Memories of Ryan Ross

Catch A Dream

None of this is gonna make sense to you at first. This is not one of those stories that goes and then and then and then. No that’s much too boring. I just wanna keep you guessing, but trust me, it‘ll all come together in the end.

When I think of Ryan Ross, I think of lightening. He called me one night and it was storming so bad and we lived by each other. He told me he was scared because of the lightening and that he couldn’t get in contact with a mutual friend of ours named Spencer. Of course I was the second choice to the best friend. Of course I was butt-hurt about it, but I didn’t really know the guy at the time so I really didn’t have the right and yet he was calling me at 11’oclock at night and I should have been fucking pissed, but I wasn’t. He sounded so scared and I was too much of a pussy to say no or say go fuck yourself so I said I was on my way.

I showed up at his door drenched in rain. He opened it with only boxers on. That’s bound to get a sexual look at his dick. Sue me. I wanted it. His hair was a mess and his eyes were wide in fear. He pulled me in and closed the door, screaming at the sound of a crash of lightening and clinging to my wet chest. The shirt had become skin tight against my body and my nipples were hard. The perfect awkward situation with a guy you had only met a week ago, but he didn’t seem to mind.

His power was off so he led me upstairs to his room. He pulled my shirt off, throwing the wet clump of cloth to the side. I shivered as his fingertips lingered along my chest. The guy was so-called straight but here we were: him under dressing me and me not minding it one bit. That was anything but straight.

Then my pants were coming off and I wanted to tell him to stop, but I was too curious to do so. Curiosity killed the cat or the lovestruck faggot in this case. So he pulled me on the bed and my boxers were soaked too so he got me to slip those off. I find myself spooning him while I’m butt ass naked and he doesn’t seem to mind that my dick is poking his tight asshole and that it’s hard as a rock. We fall asleep like that. His ass on my dick. It’s the picture perfect moment and as he dreamt quietly in my arms I told him that I was thinking that I might love him and when he smiled in his sleep, I knew he thought he might love me too.