Hate the Player and Hate the Game.

Chapter Two

I looked after him until he disappeared around the corner and then finally let the breath out that I hadn't realized I'd been holding. I gathered my stuff and started walking toward my first hour. Unfortunately for me, my mind wouldn't shut up. I was chosen. Why me? I already liked him and it really wasn't gonna be hard for him to make me fall. But, I knew the outcome because it was the same every year. Another year. Another victim. Another broken heart. I couldn't let him do that to me. Maybe....just maybe...I could turn the tables.

With a plan forming in my head I confidently walked into my first hour, head high. I glanced around the room and saw a few familiar faces. Nobody that I'd love to sit by though. Sighing, I took a seat toward the back next to a guy named Gage. Nodding at him, I sat down and got my notebook out, getting ready for class.

"Hey, Miss. I heard you were chosen. Sucks, bro." Gage said, looking over at me sympathetically. Everyone knew, once a girl was chosen nobody was allowed to go for her or there would be severe consequences.

"How'd you know? It happened like...5 minutes ago." I muttered.

Gage smiled. "News travels fast, apparently." Just the bell rang, signaling the official start to my senior year. Mr. Warner walked in and looked at all of us smiling.

"Alright, lets take roll and then we can start talking Statistics!" He beamed, clapping his hands. He was wearing his usual sweater vest paired with dress pants and his thick black glasses. His words made the entire class groan, including me. Mr. Warner ALWAYS gave out homework on the first day of school to show his classes that he means 'buisness'.

"Melissa Colden?" He asked. I raised my hand and he smiled in my direction. He continued roll but only one name made me look back up. "Ashton Hayes?"

"Here." Ashton came strolling into the room, the classic smirk on his face.

Mr. Warren set his clipboard down and scowled. "Don't be late again, since its the first day I'll let you off with a warning. Next time you won't be so lucky."

Ashton mock saluted him. "Yes, sir!" He said, snorting.

"The only open seat is next to the left of Ms. Colden, go sit down." Mr. Warren, growled. Startled, I glanced to my left and discovered the seat was indeed, empty. Well, damn. Coulda planned that better. I glanced back up at Ashton to find his smirking in my direction. He sauntered toward me and took his seat.

"Look who we have here. What's up, babe?" He smirked.

"Ashton." I nodded. I heard his chuckle a hit under his breath. Then his lips were at my ear.

"I like girls who play hard to get, babe. But...maybe you won't be so hard to get." He whispered.

I glanced at him. "I'm not an object Ashton. I don't appreciate you trying to 'get me'. Now, pay attention." I turned pointedly back to the front, pretending to be interested in the lesson Mr. Warren had just started. I heard him chuckle again but he didn't speak again. When the bell rang, I breathed a sigh of relief. I gathered my stuff and was just about out the door when Ashton called out to me.

"See you later, sexy." He smirked. I rolled my eyes and scurried out the door before anyone else could see the blush on my face. The rest of the day passed pretty quickly and soon I was on my way home again. I pulled into the driveway, parking in my usual spot and entered the house.

"Hun, go put your stuff away and then come into the kitchen!" Dad called.

"Kay!" I ran upstairs and past the guest room to my familiar domain. I put my bag on my bed and plugged my phone in before going back downstairs. I skipped into the kitchen and grabbed a cookie off the tray Kathy was just taking out of the oven. She slapped my hand.

"No more." She muttered, clearly not in a good mood. I raised my eyebrows but didn't question it, happily munching on my cookie before turning my attention to my father. He was grinning like a mad man.

"Whats my surprise?" I asked. He smiled.

"Remember my boss?" He asked. I nodded. "Well, his son is living with us for the year while my boss and his girlfriend are in Bermuda."

I raised my eyebrows. I was actually pretty excited. I get pretty bored around here by myself. "Who is he? Do I know him?" I questioned, smiling. Just then, a knock sounded on the door.

"That must be him, why don't you go answer the door Missy?" Dad said, excitedly. I nodded and hopped off the stool making my way to the door. Opening the door did not reveal what I expected. Ashton Hayes stood on my porch with suitcases around him and a giant smirk on his face.

What. The. Hell.