

The air was still and the sky above her was cloudy and gray. Mimi nervously hugged the envelope that she had been carrying, between her arm and side as she hurried down the pavement to the North Shore National Bank. The streetlights above her flickered as she passed, like they knew she was there. Creepy much? Like it wasn't weird enough that she was here in the first place, now the streets had to make her feel like someone freaking watching her?

All she wanted was for this to be over. She wanted to get this money there and get her ass back to her warm, cozy bed before some freak decided that he could use a pretty girl for his own sick, fantasy tonight.

Mimi's new leather boots made a loud clicking noise against the pavement as she paced, so she concentrated on that, rather than how terrified she was. She finally got the the automatic teller and sighed gratefully.

"Thank God," she whispered to herself, and with trembling fingers she started searching her pockets her credit card.

Something, way off in the distance made a sound, but she figured she would ignore it and maybe, it would just go away. She quickly slid her card into the machine and started punching in numbers.
"One...five..sev-" she muttered as she punched, when she heard another sound off in the distance, but closer

"Hello?" she called, turning around and, unconsciously resting her hand against her pocket to make sure her phone was there. It was.

No one answered, so the turned back to machine and tried to swallow the lump in her throat.

She sighed when she was finished, turning away from the teller and beginning to stuff the hundred dollar bills she had just withdrawn into the envelope.

The buzzing in her pocket, caused her to jump and drop the bills onto the wet sidewalk. She glanced down at it and groaned, quickly trying to gather the bills so she could go home.

"Just my luck," she muttered while stooping to collect the bills.

Things like this only happen to her.

She squinted down at her cell screen and groaned. Maybe not wearing her glasses was a bad idea after all.
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Comments/ Criticism welcome.