

Ashley Khan moaned as he ran his hands down her sides and started raising her shirt over her stomach. She could feel how excited he was, his fingers were all but trembling.

"We can't do this here," she whispered, smiling as he pressed his lips against her neck and lifted her shirt higher.

''No one's gonna catch us, Ash," he growled, stepping back so he could pull the shirt over her head, "and you know you want to."

She nodded and took a breath, before stepping closer to him. He was so perfect, and this was him at his best. His rugged, sexy, manly best. Even though she could barely see him in the dim light of the school's supply closet, she knew the eager look that would have plastered his face just about now.

"Then come on, " he said smiling, as he reached behind her for the hook of her bra. She closed her eyes and waited, biting her lips. And she remained that way, expectantly waiting until he got closer again, pressing his bare chest against hers and blowing softly in her ear.

"Do you know the answer?" he asked her, kissing down her shoulder blade and sliding his hands up her leg.

"The answer?" she moaned, looking down at him.

"Miss Khan, do you know the answer?"

She opened her eyes and she was in class, surrounded by 28 other students, all staring at her. Someone behind her whispered 2π, so she went with that, and everyone turned away. Miss Gallagner frowned. She obviously didn't think that Ashley was good enough to answer that question.

'Well suck it,' Ashley thought, wiping the drool from the side of her lip and crossing her legs. She was just as good as any of these little preppies here.

She was just about to look over to tell her best friend, Mimi Miller, about how stupid Miss Gallagner was..but then she remembered , and her wet panties, suddenly felt stupid and out of place.

She pressed her head against her desk and tried to suck in her breath. Just last week Mimi had been sitting here, filing her nails and laughing at other people's expense. Now, the empty seat next to her just seemed to echo the empty feeling in her heart.

That seat was like the plague, not even that new girl, Samantha, was that her name? Not even Samantha chose to sit in that chair, because she knew what it meant, who it symbolized . She preferred to sit with that emo freak in the back row.

The period three bell rang, just as Miss Gallagner was about to go into differentiation. How the heck was Ashley supposed to go through another year of Advanced math without Mimi there to tutor her?

Another reason to miss Mimi, on top of the long lists she had come up with before. She gathered her books and stood up, pushing her way past the crowds of people. She had to find someone she knew, quickly, before she started crying.
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Hi. Comments/Criticisms welcome.