All The Same Mistakes

Something's Got To Give Now

They ended up spending an hour playing 20 questions, going around the group. It was girls against boys. They'd take turns asking questions, then would answer and continued with the next question. They could either all answer, or just one would answer the question.

"If you were a girl, and you had to date someone in the band, either than yourself, who would you date?" Katelyn asked, grinning from ear to ear.

The boys raised their eyebrows in surprise. What kind of question was that? Harry asked, shaking his head. "I'm not answering."

"Neither am I." Niall said.

"Count me out as well." Liam agreed.

Zayn, after a long minute of thinking, sighed in defeat. "I'll answer it." He announced.

"I'd date Louis. He'd be the most fun." He explained with a smile, and the two shared a high five.

"Our turn to ask!" Niall said, changing the topic. "If you had to date one of us, who and why?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

"No! That's a lame question, Niall." Louis complains, smacking him on the back of his head.

"It's obvious that Lacey will choose Harry." Liam pointed out, agreeing.

"I guess that leaves Katelyn to answer the question, then, now doesn't it?" Niall grinned, the mischievous side of him showing more obviously.

Katelyn blushed, her cheeks turning red before ripping out a chunk of grass and throwing it in his direction. "Obviously you." She answered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Liam and Louis, have girlfriends, and I barely know 'em. Harry's soon to be off the market too. And Zayn isn't my type, to be honest." She explains herself, giving Zayn a sad smile because of the last bit. "Plus, I've only been talking to Niall since we got here."

They nodded their heads in reply, accepting her answer. It was true. As soon as they got away from the paparazzi, everyone divided off. Lacey and Harry sat against the wall; Louis and Liam were against the well as well, except farther ways apart from Harry and her; Zayn was standing up, and that left Niall and Katelyn to sit on the grass in the sun.

"How long has it been?" Lacey moaned from beside Harry, fanning herself with her hand, but it was no use.

"This questions thing is boring." Niall added. "Can't we get food? Surely the paparazzi has given up waiting for us to come back by now."

Everyone laughed in reply. "It's only been twenty minutes, Niall." Liam pointed out, raising his hand to show off his watch.

"Twenty minutes is nothing. The last time we ate was on the plane, and we spent another hour and a half getting here, plus the fifteen minutes we looked for her." He nodded in Lacey's direction.

Lacey's eyebrows raised, turning to look at Harry. "You spent fifteen minutes walking around for the chance to bump into me?" She asked in a voice of disbelief.

Harry nodded in reply. "It was worth it. And I did end up bumping into you, literally."

Lacey rolled her eyes, playfully shoving him away.

"If you guys don't want food, then I'll go." Niall announced, getting up from the ground.

"I'll go with you." Katelyn replied eagerly, jumping up as well.

"If you guys are going, we should all just go instead." Zayn pointed out.

Slowly, one by one Lacey, Harry, Liam and Louis get up trailing behind Katelyn and Niall at the front who eagerly led the group back to where the came from.

Not a person with a camera was in sight. It was a funny feeling. Harry couldn't help but continue to look around him, making sure it was completely safe. Everyone else was oblivious to his actions. After another few minutes of walking, they finally reached the concession stand..

"What do you guys want?" Niall asked. "I'll order it."

Luckily for them, there was no longer a big line-up, only a few stragglers who were late for lunch.

The two girls weren't hungry since they had eaten ice cream beforehand. In the end, the boys got hot dogs, while Zayn stuck to a plain fries and a Coke. They made their way down the beach, making sure to stay a good far distance from everyone else, trying to not attract anyone's attention at the same time.

"We should go back and see my family." Lacey said out loud.

"Oh yeah!" Katelyn perked up. "Do you think your dad will be mad at us for being gone for so long?"

Lacey shrugged. "Who knows. Do you guys want to meet my family?" She asked the guys.

"There's nothing else to do. Why not?" Liam replied.

"I'd love to meet your family!" Louis agreed.

"Same here." Zayn said.

"Do you think they'll remember me?" Harry asked, breaking the chain of yes's.

"I bet my sister will." Lacey replied, rolling her eyes in distaste.

Angel had never really liked Harry. But what made Lacey even more mad was that she only acknowledged the fact that they met each other after finding out he became famous and joined the band One Direction. She used Harry for something to brag about among her friends.

"I thought she hated me." Harry frowned.

"She did. But apparently now she's a big fan of you all."

A loud round of cheers came soon after.

"Don't be so loud!" Katelyn scolded them all as they finally reached the dock, passing underneath it and Lacey's family coming into view.

The boys instantly shut up, and that made Lacey laugh. "You're like puppies!" She exclaimed.

She had completely forgotten up until that point that she and Harry were holding hands. She only remember then when Harry squeezed her hand in reply.

"Come again, love?" He grinned in a devilish manner, challenging her to call them puppies again.

"Oh hush!" Lacey laughed before racing to her family, everyone else running suite.

"Mum! Dad! Guess who I bumped into-"

"OH MY GOD, HARRY! IT'S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" Lacey's sister said, cutting her off and jumping up from her towel on the sand.

Her parent's looked up at the perfect time to see Angel dramatically wrapping her arms around Harry's shoulders, who was still holding onto Lacey's hand.

"Hi?" Harry asked in a confused voice.

The boys in behind them awkwardly waved a hello to Lacey and Angel's parents, unsure of what to do in the situation. Katelyn frowned, shaking her head at the sight of Angel. Then turned to look at Lacey, sharing knowing looks. Lacey's face had furious written all over it.

Not saying anything, she let go of Harry's hand, walking over to her parents, signaling Liam, Louis, Niall and Zayn forward to introduce them, leaving Angel and Harry behind.

"How have you been?" Lacey heard Angel say from behind.

"Um..I'm great?" She heard Harry reply unhappily.

Lacey snorted to herself in her mind before continuing on to introducing the boys.

That's right. Harry doesn't like you. He likes me. He can see right through you right now.
♠ ♠ ♠
As you can see, Angel is causing a lot of jealousy and tension to stir in the air.
Make my day and comment? :)
