

Danielle Parker headed down the west corridor, partially searching for her new friend Samantha, and partially pretending not to be searching for her new friend Samantha.

In her quest, she happened to pass along the memorial that the teachers were making for Mimi. It gave her goose bumps, and she suddenly had a nervous, guilty feeling in the pit of her stomach. Wasn't it bad enough that they made it mandatory for all students to attend the funeral, now every time she went to the cafeteria, she had to stare up at Mimi's awful, mocking smile.

She was looking up at the large, poster of Mimi on the wall when she heard a quiet, sniffle next to her. Someone was sitting, beneath the staircase, with their head on their lap.

"Hey," Danielle spoke, "You okay?" It was a guy. His hair was a dirty blonde color and when he sat up, she could see his puffy, bright green eyes. Noah?

"What's it to you," he snapped, wiping his arm across his face. Noah Miller? As in Mimi's twin brother Noah Miller? As in the hottest guy in school, Noah Miller? What was she doing here again?

"Um.. nothing.. I was just about it go," she said, backing away slowly, hoping not to offend him with her presence.

"No," he struggled, stretching his arm out in her general direction, "you can stay. I'm sorry."

Noah's eyes were red and puffy. He had been crying. Usually, a crying boy would turn her off...but hey Noah did it, and it was hot.

Danielle shuffled closer and sat beside him. She was about a millisecond away from saying, "I'm so sorry for your loss," when he started talking.

"It's just hard," he sobbed, wiping his eyes and looking down at his lap, "Half the school looks down at me with these worried, pity-filled eyes, and the other half thinks I should be over it. My parents are basically going through some kind of crisis, and I just wish she was here, mostly." His body shook when he cried,and he leaned over and cupped his face in his palms.

"I know.." she whispered to him and gulped, "Wh-" she started saying.

"You don't know anything," he barked, "I'm so sick of people pretending they understand. Stop trying to -"

This whole being cut off thing, was not really something that Danielle favored.

"Excuse me. I'm talking,"she thundered, trying not to smile after; at his shocked expression, "I know it's hard, because when my dad died.. I went through the same thing."

"Oh," he empathized, looking up at her, "I'm sorry. It's just..."

"It's okay, things will get better," she consoled, placing her arm on his shoulder and smiling at him.

"Thanks," he accepted, sitting up and leaning back on the staircase, "I'm Noah."

"Danielle," she introduced, sliding a strand of her hair behind her ear as she said it.

Noah was just about to ask her to stay, when the first bell rang, and she stood quickly.

"I have to go," she muttered, biting her lip-ring and blushing. Her cheeks were a rosy, red color, and the more she bit that lip-ring, the more he wanted to bite those lips.

"Um.. you can stay," he said, standing when she stood. He couldn't help himself.

"I can't," she sighed, stepping back nervously, "I really have to go."
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