Hate the Player and Hate the Game.

Chapter One

Normal. Bland. Average. All words that describe little ol' me. I sighed as I looked in the mirror, trying desperately to make myself look even slightly better because, honestly, it would be an improvement. I've already had my dark brown hair up, down and to the side am I'm just not satisfied. Its senior year, I wanna have a new start. Be a girl all the guys want but I'm just not. My green eyes dimmed at the thought. I finally stepped back and surveyed my entire appearence. I'm wearing jean shorts because its still really warm out, even though I live in Michigan. I paired the shorts with a gray top that had a black belt around my stomach. I looked okay-ish. On cue my step mom yelled up the stairs.

"Melissa! I swear to God if you're late for your first day of school, you'll sleep in the garage!" She was kidding of course but most of the time we really don't get along.

"Coming!" I screamed, perhaps a little too loudly. I grabbed the keys to my 2010 Jeep Wrangler and ran downstairs, collideing with my dad. About 6 years ago was when my dad, Daniel, told me he was getting re-married to my step mom, Kathy. I wasn't exactly...happy when he told me but I've pretty much gotten over it.

He reached out and steadied me, laughing.
"Watch where you're going, sweetheart." He laughed. "Good luck today but come straight home after school."

I started to object, I wanted to hang out with friends.


"No, Missy, come straight home. We have a surprise for you." He said, sternly.

"Really? What is.." I started but he cut me off.

"Goodbye!" With that he shoved me out of the house and slammed the door in my face. I sighed and made my way over to my jeep. Its about a 10 minute ride to school so I reached out and put my IPod on shuffle, tapping my fingers to the beat of the Hollywood Undead song that started to play. Before long I was pulling into the parking lot of Prince Heights High School. I sighed and pulled into the closest spot I could find. As I was getting out of the jeep I got a text from my best friend, Ally.

*Are you here yet?"*

*Yeah, meet me at my locker, number 245." -M* I texted back quickly. I made my way into the school passing the normal cliques. Finally, I made it to my locker and was putting my books away when I was tackled from behind.

"Son of a bi--" I swore as I face planted into the locker next to mine. I turned around ready to yell at the person but ended up laughing when I discovered it was Ally.

"Oh my God! I missed you so much..I wish you could've come with me to Australia. I met so many awesome people!" She rambled. I giggled. She always babbles, that's what I love about her. I leaned forward and firmly put my hand over her mouth. I could see the amusement in her eyes when I put my other hand to my mouth and made the 'Shhhhhhh' symbol. I pulled my hand from her mouth.

"I missed you, too!" I laughed and pulled her in for a hug. We talked a bit more and I asked her for her schedule. She fished around in her bag and finally handed it to me.

"We have 4th and 5th hour together. Lunch, too." I smiled.

"Yay!" She squealed. Suddenly her eyes widened as she looked behind me.

"What?" I asked, turning around. Then I understood. There, leaning against his locker, looking in our direction, was Ashton Hayes. I felt my own eyes widen. Ashton. I've had a crush on him since 5th grade. His long, muscular body was covered by a simple black t-shirt, with dark wash jeans that hung low on his hips. Hes the schools biggest player, coming in a close second is his best friend, Riley. His black hair fell into his piercing blue eyes which were, at the moment, fixed on me. I sighed, longingly and turned back to face Ally. Who am I kidding, Ashton doesn't even know my name. Ally was still looking behind me.

"He's still looking at you." She chuckled. "Although, who could blame him? You look hot. Anyway, I gotta go find Nate. Later!" She wiggled her fingers at me and then walked down the hallway before disappearing around the corner. Nate is her boyfriend of three and a half years. They're good together and I'm really happy for her. I shut my locker and started making my way toward first hour when I was pushed up against the wall causing me to drop everything in my hands.

"What the hell?" I screech and then come to an abrupt stop when I see the culprit.

Ashton Hayes.

I gulp and he smirks down at me.

"Hello, Melissa." He whispered, huskily, causing my to shiver involuntarily. "Guess what..? You've been chosen. Good luck, babe." He leans forward and places a kiss on my cheek before sauntering away, leaving me breathless. Then the works sink in. Every year, Ashton picks one girl and targets her. His goal? Make her fall in love with him and then break her heart. Unfortunately for me, he has never failed. Senior year just got interesting.
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New Story. :)