

Samantha Cooper pushed through the large, wooden doors of her school's main office, trying to get away from someone that she didn't want to see.

"Don't walk away from me dammit!" he demanded, chasing behind her. It was lunch, so everyone just lingered around. At the first sign of an argument, everyone started gathering.

She turned around quickly, before he could say anything she would regret, "Joshua, let's not talk about this here," she whispered to him threateningly.

"Where then?" he asked, running his hands through his curly brown hair. The sunlight bounced across his skin like it was dancing and it made him seem to glow. Gosh, he was perfect. The way his curls bounced about just above his ears, the way he was just perfectly toned from all the swimming, the way he flexed his jaw when he was angry... the way his eyes sparkled in the sunlight...It almost made it impossible to stay angry at him...

"Uh.." she scrambled, trying to form sentences, "do you have your car?"

He nodded and started searching his pockets for his key.

He walked slightly ahead of her as they paced to his car. They were both silent, so that gave her enough time to gaze at him. He had on a dark teal shirt. There were three buttons toward the top of it and he left them open, as usual. His tight black jeans, was just tight enough for her to see just a little less that she needed to see right now, bulged just a bit in the middle.

He opened the passenger door for her and she got in, sitting in silence until he came around and sat next to her. This car was filled with so many memories. Memories that she was trying to forget...

"What happened?" he asked, looking over at her with his, soft, brown eyes, "You left."

She took a deep breath and nodded.

"Why?" he whispered, still boring those huge brown eyes into her, even though she was trying to look away from him.

"I told you why," she answered, staring down at her hands and trying to hold back the tears.

"So it's true then?" he asked, facing forward again. She nodded, wiping away the rogue tears that had manage to escape their prison.

He sighed, then turned towards her again, after a second, this time turning his whole body and leaning back against the car door, "So why the fuck did you leave?"

She found herself mirroring his movements, and the louder he spoke, the louder she screamed, "I fucking told you! I couldn't be here anymore. You know what we did. How the fuck was I suppose to keep that secret?!"

"I could have come with you, Sam," he pleaded with her, "I wanted to fucking come with you. You leave me here for a year. No calls, no emails, then suddenly you show up? You said that you..."

She looked away, turning her head to the windshield, "I do... but it's just too hard."

"It's not," he crooned, holding her head between his hands and wiping away her tears, "Nothing is hard, or complicated, Sam. It's just me and you." He kissed her forehead delicately.

She let out the loud sob that had just been dying to break free, "That's just it," she wailed, "It will never be just us...I have to go. He'll always be haunting us.''

Before he could stop her, she shoved open his car door, and started pacing away from him, silently praying that he wouldn't follow her. She couldn't turn him down twice in one day.
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Comments/ Criticisms welcome.