Status: In Progress

Should I Fall In Love With You (A Tyler Seguin Love Story)

Chapter 7

Chapter 7
“What’s wrong?” I asked Haley really confused on the reason she was crying.
“He’s on a date!”
“Who David?” I asked again sounding confused on why she would be crying over him. Then it hit me Haley had feelings for him. I decided I would not tell her about my amazing date with Tyler, but be the shoulder for her to cry on.
“Yes, I’m so upset! I was just about to tell him I had feelings and then he said he had to get ready for a date. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!” she sounded really pissed.
“Haley, I honestly didn’t know David had a date. He didn’t tell me anything about this. If I knew I would’ve told you if I knew. But you shouldn’t be moping around because of him. You’re a beautiful and David should be kicking himself in the ass for not listening to you.” I told Haley
“Your right. I shouldn’t being moping about him he’s a dumbass for not listening to me.” Haley said I could tell she was getting happier from what I had just told her.
We decided to rent a movie and I took this time to text Tyler. We decided onto the movie “Sixteen Candles.” I started texting Tyler the conversation went like this:
Me: Hey
Tyler: I thought you forgot about me
Me: I could never forget about you
Tyler: What’s up?
Me: Watching a movie with Haley
Tyler: chick flick
Me: yup
Tyler: I miss you
Me: I miss you too
Tyler: I glad to hear that
Me: so what are you doing?
Tyler: Brad’s over and we are doing nothing
Me: sounds like a party
Tyler: you know you’re jealous
Me: I’m just jealous of Brad
Tyler: I’m jealous of Haley
Me: I miss you
I felt like a desperate person texting that again, but I it was the truth I really did miss him and texting him was just a tease.
Tyler: I miss you more
Me: are we really going to get into one of those I miss you more fight things?
Tyler: yeah let’s not
Me: I agree
Tyler: so are you doing anything tomorrow night?
Finally I thought to myself I would be seeing him again and I would be back in his embrace.
Me: no
Tyler: well you’re doing something now
Me: like what
Tyler: a date with me
Me: where
Tyler: it’s a surprise and get casually dressed up
Me: ok see ya 2morrow
I felt a smile spread across my face and I could care less if Haley saw me. I think I was falling in love with him. I couldn’t believe it a couple of days ago I couldn’t stand him and now I was falling for him and I was falling for him fast. I Riley Bauer was in LOVE with Tyler Seguin and I hope he felt the same way.
“How was your date with Tyler?” Haley asked
I began to tell her everything I didn’t leave out a single detail except for him walking me up here to her apartment and the kiss in my room.
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next couple of chapters could be short but i hope you like & could someone please help me figure out how to add links to my stories. PLEASE:) would be much appreciated