

Ashley Khan headed towards the ladies bathroom, desperate from someone's consoling voice. She just hoped that he would pick up.

She locked herself in one of the stalls and sat up on the tank. Her fingers couldn't dial the familiar numbers fast enough, but as soon as she did, she shut her eyes and silently prayed he would answer.

"Hey. This is Brandon, you know what to do and when to do it," his voice rang on the other end of the phone. She hung up. This is what she got for having a high school graduate of a brother. She sat there, trying to figure out what her next move would be.

She couldn't go through the rest of the day alone.

Maybe if her and Mimi were nicer to the other people at their school, she would have had friends now.

But Mimi preferred to rule with an iron fist.

So much so, that sometimes Ashley felt that Mimi forgot that she wasn't actually a queen.

"Hey you okay in there?" someone asked on the other side of the stall door.

Ashley was about to murmur, "Flack off," when she remembered that she had no friends, "Yeah," she crooned instead, "I'm fine."

She stood up and opened to door, curious to see who this girl was.

Some chick in a lover grade. Ashley rolled her eyes and pushed the girl aside, "You can leave now," she threatened, heading towards the sink and washing her face.

She was searching her handbag for make-up, when the girl hurried out of the bathroom. She contemplated apologizing, but she had more important things to do.

Namely, finding friends.
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