

Mimi Miller stood impatiently, waiting for this person. This horrible, bitch of a person.

She sighed and looked down at her watch. It had been almost an hour now that she had been waiting. Was this person coming or not? Her feet were soar and her eyes were beginning to droop, but at least the rustling had stopped.

This was it. She was leaving. If this person thought that Mimi Miller would wait one more second in the cold early autumn air, he was mistaking. Mimi starting walking back to her house, quickly, she wanted to be out of here as soon as possible.

"Where are you going?" someone called her from behind. She knew this voice... Didn't she? Mimi turned around.

"W..What are you doing here?" she asked the girl, hoping that this wasn't the person who what been sending her these texts.

"Me?" the girl asked, stepping closer," what are you doing here? It's feezing out here and you're wearing boots and a mini skirt."
Mimi sighed, "I didn't really think this out..."

The girl came closer, smiling, "You have something I want?"

"What?" Mimi questioned..was Laura this person..?

Laura stepped closer and repeated...and Mimi just about had a heart attack.
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This is gonna be the last Mimi chapter for a while you guys. Sorry xx c:
Comments/Criticisms welcome.