

The guy in front of her was taking forever. The only thing that stopped Samantha Cooper from screaming at him, was the fact that her new little brother was right next to her. He was 4 months old, and the most adorable thing in the world. She couldn't believe that this little angel was related to her. She smiled at him, then up at her mother, who was holding Lucas in her comforting arms.

Her gaze wondered ahead, once again, to the guy paying his bill.

She groaned.

This whole grocery thing was not one of Samantha's favorite things to do. She hated standing in line, waiting to buy things that she had no interest in eating.

She was on a strict diet, and God knows she needed it least she could see her feet now.

Sam helped her mom push the grocery cart up to the cashier and unloaded the items, then she stepped aside and let her mom pay.

"Samantha?" she heard a voice call behind her as she stood waiting beside the exit. She turned quickly to the sound of her name, "Is that you? You're back?!" the same girl asked, running closer to her and giving her a huge hug.

"Um..yeah, we just got back yesterday...doing some grocery shopping," Sam replied, awkwardly patting the girl's back. Who the heck was this girl?

"Well good," the girl said smiling, "We've missed you! Where have you been?! It's been a year! What have you been up to? You wouldn't believe the rumors people have been spreading about you!" The questions were coming so fast that Sam didn't know which one to lie about first.

She took a breath and tried to swallow the big lump in her throat. No matter how many times she practiced this, it still didn't come out like the truth.

"My mom wanted to have her baby closer to my grandmother's," she squeaked nervously, " so we stayed up there for a while." Samantha stopped and pointed over to her mother, paying the bill.

The girl frowned, obviously not satisfied with the apparent lack of 'juice' in the story, "Oh?" she questioned and Samantha's mother walked up to them.

"Time to go, Hun," Mrs Cooper said, smiling at the girl talking to her daughter. The nervous look on Samantha's face made her want to leave as soon as possible.

Sam nodded quickly, muttered "Goodbye," and started following her mother out the wide, sliding front doors.

"I'll tell Joshua that you're back. He'll be happy to hear it," He girl shouted as the sliding door shut behind Sam and her mother.

Sam bit her lip. Just the person she had been hoping to avoid.

"Did you tell her anything?" Sam's mother asked, trying not to show how nervous she was, but it was evident.

"No.." Sam muttered, trying to keep up with her mother, "but it was hard."
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Thanks for reading.