Status: I really love this story and don't care if you do or not

The New Khaleesi

chapter one

My mother screaming she has the blood of the dragon in her but birth is not fire. Her blood cannot stop her pain. Her nurse maides run in and out trying to get water and fresh towels.The Khal sits in front of the tent waiting for his "son" or so he thought. Then I came out of the tent and I remeber even as a newborn he looked displeased. As I grew I learned to fight and to win in battle. I like my soul father the Kahl before my father never lost not even to him. As I grew I started to look more like a daughter of the dragons. There was only one diffrence between my mother and I, our age. That didn't stop people who didnt know us from confusing us. Which I didn't like but she loved.
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comments please i would like to know if its worth writing