being my princess." He says.