

"Time for breakfast," Danielle heard her mother call from downstairs. She sat up and slid her feet into her fuzzy, bunny slippers. Not like she had been asleep any way. Her nightmares had been getting worst ever since the murder.

No, she hadn't known Mimi Miller, but she had Math with her and death was not conducive to a proper learning environment. Not like Danielle Parker cared much about school work.. but the last time there was a big murder in this town was...

She decided not to think about it. Out of mind, out of.... Did she have that saying right?

Oh whatever, the point was, she was not going to think about death anymore. She couldn't.

She was emotionally exhausted.

Danielle stood up and headed towards her hamper, pulling on a pair of jeans from the floor and running a brush through her hair.

Good enough.

She grabbed her messenger bad and dragged her way down the stairs to the kitchen table.

"Mooom," she groaned, " Foood." She knocked her head against the table and sighed.

"Cereal's on the counter, milk's in the fridge," her mom answered, calmly, not looking up from her newspaper.

"But you said breakfast was ready?" Danielle moaned, sitting up and looking at her mother through her bush of black bangs.

"It'll be ready as soon as you make it," her mother replied, standing up and handing her a plate of eggs and toast.

"Thank you mom, " Danielle smiled, shoving a handful of eggs into her mouth.

"Hurry up," her mother said, ruffling her hair, you're late for school.

Like always, she was late. Fortunately, today was a good day to be late, since all the teachers were busily preparing a memorial for Mimi. No one cared about her, so she skipped through the halls, playing drums with the locker.

By the time she had gotten to her first class, first period was over and the halls were crammed with so many people that she got a bit disoriented.

"Wow there," someone called, holding her up and stopping her from falling.. "you okay?" she asked.

This girl was beautiful. She had huge, curly, red hair, and gorgeous green eyes. It wasn't like Danielle was into girls or anything... but wow. She was pretty.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she managed to choke out as the girl helped her to a less busy part of the hallway, "Just a little..dizzy."

The girl chuckled and poked out her hand, "I'm Samantha...just moved back here... You're Danielle right?"

"Oh right," Danny replied, grabbing the girl's hand and shaking it, "We had homeroom together. "

Sam smiled and nodded. Finally, someone normal. She wasn't so sure what had happened to her so called 'friends', but suddenly no one knew her. Either that, or they were too preoccupied with some memorial to take her seriously.

"Yeah..Um.. I know this is a bit weird," Sam muttered," But please tell me you're in Mr. Schmid's homeroom ? I know no-one in there and I feel like a weird outcast."

Danny chuckled. She came to the wrong person if she didn't want to be an outcast.
"Yeah I am," Danny smiled, "English next?"

Samantha nodded, letting out a sigh of relief. She really didn't want to go through another class in silence.
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