
All the Small Things

Avery didn't leave my side tonight. I'm kind of glad he didn't. The loneliness would have attempted to attack me once again, and I would have succumbed to the tears I had been dreading.
I was exhausted; but I knew if I fell asleep, the death of my family would haunt me. The only thing worse than living in reality right now would be dreaming up the nightmares of the tragedy.
I was scared; I didn't know what was going to happen once my head hit the pillow and my eyes slipped shut and nor did I want to find out. I was somewhat content with talking to Avery into the wee hours of the morning.
At around two, Avery told me that we needed to get some sort of sleep. After all, we did have school in the morning. I was honestly dreading to see the faces I have yet to meet. I didn't want to meet them, but there was no way I was going back to my old school. I didn't want people to play the sympathy card. Having people feel sorry for me wasn't my thing. I didn't want to mourn over my losses yet; I was in denial until the moment Soph was buried alongside my parents.
I ended up falling asleep around three. Avery had been out cold for nearly an hour. The world of Dreamland greeted me with the sound of screaming and the breaks of the car. Only this time, it wasn't my family inside the vehicle. It was me. I couldn't get out, I couldn't move, and I surely couldn't talk or scream. Then I heard my mother's voice.
"Auden. Wake up. You're dreaming." Then I realized the voice didn't belong to my mother. It was Avery's. Slowly, my eyes slid open. A single tear slid down my cheek as I turned to face him.
He said nothing as he pulled me into his arms, and for the millionth time this past week, my tears slid down my cheeks.
When I realized it was time to get ready for school, I jumped into shower, hoping it would hide my swollen eyes. It helped; but anyone could tell I'd been crying.
This is not how I want to spend my first day in a new school.
Unfortunately, Aunt Crystal refused to acknowledge my puffy, red face.
Instead, she made me a hot cup of peppermint tea, to calm me down. I do admit it helped, and eventually the puffiness went down, along with the redness in my eyes.
But I still felt that the day ahead of me was going to be a long one, no doubt. As we were walking out the door, Avery tossed me a banana.
Aunt Crystal was already in the car waiting for us. Usually, Avery drove himself, but since it was my first day of school, Aunt Crystal had insisted on driving us and picking us up.
"Okay Auden, after we get your schedule made, Avery will show you around campus. Sound good?"
Don't get me wrong, I love Aunt Crystal, but she seriously needs to learn to calm down.
"Sounds fine, I guess," I replied, unemotionally.
After arriving, we went straight to the office and filled out my registration forms. The only sound in the office was the clicking of keyboards and the pen scribbling its way accross the papers.
Once we were finished, and I was officially a student here, we made my schedule, only to realize that the only class I had with Avery was lunch.
This was going to suck.
Avery stayed true to his promise and showed me where my classes were, but as soon as first bell rang, I was lost all over again.
I made it to first period in time, but the moment I entered the classroom, all eyes were on me. I froze in place, staring at my newly printed schedule.
"Auden?" The teacher asked me.
I nodded, and she smiled at me kindly. Then she pointed at an empty desk in the back of the classroom next to a boy who was either drawing, or writing something down in his notebook. I took my seat quietly, and yet all eyes seemed to turn towards me and stay on me all period. Except his.
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Who is he? :D